
Free Wheelin Bob Dylan


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Changleen said:
Actually I think you guys just showed you've been suckered into thinking a sell-out opportunist is actually cool.
so how did you infer that i think mr zimmerman is "cool"?

for whomever was asking about bob, sink yr teeth into "visions of johanna". if you don't like that, then maybe you can borrow some Warrant from BrianHCM or some Kelly Clarkson from Changleen. i bet robdamanii could also set you up w/ some 4th generation bootlegs of axl rose crying into his cornflakes.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
narlus said:
so how did you infer that i think mr zimmerman is "cool"?

for whomever was asking about bob, sink yr teeth into "visions of johanna". if you don't like that, then maybe you can borrow some Warrant from BrianHCM or some Kelly Clarkson from Changleen. i bet robdamanii could also set you up w/ some 4th generation bootlegs of axl rose crying into his cornflakes.
Who the **** is Kelly Clarkson?


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
what am i, google? DIY you lazy sod.

btw, as you are deep in kiwi land, i've got a few holes in my flying nun discography, as well as as the onset/offset label. be on the lookout for me if you don't mind.

and don't tell me you've not heard of them either.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
narlus said:
so how did you infer that i think mr zimmerman is "cool"?

for whomever was asking about bob, sink yr teeth into "visions of johanna". if you don't like that, then maybe you can borrow some Warrant from BrianHCM or some Kelly Clarkson from Changleen. i bet robdamanii could also set you up w/ some 4th generation bootlegs of axl rose crying into his cornflakes.
I will wager my left testicle that Slash is a greater guitarist than Bobby boy.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
like i said about primus, i could give a flying goddamn about technical prowess. and i own a primus record or two (btw, Brain's drumming on the 1st praxis cd is probably the best stuff he's done, but it's also hard to go wrong w/ bernie worrell, buckethead and bootsy).

when dylan needed a guitar player, he hired robbie robertson.

btw, stosh could use a teste.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Some of these comparisons are really stupid, you are talking about completely different genres.

Does Lance ride better than Ali boxed?

Does a shark swim better than a leapord runs?


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
narlus said:
the problem is when people start talking out their a$$ about how the leopard runs.
Yeah I hear that. But you also need to figure out if you're talking about influence, relevence, chops, stage show, groupies, do-rag, or what?

I mean, "Jerry Was a Race Car Driver" has more technical chops than "Like a Rolling Stone" but I don't think many would argue which one was more influential on society...wait, strike that, I forgot that people here will argue ANYTHING. :evil:

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
robdamanii said:
I don't happen to care to listen to him. I don't like his style. Is that so hard for people to understand? If I want to listen to a Dylan, I will listen to his kid.
personally no problem with it. it's when people try to undermine the accomplishments of true artists that i have a problem.
like him, dont whatever it up to you.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
The Toninator said:
personally no problem with it. it's when people try to undermine the accomplishments of true artists that i have a problem.
like him, dont whatever it up to you.
I never once said he wasn't influential. I know very well that he was a very influential personality in the timeline of music development.

He just doesn't happen to fit my description of music I enjoy listening to.


bluebug32 said:
Music is one of those topics that's so silly to argue about because everyone's ears like something different.

Refer to my signature....
Oh God - I hope rum raisin doesn't get a hold of this. :think:
Aug 8, 2005
robdamanii said:
I will wager my left testicle that Slash is a greater guitarist than Bobby boy.
You should compare apples to apples. To Dylan the guitar is the tool of a composer rather than a rip out machine. It might as well be a piano.

Now if you were to suggest a guitar solo battle between Bob Dylan and Elvis Costello, then I would accept that comparison.

As for Slash being a "great guitarist" - I don't agree. I'd rate him one notch below Gary Richrath of REO Speedwagon fame. They both play mainly recycled Chuck Berry riffs and blues trills but at least Richrath had balls, even though his band was gay.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Alaa Abdelnaby said:
You should compare apples to apples. To Dylan the guitar is the tool of a composer rather than a rip out machine. It might as well be a piano.

Now if you were to suggest a guitar solo battle between Bob Dylan and Elvis Costello, then I would accept that comparison.

As for Slash being a "great guitarist" - I don't agree. I'd rate him one notch below Gary Richrath of REO Speedwagon fame. They both play mainly recycled Chuck Berry riffs and blues trills but at least Richrath had balls, even though his band was gay.
If you say you listen to hardcore metal I'm going to laugh and point at you.
Aug 8, 2005
robdamanii said:
If you say you listen to hardcore metal I'm going to laugh and point at you.
So you have to listen to "HARD CORE METAL" to know what makes a good guitar player ? Bah.

I got news for ya - In a lot of cases the fingers might be moving fast but what's coming out the the amp is CRAP.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Alaa Abdelnaby said:
So you have to listen to "HARD CORE METAL" to know what makes a good guitar player ? Bah.

I got news for ya - In a lot of cases the fingers might be moving fast but what's coming out the the amp is CRAP.
Yeah, sure. Next you're going to tell me that Page sucks, and Clapton sucks. Credit where credit is due.

And your comment about "Recycled Chuck Berry riffs"...take a music theory class you dope. ALL musicians take their inspiration from other musicians; the industry is RIFE with "borrowing" of ideas, and then modifying them just enough to be different. It doesn't change the fact that he is a hell of a talented guitarist.
Aug 8, 2005
robdamanii said:
Yeah, sure. Next you're going to tell me that Page sucks, and Clapton sucks. Credit where credit is due.
If you think Jimmy Page and Eric Clapton are metal guitarists then you're the dope, dope.

You seem to bill yourself as a hot shot guitar player - are you past the Smoke On The Water stage ?


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Alaa Abdelnaby said:
If you think Jimmy Page and Eric Clapton are metal guitarists then you're the dope, dope.

You seem to bill yourself as a hot shot guitar player - are you past the Smoke On The Water stage ?
Resulting to personal shots is the marque of a witless man.

I never said Page and Clapton were metal you tool. I claimed they were great guitarists. If you're too stupid to differentiate, then you need your overinflated head examined.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
actually, clapton's a load of pap. this was proven countless times over those flaccid lps he produced in the 80s and 90s. too bad he wasn't in the copter when it went down, instead of SRV.

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
robdamanii said:
I never once said he wasn't influential. I know very well that he was a very influential personality in the timeline of music development.

He just doesn't happen to fit my description of music I enjoy listening to.
Ok. i'm not the one arguing with you.


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
narlus said:
actually, clapton's a load of pap. this was proven countless times over those flaccid lps he produced in the 80s and 90s. too bad he wasn't in the copter when it went down, instead of SRV.

woah, dude. That's kind of harsh. While I'd do anything to have some new SRV blues licks, can't we throw some more insipid artists in the burning copter first (Britney, Kid Rock, Hanson etc.) before we sacrifice Clapton? And if he must go, then I get first dibs on the Strat. ;)


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
kid rock's living a dream (not mine, btw). hanson was a bizarre pop phenomenon and those are notoriously difficult to predict, define or defend.

throw britney into a test missile.

clapton stopped being interesting the moment he stopped hanging out w/ jack bruce and ginger baker.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
narlus said:
i dig 'em too, esp when manned by robyn hitchcock:

and to bring this thread back around (kind of), a certain dylan's been known to use one:

No kidding Jacob uses a telecaster. However, he does not make the same kind of music as Bob.

I happen to like Clapton. I happen to like GnR, AC/DC, etc etc. I don't like Bob. That's my personal opinion. Like it or hate it, that's my opinion.