
(Friday) Friday (Friday)

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Hey-oh!!! Good morning and good evening! Rode 12+ miles in Foxforough MA. An interesting ride. The first five miles were very easy, flat, and smooth, and I was all like "Ok, I can see I am going to have fresh legs when this ride ends." Then the next seven miles were rocks after rocks after rocks and it got to the point where I was like "Bruh I can't take this beating any more." Loose uphill rock gardens can fuck off. Fun ride though and it was nice seeing Quo Fan and BigT again. It's probably been at least five years since I saw them after they moved to VA. Splat had to skip our ride on account of needing a covid test...that nutball.

Rides planned tomorrow and Sunday too.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Just found a lizard in our house for the second time in a week. I should have tagged the little bugger in case it was the same one so I know to take it further away when I put them outside.

Although it's only 20freedums out there today, so it's probably not happy now.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Just found a lizard in our house for the second time in a week. I should have tagged the little bugger in case it was the same one so I know to take it further away when I put them outside.

Although it's only 20freedums out there today, so it's probably not happy now.
Next time keep him and name him ridemonkey


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

Hold my Coors.
Oh I know :D I lived in Aurora for 2-3 years and remember the predictable storms in the afternoon. Or the buzzing poles on the Mt Evans road... I forget the one place we camped, but one night we ended up inside of the thunder storm as is rolled through. Don't know if it was the weed or what, but thought for sure we were goners. :rofl:

Fack howd I end up back here?


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Oh I know :D I lived in Aurora for 2-3 years and remember the predictable storms in the afternoon. Or the buzzing poles on the Mt Evans road... I forget the one place we camped, but one night we ended up inside of the thunder storm as is rolled through. Don't know if it was the weed or what, but thought for sure we were goners. :rofl:

Fack howd I end up back here?
Cause you lived in Aurora?


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
In RMNP? In the summer? :rofl:

We pretty much quit going up there in the summer over a decade ago... which is a shame, because it's a spectacular place.
those reservation passes made it more of a joke than normal...

i drove past kenosha when i was there....mobbed.....both sides of the road...i wanted to see if there was any color further back....all the leaves were gone along side the road....


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
@mykel did you get any of this CRAZY lightning? The sky was glowing blue here, looked like it was on fire.
We had a really good thunderstorm complete with sideways rain. Got to unload my bike in it. Yay. Lighting was intense, very long lived strikes. Super white, almost blue in colour. The colour reminded me of watching the 93 Superstorm coming in over Tampa Bay. Nowhere near the lightning density, but the colour and long duration were similar.

Unfortunately no burning sky here.
