
Friend Arrested in Jamaica


Mar 12, 2002
I know his sounds like an urban myth...but unfortunatly it's a small town Dude who is too trusting.
My Friend is on his Honeymoon in Jamaica and he and his wife rent a tour guide for some mountain biking. Well this older Local (somewhat poor) shows them the goods...awesome riding, and they all hit it off very well. They rode all week, hit some bars, dinner with him and his wife,etc,etc.

Well the Guy and his wife ask him to take 2 beautiful hand carvings back to the states to mail to his 2 sons who are stateside. He explains shipping from Jamaica is very expensive,he is poor,etc,etc. (I know most of us see this coming from a mile away...but understand the trust built up..the guy played him and his wife all week).

My Buddy is busted leaving. Each Carving contains 1 pound of weed. Everything then happens very fast, They(Friend and his Wife) don't contact the embassy because the "officials" say they will do it (According to the Vienna Convention they must contact the Embassy of any foreigner arrested). He gets a public defender who tells him to plead guilty because he will get off the hook....
He gets sentanced to 3 months. He is freaking out right now in a Jamaican prison.Everything is corrupt. Other prisoners are telling him that for $2000 he can get them out and they will in turn get him out..BS!

We got his wife contacts in the embassy and she was finally able to see him. I am sure money put in the right hands will get him out ASAP....but it is tough if you aren't there.

Please don't slam him for his naive ignorance, (I know he wouldn't risk losing his business back home for some ****ty brickweed) but if anybody has any contructive advice...bring it on!! I'm sure somebody must know somebody who has been through this Hell!



Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
You need to contact somebody of authority who is easily reachable...... A state Senator is very tough to get on the phone but try the gov. for his state or even a city mayor. The sooner this gets worked up the chain of politics the sooner it will be resolved. You could also contact the press if all else fails.

It's an unfortunate thing but if nothing else your buddy just learned a life lesson


Mar 12, 2002
I'm hoping it gets resolved quick enough that he'll be able to laugh it off at some point.
I think getting a lawyer who has been practicing in Jamaica long enough to know who gets the envelope is the quickest way. That angle is being worked right now.


Mar 12, 2002
Echo said:
He better have a squeaky clean record in the states or nobody will buy his story...
He does. Owns his own business and some commercial buildings in town.He is a great landlord. He is just young and naive about people. But he is a solid hard working Guy.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
loco said:
Always the optimist.... :rolleyes:
Always the asshat :rolleyes:

I'm just saying that no politician is gonna go running to the aid of some dude who got nabbed trying to smuggle drugs out of Jamaica with a story about how a local asked him to mail these statues to their kids (I'm sure nobody ever tried that excuse before) if that person has a drug record in the states. Use your brain.


Echo said:
Always the asshat :rolleyes:

I'm just saying that no politician is gonna go running to the aid of some dude who got nabbed trying to smuggle drugs out of Jamaica with a story about how a local asked him to mail these statues to their kids (I'm sure nobody ever tried that excuse before) if that person has a drug record in the states. Use your brain.
Let me be funny damnit. It was funny. I see your point, and my suggestion of carpet bombing seems like the way to go. I did use my brain. :nuts:

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
Echo said:
Always the asshat :rolleyes:

I'm just saying that no politician is gonna go running to the aid of some dude who got nabbed trying to smuggle drugs out of Jamaica with a story about how a local asked him to mail these statues to their kids (I'm sure nobody ever tried that excuse before) if that person has a drug record in the states. Use your brain.
Echo, if you keep up with all these logical answers I'm gonna have complain to RM. Don't make me do it! :angry:


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
Man that sucks...I'm sorry to hear it.

First the guy tells him to mail these things, and he believes him and says okay.
Then the Gov. over there says don't worry we'll call the embassy, and he believes him and say okay.
Finally the lawyer says plead guilty and you will be freed, and he some how believes him and says okay.
Man what a mess. This guy will probaly never believe anyone ever again.

Sure he's a great landlord. The people probably say I promise I'll pay you next week, and he believes and says okay.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
I hate to say it, but your friend is an idiot and he's lucky he got busted in Jamaica and not the US where the penalty would be much more severe. If your friend is capable of reading, his US passport holds all the info he needed to avoid this problem.

"Foreign Laws: Remember, while in a foreign country, you are subject it its laws...."

"Drugs: Do not carry packages abroad for strangers. Penalties for possession, even unknowingly, or trafficing in illegal drugs, even unknowingly, are strict and convicted offenders can expect jail sentances and heavy fines"

The Geneva Convention applies to times of war. I don't think the War on Drugs counts.


dan-o said:
The Geneva Convention applies to times of war. I don't think the War on Drugs counts.
Carpet bombing is looking more and more like the answer. He can invoke Geneva Convenion rights if we do that.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
loco said:
Carpet bombing is looking more and more like the answer. He can invoke Geneva Convenion rights if we do that.
...only if you promise to be clinging to Bomb #1 as it plummets towards the earth...


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
loco said:
Carpet bombing is looking more and more like the answer. He can invoke Geneva Convenion rights if we do that.
Good plan but first someone needs to throw a 1+lb beautiful, handcarved statue through the window of a US government building to justify the airstrike as self-defense.


Mar 12, 2002
"If you are arrested, local authorities are required to notify the U.S. Embassy pursuant to the Vienna Convention."

Vienna, Geneva....they're close..my bad
Thanks for all the useful comments :rolleyes:


Oct 8, 2003
Seattle, WA
He's seems awfully naive for a businessman, but I'm sorry to hear about his situation. If the U.S. government can't get him out, it seems like a bribe might be a very good idea, and probably a lot faster. Of course, I'll be the first to say I don't know what I'm talking about, as I've never been imprisoned in Jamaica.


Nov 14, 2002
Bay Area
A buddy of mine got pullled over by the cops down in Baja, Mexico. They found a roach in the ashtray and off to jail he went and stayed for about 2 weeks. The get him out of jail and get his pickup truck back ended up costing $15,000.00. You need a local attorney who knows whose hands to grease.

I'm willing to bet Jamaica works about the same way. Good luck!