
Free at last, free at last, thank god all mighty....


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
I am done paying off my truck! :D :thumb:

Just tooting my own horn. Title should arrive in about 6 or so weeks.

Just had to share....I have had my truck for 4 years and I plan on keeping it for another 4-6 unless something happens outside the norm.

I wonder what I can do with my monthly truck payment.....:think: :D Oh yeah get married and be an adult. Dang! :D


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
MMike said:
...or pay for truck repairs........
My truck has been pretty good....reliability wise. I was driving around a 13yo pick up before this one....and I beat that poor little truck up.

I need a new windshield and brakes could be replaced now. SMall stuff that are normal. Same things I would have had to do if I was still paying on it. :)

I am not like many folk who as soon as they pay off a rig get a new one only to jump into debt....I figure if I keep her and don't abuse her I am looking at another 5-6 yrs. without payments.

If you work on your own car it is much cheaper than a new one or paying a mechanic to do it on the old one.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
toughguymagee said:
Congrats Kev. Its nice to know that you own your vehicle. Just think about all of the money you paid for it and how it continues to go down in value...good times! :thumb:
Vehicles are definately not a "good investment"


the biggest hit in car value lost is in the initial years regardless of what the books tell you. You roll off that lot and take a hit. Now I am in the trucks golden years where the "value lost" slows and I no longer have to make monthly payments.

I looked long and hard but found people still wanted dealer lot prices for their 20,000+ mile rigs when I decided to buy my truck. I knew I would take a hit but I didn't like the idea for paying for someone to use the first 20,000 miles of thier rig. Plus I know what my truck has been through....I can't say the same for the ones out on the lot. Some of those things sure shine up nice but have been abused way to early in their life.

Everything aside, I now have sole posession of my truck and can even drop my car insurance level some...saving more money....after some repairs (window front bumper etc) ;)

You never save money by buying a new car....


Turbo Monkey
Jul 1, 2004
First things first.
If you Drive a Toyota Truck, Dont Worry. It will run for years...

1. Find a chick thats into riding. If you don't you will regret it. TRUST ME.
2. Find a chick thats into riding. If you don't you will regret it. TRUST ME.
3. either before or after you find a chick thats into riding...

Start Finding new things (Upgrades) that you want for your Bike.

Unless you drive a ford. Then save your money and plan for a new truck in the near future...LOL :p


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
bpatterson6 said:
Unless you drive a ford. Then save your money and plan for a new truck in the near future...LOL :p
He drives a dodge. Even worse. :p

I couldn't get a loan for my "new" truck so I paid cash. (Too old) It stings a lot more when you take that much out of the bank but it feels good not to owe anybody any money.

Now the trick is to put the extra money away each month and then when it comes to buy another truck, you won't need a loan. You crunch numbers for a living, right? You should know better than to pay interest. :nope:


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
bpatterson6 said:
First things first.
If you Drive a Toyota Truck, Dont Worry. It will run for years...

1. Find a chick thats into riding. If you don't you will regret it. TRUST ME.
2. Find a chick thats into riding. If you don't you will regret it. TRUST ME.
3. either before or after you find a chick thats into riding...

Start Finding new things (Upgrades) that you want for your Bike.

Unless you drive a ford. Then save your money and plan for a new truck in the near future...LOL :p
:think: :p

I drive a '00 Dodge Dakota and have seen enough POS Toyota's to know that is not a stead fast rule. ;)

1. Engaged to a Horse riding, rockclimbing, swimming, recreational XC MTBr
2. She is a Massuse. ;)
3. I just don't spend stuff on my MTB unless I need them...if something is newer and shiny I normally pass on it until I do need it (something breaks or wears out)

