You should kill them. In the FACE.Goddammit, needed brake pads. Went to LBS. They didn't have 'em, so they ordered them. Picked them up today, came home, looked at them, resin, not metallic.
Minus ten points and forty bucks to me for not specifying and minus ten points to LBS for not asking.
Who,? What? The brake pads? Me?You should kill them. In the FACE.
The bike shop, they should have known resin wouldn't do. It their job.Who,? What? The brake pads? Me?
Which reminds me. Need to order brake pads.Goddammit, needed brake pads. Went to LBS. They didn't have 'em, so they ordered them. Picked them up today, came home, looked at them, resin, not metallic.
Minus ten points and forty bucks to me for not specifying and minus ten points to LBS for not asking.
Specify type in order.Which reminds me. Need to order brake pads.
4 out of 5 people who wanted to be doctors recommend trying it now.Goddammit, needed brake pads. Went to LBS. They didn't have 'em, so they ordered them. Picked them up today, came home, looked at them, resin, not metallic.
Minus ten points and forty bucks to me for not specifying and minus ten points to LBS for not asking.
Yes it's the bite they like.I am guessing dentists prefer resins?
So I am moving into an
Yes it's the bite they like.