
free money


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
I was standing outside a bar last night, holding a parking place for my lady when I looked down and saw a $20.00 bill float by my feet. :D

I haven't made a score like that in years. Anyone else find cash lately?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
It wasn't exactly free money because it was mine to start with, but I pulled a pair of shorts out of the bottom of the pile this year and found $60 and a receipt that was two years old.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
It wasn't exactly free money because it was mine to start with, but I pulled a pair of shorts out of the bottom of the pile this year and found $60 and a receipt that was two years old.
This. I found a couple $100's in the pocket of a sport coat I hadn't worn in like 6 months. I was out with clients that night and thought I spent all of it, so I expensed it months before. That, is free money.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
This. I found a couple $100's in the pocket of a sport coat I hadn't worn in like 6 months. I was out with clients that night and thought I spent all of it, so I expensed it months before. That, is free money.
I can relate to this. Not because I carry around benjamin's, but because I also own a sports coat.

Also, #firstworldproblems


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
I once went up to an atm and a drunk frat boy staggered away. He shoulder bumped me and called me a fag. I got to the atm and it asked if I wanted another transaction. Yes, yes I do. Checking, Withdrawal, $200. No thanks I dont want another transaction. Remove card, break it in half and leave on sidewalk.

Go back inside bar, buy all your friends drinks, hell buy the drunk frat boy one too.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I found a nickel and 2 (yes 2!) dimes at the laundrymat a while back. I turned it into a quarter and invested in to the dryer for the win!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 2, 2007
Found a J. Crew giftcard in the gym parking lot. Checked it when I got home, $30 cha-ching!


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Had $250 in cash that I thought I took in my wallet to Disney World with me from selling a set of wheels. When I got home, about a week later, I found the cash in the pocket of the shorts I was going to wear to Disney but left in the drawer.

Immediately called I9 and ordered new wheels (well, blem hubs & spokes).:thumb:

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I found the ATM card of former MLB pitcher Ricky Bottalico in my apartment parking lot. Not sure what the hell it was doing there. Seemed kind of odd. He's from that town so I can't imagine it was another Ricky Bottalico. I just returned it to the bank. Fvcking Phillies.


Jun 26, 2007
Found a wallet half way down a run at Wolf Creek. Over $1,700 in cash. Checked the license and the dude lived in our town. Bought lunch for me and my buddies, filled the gas tank for the drive home, returned the wallet and the rest of the cash. Dude was stoked. I know...I know...saintly.


Nam I am
from another post

Yesterday I we were out riding , and toward the end I found a a wallet torn to hell witgh a Bunch of teeth marks in it, License , credit cards , Health Insurance , and about $100 ( 2 $20, 1$50, and a Bunch of $1 ) in very torn Bills.

I got home I tried to look him , up but he must be unlisted . So I took every thing down to the Police station and let them handle it . I thought about keepingthe cash, but choose to bring it all to the Police.



back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
I stuff $10 or $20 bills in my camelback before longer rides, but rarely remember to pull out the unused cash. So every few months or so I end up with around $100 or so of accumulated random bills in there.


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
A buddy and I actually found a bunch of money, probably close to $60 on the trail at Northstar. Looked like someone had left a pocket open because there was a trail of bills. Bought drinks for the boys.