
fresh urban bike porn!!!!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
Been holding onto a 2001 KHS Bitch frame for about a year now.....it had never been used. I couldn't stand it no longer and had to build it up. Special thanks to Mr.Tiles and Booger for all the help getting her together. I finally have an urban specific bike!! :D :dancing:

Here she is along side my FR2000 :thumb:

And here's the whole damn family......even the red headed step-child :drool:


Jun 10, 2002
it's gotta be a pain in the ass getting that wheel off the uni with HS33.

purdy cool stable you've got there.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
the Inbred said:
it's gotta be a pain in the ass getting that wheel off the uni with HS33.
You have two choices.........completely deflate the tire or remove one of the slave cylinders... Since I only run about 18psi I usually just deflate the tire. :thumb:


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
sorry to rain on the parade, but i think the bitch is the ugliest frameset i've seen for a while. however, aesthetics won't keep you from enjoying it while riding, so have fun.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
narlus said:
sorry to rain on the parade, but i think the bitch is the ugliest frameset i've seen for a while..
I love it......the uglier the better!! :heart:

SirChomps-a-Lot said:
Here is my prediction for the future:

you---> :nuts: <--- that bike
Seeing that I've only been riding FS for the last 3 years I think you are correct sir :dead:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
escapeartist said:
Those valve caps are awesome. You know your from the South when you have bowling pin valve caps on you urban bike
good eye! :dancing:

Opeth said:
It must be a bitch to pedal.
When I looked at the frame geometry before I had it built I was more that concerned that it was going to suck but it doesn't at all. It's super easy to pedal, body positioning feels comfortable, etc. Now I don't think I'd wanna take it on a trail ride over 7 miles or so........but it's not a trail bike anyhow. Putting the 24" on the back makes it feel very cruiser BMX'ish.........but I'm yet to ride it anywhere other than my driveway.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
I cant help it, but everytime i look at that frame i think about a kick to the :nuts:, I just dont understand why the decided to make the top tube actually rise to decrease standover...kind of insane in a market where we like to keep our boys actually safe. What is next metal spikes on the top tube of '06 khs lines to make it more "fetish metal core" :rolleyes:...to each his own


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
The Bitch has plenty of stand-over so it's not an issue......my FR2000 however does not but the bend in the top tube on it is not as drastic as the Bitch. I'm not sure what the point is in the bend in the top tube......it's effect on stand-over is minimal but that minimal measurement could save your nuts. The bend might have something to do with frame strength but I doubt it?? They likely did it b/c they thaught it looked cool....