:D I will get a few more years out of this rig....she does need a wax again....:)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 1, 2004
Toyota's only become POS after about 1,000,000 Miles.
I saw one in that condition. American made vehicles dont even have
a prayer of making it that long. I have had 4 Toyota Trucks
and all I ever had to do was put gas in it, Change the oil
and new brakes. Only reason I ever got rid of one was either
because some DA woman rear ended me or I was upgrading
to a better Model. Hence now I drive the "Tacoma Limited"
Double cab 4wd.
Good Luck with the dodge hope you dont need a new transmission.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
bpatterson6 said:
Toyota's only become POS after about 1,000,000 Miles.
I saw one in that condition. American made vehicles dont even have
a prayer of making it that long. I have had 4 Toyota Trucks
and all I ever had to do was put gas in it, Change the oil
and new brakes. Only reason I ever got rid of one was either
because some DA woman rear ended me or I was upgrading
to a better Model. Hence now I drive the "Tacoma Limited"
Double cab 4wd.
Good Luck with the dodge hope you dont need a new transmission.
It isn't magic...Toyotas wil fall apart without maintenance also. Knew plenty of kids in college with Toyota's in the 120,000 mile range that were burning oil, rattling, and breaking down, shorting, etc.

The Toyota mystical BS is about as laughable as the Honda dirt bike stigma. Oh they are that much better....well if you treat them right yeah. They are not some mystical beast that is impurvious to break downs or failures. It is cool that your rigs have been realiable. You rcurent truck sounds :thumb:-up!

I have seen and dabbled in my buddies rigs in college enough to know they simply are machines....nice machines, but machines the same.

Now if we were to talk about Hyundai's from the late 80's......:sneaky: tin can rattle city....falling apart messes they were.

I have a manual tranny if that makes much of a difference....:) any things to watch out for on my rig that you have heard of? *taking deap breath* 2000 Dodge Dakota Sport club cab 2wd 3.9L V6 5sp manual....Electric blue...*exhales with very little to spare* .....whew.......


Sep 6, 2001
Tacoma, WA
Hmmm. I guess I always have to disagree.

Wife who does not ride…..check (I like it that way)

Ford Pickup……check. 140,000 miles on it with no problems, does not burn any oil, still gets 19-21 MPG. I have never done anything except tunes ups, oil changes and tires on it. Aside from some aftermarket tweaks….

Kevin – congrats on the pay off. We just paid off our Honda a month or so ago. Then some beeyotch was nice enough to ram me the other day and almost total it.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
brock said:
Hmmm. I guess I always have to disagree.

Wife who does not ride…..check (I like it that way)

Ford Pickup……check. 140,000 miles on it with no problems, does not burn any oil, still gets 19-21 MPG. I have never done anything except tunes ups, oil changes and tires on it. Aside from some aftermarket tweaks….

Kevin – congrats on the pay off. We just paid off our Honda a month or so ago. Then some beeyotch was nice enough to ram me the other day and almost total it.
That sucks! :eek:

Did you atleast slap her around before the cops got there? More importantly are you and your wife OK?

Haven't seen mcuh from you in awhile....seemed like last time I caught you, you were pretty involved with some skate parks being built and photog'ing them....simplistic summary I know.

The way this PNW :monkey:'s have been dropping I should ask if you are still in one piece! :)



Sep 6, 2001
Tacoma, WA
I should have smacked her around...

Yeah we are both OK. Thanks for asking.

I have been working a lot and skateboarding just about every day lately in between trips to Whistler. Basically keeping a low e-profile.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
bpatterson6 said:
Toyota's only become POS after about 1,000,000 Miles.
I saw one in that condition. American made vehicles dont even have
a prayer of making it that long. I have had 4 Toyota Trucks
and all I ever had to do was put gas in it, Change the oil
and new brakes. Only reason I ever got rid of one was either
because some DA woman rear ended me or I was upgrading
to a better Model. Hence now I drive the "Tacoma Limited"
Double cab 4wd.
Good Luck with the dodge hope you dont need a new transmission.
How about those Toyota v-6's... how long was the bottom end lasting on those? 50,000-60,000???? Oh what a feeling............