
Friggin' Nissan...



So - the Xterra went in on April 10th to have a new steering box put in. Two days later they told me it was back ordered. I had gotten a rental, but I still like to have my own stuff. Well - finally the part was supposed to have shipped on 4/21. I called to check on it yesterday and today, still no part. It is now on restriction. I am irritated that they don't used expedited shipping, but mostly irritated that they can't fu*king call to tell you that your part is now on "restriction", whatever that means. I just want my friggin' car back.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
loco said:
I called to check on it yesterday and today, still no part. It is now on restriction. I am irritated that they don't used expedited shipping, but mostly irritated that they can't fu*king call to tell you that your part is now on "restriction", whatever that means.
They took away the part's allowance and it has to come home right after school and do homework?


reflux said:
Look on the bright side, you could have golgi's car...
I don't know what that means. I thought it was his lawn mower giving him sh*t. Does he drive his mower???


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
H8R said:
They took away the part's allowance and it has to come home right after school and do homework?

Back when I was a kid we called that "grounded." Kids of today - getting all uppity and using big words like "restriction" What is this world coming to?


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
It's always a pain when things like this happen. Although, you have to look on the bright side; at least they gave you a rental car. When I had problems with my GM product, the dealer said they couldn't give me a rental car. According to Chevy, they will only give a customer a rental car if the repairs take longer than 3 days, but not if it will take 3 days to get the parts--didn't make any sense to me either...


blt2ride said:
It's always a pain when things like this happen. Although, you have to look on the bright side; at least they gave you a rental car. When I had problems with my GM product, the dealer said they couldn't give me a rental car. According to Chevy, they will only give a customer a rental car if the repairs take longer than 3 days, but not if it will take 3 days to get the parts--didn't make any sense to me either...
When they tell me the rental is my responsibility, I am kicking someone's ass. They said they would pay for 5 days initially. I asked last week and they said not to worry. I don't understand the lack of professionalism. That is what kills me. I can't wait to get the survey to fill out. I still need to do the one from when I had warranty and they f*cked me for over $350. I should get that check when I pick the truck up. Oh wait - I don't f*cking know when that might be.

Hey stinky - you suck. Go home and hug your mom and write letters to your old cell mate.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
loco said:
I don't know what that means. I thought it was his lawn mower giving him sh*t. Does he drive his mower???
Some time back he was having mad problems with the crap his dealership was feeding him. I don't remember exactly what the issue was about, but I know it was a huge pita. If dealership problems were injuries, yours would be a papercut while golgi's would have been a severed limb.


stinkyboy said:
I made a change to a new shop didn't I? What's your plan of attack? Filling out the survey? How are we doing?

I plan to not buy another Nissan. That's the best I've got for now.


reflux said:
Some time back he was having mad problems with the crap his dealership was feeding him. I don't remember exactly what the issue was about, but I know it was a huge pita. If dealership problems were injuries, yours would be a papercut while golgi's would have been a severed limb.
Really - not having your own vehicle that you are making a f*cking payment on is a huge pita. I forgot my gloves and my clothes to ride Sunday, since I was worried about all the crap that I usually have in my truck.


Wumpus said:
Susan must have put you on on call block.:rofl:
It was your cell phone, pecker meat. You telling me you are so dumb Susan has to program your cell phone??? :D


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
loco said:
Really - not having your own vehicle that you are making a f*cking payment on is a huge pita. I forgot my gloves and my clothes to ride Sunday, since I was worried about all the crap that I usually have in my truck.
You speak true. The best of luck to you.


The biggest deal is that when I asked why this hasn't been escalated. The answer was "call 8oo-nissan1 and they will open a ticket and have our rep contact you". F*ck you - why did I buy through a dealer and not straight from Nissan if I have to handle my own f*cking issues??? This has gone way past bullsh*t. When they got word the part was restricted or whatever, a simple phone call would have helped diffuse the situation, but instead they waited for me to initiate all dialogue and are irritated that I get upset. I was over them f*cking me on the warranty stuff before, even though they didn't tell me 10 days ago that my check for the $350 they shouldn't have charged in the first place was ready. The service at this place is awful. I am so livid I can't see. Jesus Christ these people suck balls.

I plan to escalate it all to Nissan, down to them charging me for warranty stuff, even after I asked if it was covered, but they were too lazy to look. :redhot:


May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
here is a suggestion before you stroke out...call another dealer. It is highly unlikely that this is a Nissan issue it is probably a sh!tty dealership issue. I forget where you are in Tx but I would call a dealer in San Antonio and find out if they have the part and have the vehicle towed at the current dealerships expense. Get Nissan Corporate involved. I use to work for a Saab/VW/Nissan Dealer and there customer service in the service dept was Crappy it had nothing to do with corporate.


So the dealership is blaming corporate and corporate is blaming the dealership for not knowing anything. I was told by one corp person the part would deliver tomorrow. Another said I can't say and be wrong. I asked why not, that hasn't been an issue thus far. I just want my f*cking car back.

Stosh - can I loan this thing to you so I can get something besides a Nissan. Carbon Fetish - can you borrow my car???

SCREW Nissan. :mumble:


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I would so disaprove of this thread if I could...

j/k :D That continues to suck, hope they get it done some day.


jimmydean said:
I would so disaprove of this thread if I could...

j/k :D That continues to suck, hope they get it done some day.
Some asshole did. I hope their car breaks down. :mad:


Best they can tell me is I should have a part by May 10th. Should and might have been their key words. I can't get the manager of the dealership to call me back, nor a person that can give a definitive answer from Nissan to call either. This is truly the last Nissan and I plan to learn webpages so I can make 50 "nissan sucks" sites. This is honestly the most frustrated I have ever been with a service group. I have remained patient, only noting my displeasure without ranting. I am about to change that. I did tell the lady when she said "Ronnie (who is manager of the dealership) got your message and will call you IF he gets time." I noted he NEEDS to get time and it needs to really be at my convenience this time. This is such bullsh*t.


So I finally talked to Nissan and was told that I would have my part by May 10th. May f*cking 10th. That is 30 days. :mumble: They conceded that they screwed up and would pay the rental. Gee - how considerate. After being told they couldn't tell me anything, I screamed enough to speak with management. His best answer was that they were already accomodating me and would pay the rental. He cited that they are only obligated to pay for 5 days, under contract. He also informed me on 3 occasions that if I took issue with their policy, they would be glad to meet me in a legal venue. I got pissed he threatened to not pay the rental. I pointed out that the call was recorded and if he didn't pay the rental because he couldn't ensure my future dedication to Nissan that I would see him in court. He quickly understood that it was likely not too good of an idea to make offers and then come up with something as petty as me not being loyal to Nissan to take it away. We actually ended on a good note, once he understood that he can't kick me in the balls and get away with it. I sarcastically TAUGHT him to not ask people to sue the company. :think: I still don't have a car, but I have some people's attention and this guy's direct line and cell phone number. They have until Friday, or you will be able to visit lots of bad sites about Nissan. I will never own another. This has been truly ridiculous.


All of you f*ckheads that think it's no big deal should not have your own Goddamned car for 3 1/2 weeks. I can't use a bike rack, other than a board with bike tights. I had to buy a Hurricane mount to use that, and it's crappy at best. I mean the mount, not the adapter. That thing is pretty cool. It sucks that I have made one full payment on a vehicle that I haven't been able to drive. I don't want a rental. I want my car. I wish I had an H3 Hummer instead.