
Freezing my butt off


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
every time i work out really hard and sweat a lot, after i cool down and shower and get dressed, i am cold for the rest of the day. very cold. like in the summer i am wearing jackets and sweaaters. it is very annoying, as i am sensitive to the cold anyway. i have had some people tell me that it is from dehydration. UNPOSSIBLE i say because i drink plenty of water daily. does anyone know what could be causing this?


trail builder
Jun 17, 2002
Calgary AB
I kinda have the same deal...mine never lasted all day though, only an hour or two...im a pretty hefty guy so Im usually hot rather than cold. I found that the hotter the shower after the workout, the colder I was after getting dry and such. Especially if I hit the steam room or sauna..then I just freeze my ass off. I now start with a warm shower and slowly turn it cold. (<-also known as the Ancient Indian Secret...to be used on passed out people) People have told me that its dehydration too....maybe..read on...

One thing that I have noticed about gulping lots of water is that if I dont eat something that at least has some sodium in it, the water just fires right through me..no matter how much Ive sweated during the workout, all the water that I drink heads straight for the bladder..which basically leaves me dehydrated..i.e no water retention. If I throw a tiny bit of salt im my water (not so much that it yucky) I never have the problem..

just my thoughts


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
i might add that about 2 years ago i lost about 80 pounds. since then i have been more bothered by the cold. my insulation is gone.

One thing that I have noticed about gulping lots of water is that if I dont eat something that at least has some sodium in it, the water just fires right through me..no matter how much Ive sweated during the workout, all the water that I drink heads straight for the bladder..which basically leaves me dehydrated..i.e no water retention.
i usually keep my sodium intake at a good level because, well, i love salt. but when i work out i loose A LOT of salt. in the summer i am covered with a film of salt after a ride or a run. i have to keep that in mind.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I've never heard ot that before. Weird. I am the opposite way, especially if I do cardio in the morning. My heart rate stays up longer and I am very warm for hours after the workout.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Originally posted by I Are Baboon
I've never heard ot that before. Weird. I am the opposite way, especially if I do cardio in the morning. My heart rate stays up longer and I am very warm for hours after the workout.
I am also sweaty for hours after a workout. Maybe it is just a male female thing. Seems to me that women always seem to be colder than men.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
well it depends i'm usaully warm for the rest fo the day but say i go on a 3+ hour ride and i'm totally physically drained of energy like no glycongen left i'm very cold. Usaully for me workouts under 3 hours wouldn't make me cold instead they'de make me warmer but if you really tire yoursefl out you'll be cold.
Like you see marathon runners get those thermal blankets after their race to keep them from getting cold.
Atleast thats what i think.