
@$#Friderp GMT#$@


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Dear lord, so glad it is Friday. Mom's moving from the independent care facility to the assisted facility across the parking lot next weekend. Not sure if driving down to help or not yet, I need to fix my car because I don't want a rental.


Dec 1, 2016
Not where I wanna be
235 this morning (from 250 7 weeks ago)/205.
I'd like to get down to 250 lol. Ex-powerlifter and rugby prop, I'm a big dude. Gave up rugby, too many groin pulls, last one made my nuts hurt for a month. I figure I'm not playing rugby any more, I don't need to be 275, started dropping weight a few weeks ago, 260something now, Thanksgiving didn't help.

Let's just say I'm not the most efficient climber.


Dec 1, 2016
Not where I wanna be
Lose it you slackers:D This Time last year I was 275. I'm at 198 these days :dance:
I'm working on it, it's not all fat, that's the hard part, lol. I was 275 @ 14% bmi, I dropped about 10. I'll probably have to stop lifting heavy to get sub-250, I'm still squatting 615 every week (among other various ridiculously heavy lifts). Not great for cycling!


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Sitting at 255 here planning on getting back to 230. Lots of snow hikes planned, possibly getting into xc skiing if we can find a deal, lots of xc riding in store once spring hits.
With all that said lil man woke up at 0630 this morning screaming, has not gone back to sleep yet so tonight's shift will be a long one unless I can get him to take some kind of a nap soon.
All deer are cut and mostly packaged, first buck yielded about 40 pounds of burger, second buck(wife's) and my last doe yielded 49 pounds of trim for grinding according to the food scale. need to decide by Monday what to do with it, do not think I need over 100pounds of burger for the year so I was thinking using twenty pounds and making snack sticks.

Started getting box's together as well, start packing the town house up on Monday to move into the real house


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
I'm at 220. I'd be happy with 210, and able to keep up to my buddies at 200. But I'm too tired to put the necessary work in to get down there right now. I'm hoping my youngest gets his act together and starts sleeping through the night more regularly. then I'll be good. hopefully over the winter. he shows signs of brilliance every now and again.

That said, I haven't been below 200 since I was 16. Since university, I've been hovering between 210 and 215. So I'm not too fussed at 220, which is what I told my Dr at my first annual checkup. I'm active: I bike to work, I ride 2x/week, in the winter I xc ski/fatbike/telemark, so my health is fine... I figure I'll just ride out the young kids/sleep deprivation storm, while dreaming about a bike that will make me faster and more stylish!


Dec 1, 2016
Not where I wanna be
Yeah I'm with you. I hit 200 at 15. Always been bigger than most, stronger than most. Played sports most of my life, raced MTB's in the early/mid 90's and rode a ton of BMX street, vert, park. Started playing rugby and powerlifting and bam, put on like 35lbs lol.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I'm at 220. I'd be happy with 210, and able to keep up to my buddies at 200. But I'm too tired to put the necessary work in to get down there right now. I'm hoping my youngest gets his act together and starts sleeping through the night more regularly. then I'll be good. hopefully over the winter. he shows signs of brilliance every now and again.

That said, I haven't been below 200 since I was 16. Since university, I've been hovering between 210 and 215. So I'm not too fussed at 220, which is what I told my Dr at my first annual checkup. I'm active: I bike to work, I ride 2x/week, in the winter I xc ski/fatbike/telemark, so my health is fine... I figure I'll just ride out the young kids/sleep deprivation storm, while dreaming about a bike that will make me faster and more stylish!
how old is your youngest?

i was down to about 190 as little as 5 years ago, but my beer consumption is upand riding time is down now that i have a kid


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Just turned two November 7th. His terrible twos flipped on like a light switch. Usually wakes up at 0830, gets out of bed and plays for another hour or two before he wakes me up, but I do believe he is going through a big growth spurt and feeling growing pains.
gotcha, my dude is about 20 months and is starting his tantrums. still a solid sleep though, normal bedtime is 730, wakes up about 630, with a 2 hours nap after lunch. we were pretty spoiled because he started sleeping through the night somewhere around 7 or 8 weeks old.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Starting to feel a lot like shed:30.

