
Freeride on the front range


Jul 17, 2003
Golden, CO
dahwee said:
New to the area, are there any technical (man made type obstacles) park type trails in vicinity of Colorado Springs and Denver?
Not really. There's a few things that are on some private property, but on the main trails... no.

However, Keystone, Vail, and Breckinridge have stunts. Why not go to N. Shore?


Jun 30, 2006
Colorado (front range)
This thread is from 2004. Did this park ever get built?


Freeride Park - Colorado Springs (Getting closer!)


On behalf of Medicine Wheel:

On this coming Saturday morning, Medicine Wheel is sponsoring a cleanup in Red Rock Canyon Park, as part of our sponsoring of the new dedicated freeride area in the park.

This will be a great opportunity to come check out the park, look at where the freeride area is going to be, and to help get that new project off the ground. The freeride are is going to be an exciting addition to our riding in town, with the opportunity to build and ride North Shore style stunts, technical challenges, a skills park for beginners, and even the possibility of large drops (how about 20 feet?). So come check it out!

The cleanup will start at the main parking lot at 9:00 am, Saturday, December 4th. Get to the park by driving west on highway 24, past 31st street, then making the next left off of the highway at Ridge Road. You will see the lot in front of you to the left.

We need to show the city our dedication and support of the opportunity that they have given us in this new park, so please try to show up.

Thanks again for all your support of Medicine Wheel.