
**Friday GMT - 'bout time Friday got here**

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Another Friday arrives, and yet again I am forced to pick up Greyhound's slack. Such is the way of the monkey.

This week went by very slowly. Tomorrow morning me and wifey head to Orlando for a week. HOORAY!! Naturally I'll need to leave work early today to celebrate.

So what's on tap for the weekend, yo?


Nam I am

Another Friday , unfortunatly I will be working way late tonight shutting down all the systems in our data center , then I get to spned the next 2 days ( read Saturday and Sunday ) bringing them back on line. this will be the 2nd weekend in a row Where I will have worked both days .

LAst night had a Great Ride see ride reports . but I ham sore , I had a Hard Crash , where I speared my Self with my Handle Bar right in the gut, just barely missed Mr Happy , althoguh I thonk I may have bruised my left Nut in the process , so I am walking very gingerly today.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
. Tomorrow morning me and wifey head to Orlando for a week. HOORAY!! Naturally I'll need to leave work early today to celebrate.
fvckin slacker.

what's in orlando besides the beach and the smell of old people?

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
Morning monkeys!

Well, I'm sitting in the office, posting on the monkey. That means the boss is out. My duties for today were up in the air, but since no inspections came in, I'm going to watch stuff blow up.

Tonight, I'm heading to Hyannis for a karate weekend. Tomorrow will be a full day of sitting around listening to masters talk about how to be a better instructor. Sunday, I have a private lesson with a 9th degree master. :banana:


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are

I'm working from the home office command center (living room) and listening to the financial reports ... I need a f'in drink. I want all the taxes I've paid in my lifetime back.

Killer ride yesterday. We had so much rain last week I can't believe trails were even rideable but aside from a few damp spots and VERY slick roots and rocks all was good. On one trail that you can absolutely RAIL through I managed to drift my front tire, panic, overcorrect and hit a tree head on. Remember kids, don't tighten those brake levers clamps too tight! No real damage to me or the bike.

Narlus, that looks like a great lineup! I assume your shooting the event?

Weekend plans: meh. Road ride, mtb ride, eat drink sleep. I'm working all next weekend on a project for work so I need to double up on me-time this weekend.


Mar 31, 2006
Living the dream.
I'm on vacation next week. I'm starting early today with a liquid lunch. Next week I'll be without internet access all week so try not to miss me too much. I'm heading to Bromont a week from Saturday, hope to see a couple of monkeys there who said they might show. Just look for the jersey. Cheers all!


Turbo Monkey
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana
Good Morning,

I am setting at my desk looking on rm. . . its going to be a good day. My financee is moving in next weekend from CA. So this weekend I dont know what to do, since its my last weekend on my own. . .ideas?


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Morning. Good night last night. Wifey is home from her business trip, so night was....uhhhh.....eventful? ;)

Tonight I gotta pack for this weekend and the tomorrow I'm off for the Finger Lakes Triathlon. Can't wait to see how I do as this will be my first "full" triathlon since 1989. :)