I really do like my boss as she leaves me alone to do my job. But sometimes she tries to understand what it is I do and I think it makes her head hurt. She still can't seem to grasp the idea that the "lab" I built in our virtual environment isn't a place you can walk into and see. :rofl:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
how old is your youngest?

i was down to about 190 as little as 5 years ago, but my beer consumption is upand riding time is down now that i have a kid
Almost 4. We've been gifted with terrible sleepers though. My oldest (just turned 6), didn't consistently sleep through the night until well into his 4s. Now he's a solid sleeper though. My youngest had been sleeping through the night all last winter, but something happened over the summer, and now he's up at least a couple of times a night. At least it's my wife he wants, I simply won't do. What sucks is that I wake up before she does....
Last edited:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Almost 4. We've been gifted with terrible sleepers thought. My oldest (just turned 6), didn't consistently sleep through the night until well into his 4s. Now he's a solid sleeper though. My youngest had been sleeping through the night all last winter, but something happened over the summer, and now he's up at least a couple of times a night. At least it's my wife he wants, I simply won't do. What sucks is that I wake up before she does....
see my post above. my son was sleeping through the night by 2 months. i'm waiting for the other shoe to drop


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Starting to feel a lot like shed:30.

I really do like my boss as she leaves me alone to do my job. But sometimes she tries to understand what it is I do and I think it makes her head hurt. She still can't seem to grasp the idea that the "lab" I built in our virtual environment isn't a place you can walk into and see. :rofl:
sometime you should fuck with her and pretend you're from the matrix.

better yet, have a colleague dress up like neo, and say he's from the virtual lab.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
sometime you should fuck with her and pretend you're from the matrix.

better yet, have a colleague dress up like neo, and say he's from the virtual lab.
Here is the main issue and what I feel is the biggest part of the problem. My team owns a room on the 1st floor that has a sign on the door that says "Systems Integration Lab". Its a room, with no windows and really good AC. Years ago (at least 3, I haven't been here a year yet) it used to be used to test desktop applications. There USED TO BE about 30 desktops (hence the really good AC) to do that with. But about 2 years ago 90% of what was being tested was virtual, so you didn't need 30 desktops to test things with. I have been told it was a good place to hide back in the day because the door is card key locked and not everyone has access. Plus there is good AC and no windows.

But now it is used mainly for meetings and some occasional hiding to get work done. But there aren't huge servers in there. There is a sh!t ton of network cabling to hook up about 100 machines, but there is also a dedicated wireless router that sure beats having to be plugged in. I got rid of all the 4+ year old desktops that were in there unused and cleaned up the joint. We joked about hanging some posters up or something geeky, but nobody cares enough to do it.

So when I talk about a lab environment, I am talking about a spot in "the cloud". She thinks I'm talking about the room on the 1st floor.



Dec 1, 2016
Not where I wanna be
Starting to feel a lot like shed:30.

I really do like my boss as she leaves me alone to do my job. But sometimes she tries to understand what it is I do and I think it makes her head hurt. She still can't seem to grasp the idea that the "lab" I built in our virtual environment isn't a place you can walk into and see. :rofl:
Hahah! I do IT Architecture in the financial industry (ie: we buy everything, development is some fictional thing we've never heard of, overlap is good!)

I know exactly how you feel, I was trying to explain as-a-service architecture to a room full of people and got a lot of blank stares.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Hahah! I do IT Architecture in the financial industry (ie: we buy everything, development is some fictional thing we've never heard of, overlap is good!)

I know exactly how you feel, I was trying to explain as-a-service architecture to a room full of people and got a lot of blank stares.
I'm still waiting for the fly through OS I keep seeing in the movies.



Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Jackson still sleeps through the night and if I worked a day shift life would be grand. He has been sleeping through the night since about two weeks, just his sleep time now is usually 2030 to 0830-0900. This past week and a half he is showing all the signs of a growth spurt, extra sleepy, extra whiney about small things extra clumsy, and eating eating eating. Very much taking up the family lines this one, at two years old 3t's are getting snug, he is already 35 inches tall and sitting at 33 pounds. Extremely blond, very blue eyes, and just gleams the Scandavian and Norwegian genetics from both myself and the wife. He is not chunky at all and it's funny watching him do his little sit ups. He takes his shirt off and does his abs and I just laugh. He also climbs the refrigerator handles but cannot figure out how to get down. He climbs the vertical le ladders at the park no problem, rocks a swing solo, rides his balance bike all over.
The sleep blessing for me is on Fridays and Mondays he usually knows he gets to play while I sleep on the couch. Usually works on his puzzles for two or three hours before he wakes me up to tell me he is hungry.

For some stupid reason we are talking about making another one.... What the hell is wrong with me


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
I'm still waiting for the fly through OS I keep seeing in the movies.

Careful what you wish for, one day you will find a way to make this happen, then to help with your work you will write a clone program that will one day turn on you. The clone program with then start taking over other programs and modify them for its own purpose with the intention of escaping from the virtual OS and escaping into the real world forcing you into hiding within the virtual OS, giving up everything you have ever known, leaving you with one option of re absorbing the clone resulting in the loss of your own life.....


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I used to wrestle at 135 lbs. Let that sink in, y'all.

(I wasn't slow at climbing back then, either. I think these things may be correlated.)


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
at two years old 3t's are getting snug, he is already 35 inches tall and sitting at 33 pounds.
dude. my kid outgrew 3T shirts a while ago. 20 months. 36.5 lbs, i wanna say around 36" tall. his shirts are mostly 5T these days. pants are mostly 4T, he can still fit into some 3T pants that are cut wider.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I used to wrestle at 135 lbs. Let that sink in, y'all.

(I wasn't slow at climbing back then, either. I think these things may be correlated.)
I was 174 when I went to boot camp. I had 6 months to break 170 because I was 164 when I signed up for the Navy. I'm 6'4" (6'3" now, I think, old age shrinkage)

I haven't been below 205 in 25 years. :rofl:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
So you are saying you made a lil Viking child as well?
he's a big dude for sure. lotta fun though. the one thing that did suck about it is that when he was under 1, he was already too big some certain things (like a jumparoo) before he was developmentally ready for it.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
I'm back from a pretty decent ride. A few sloppy spots, lotsa leaves, lotsa slippery roots, lotsa fun. Technical shirt + new Fox Dawn Patrol jacket == the tittays for upper 40s even with wind.

For those complaining about cloud, you should see some of the stuff I have to deal with - enterprise like SDLC, dev & QA in AWS, UAT and production in Verizon cloud... :dead: cheap organizations are the worst.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
he's a big dude for sure. lotta fun though. the one thing that did suck about it is that when he was under 1, he was already too big some certain things (like a jumparoo) before he was developmentally ready for it.
Yeah that's the tough part here as well, we go out with friends and their kids and they have to explain that even though Jackson is big he is half their age and can't understand everything like they can.

Our next goal is expanding his communication abilities to help the frustrations he has now and get through these terrible twos


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Yeah that's the tough part here as well, we go out with friends and their kids and they have to explain that even though Jackson is big he is half their age and can't understand everything like they can.

Our next goal is expanding his communication abilities to help the frustrations he has now and get through these terrible twos
yea, we have a neighbor with a some who is a little over 3, my boy is close to his size.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
it's snowing ...
I'll still be up at White Ranch tomorrow. Sub-freezing at 8:30 or so will mean a nice crusty layer of snow to ride upon. :D Since this is my last ride before crabonz I'm going to drop way down to below 20 psi, too.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Weight, gentlemen, is a feminine issue. STFU.


For those complaining about cloud, you should see some of the stuff I have to deal with - enterprise like SDLC, dev & QA in AWS, UAT and production in Verizon cloud... :dead: cheap organizations are the worst.
All organizations are cheap.

I'm trying to get ours to replace *4 FUCKING OLD-ASS TAPE LIBRARIES* with a single new one.

But, you know, capital outlays give them heartburn...

And don't get me started on the "you're still using tape?" discussion. :rant:


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Weight, gentlemen, is a feminine issue. STFU.


All organizations are cheap.

I'm trying to get ours to replace *4 FUCKING OLD-ASS TAPE LIBRARIES* with a single new one.

But, you know, capital outlays give them heartburn...

And don't get me started on the "you're still using tape?" discussion. :rant:
Well, thanks to this whole SOX issue, we are now gathering on average 2TB of data a week that needs to be stored for no less than 3 years. Right now they are scrambling to figure out where all this data will go. We have 200TB allocated for storage, but the 2TB average is only 18 of the 100+ systems that will eventually be monitored by the end of next year.

Can you put that on tape for us? :panic: