


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Went to sleep early to get extra sleep. Proceeded to wake up the same amount early. Giddy.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
got up early, did the stationary thing.

off to work to burn another day and then back to home. crazy.

my stupid rack parts have actually shipped, so that's good.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

It would appear our compassionate plan of releasing the mice in the spring hath backfired. One of the captured rodents was pregnant, and we woke up to a litter of mice. At least they are contained? :rofl:


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Bon matin les chimpanzés!

Septic system is 100% installed, landscaping around all done. Foundation hole done also. Just need to carry out two truckloads of forest crap and that will be all until spring. Right on time since there is a foot of snow incoming Saturday.



year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
I had hoped there was time for a bike ride as the trails are frozen over but no show so it's like a paved highway in the woods currently. Still below freezing tomorrow so I get a chance to enjoy dry fast trails tomorrow.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
People are driving like the assholes that they are this morning. Had two cars blow past me at 70+ in a 50 zone using the left turn lane, blow through the red light and merge back into the through traffic lanes then lock it up when a car ahead merged left to pass a truck. nearly a demolition derby. Break time YAY


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
bought some surprisingly in-stock parts for the new to me bike build, plus swapped bottom brackets, freehub, and cassette on the nomad. did not have a seal driver for the hope pro4 but a metal water bottle had a nice lip just the right size...

gonna work a bit and then go pick up the new car at 3:30.

grey here, s'posed to drizzle a bit later...then sunny for a while.

now get out there and grab friday by the horns and show it who's boss, yo!

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Heya fellas LOLOL!!! Three day weekend coming up. I rolled my fat lazy ass out of bed early and climbed onto the KICKR while half asleep and pedaled for an hour. I've been watching The Hobbit trilogy during my last few workouts and I like it a lot (halfway through). I don't get why so many people said the movies are a pile of shit.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Heya fellas LOLOL!!! Three day weekend coming up. I rolled my fat lazy ass out of bed early and climbed onto the KICKR while half asleep and pedaled for an hour. I've been watching The Hobbit trilogy during my last few workouts and I like it a lot (halfway through). I don't get why so many people said the movies are a pile of shit.
You use TrainerRoad, right? How do you like it? How do you use it? I'm currently working through various platforms for use with the KICKR Snap I acquired. So far, I've given Rouvy and BKOOL a pretty good shakedown, and tried to use Golden Cheetah (open source desktop app) but it kept crashing. Trying to decide what to try next. Zwift is def on the list, and probably Sufferfest. I don't know much about TrainerRoad. And Training Peaks is probably in play as well?

Do we have a thread for this already?
Heya fellas LOLOL!!! Three day weekend coming up. I rolled my fat lazy ass out of bed early and climbed onto the KICKR while half asleep and pedaled for an hour. I've been watching The Hobbit trilogy during my last few workouts and I like it a lot (halfway through). I don't get why so many people said the movies are a pile of shit.
The Hobbit series is one of the few things I might willingly watch again.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
You use TrainerRoad, right? How do you like it? How do you use it? I'm currently working through various platforms for use with the KICKR Snap I acquired. So far, I've given Rouvy and BKOOL a pretty good shakedown, and tried to use Golden Cheetah (open source desktop app) but it kept crashing. Trying to decide what to try next. Zwift is def on the list, and probably Sufferfest. I don't know much about TrainerRoad. And Training Peaks is probably in play as well?

Do we have a thread for this already?
I use TrainerRoad just for the workouts but I don't follow any of their plans. I do the workouts my triathlon coach tells me to do (basically he is my training plan). I like the KICKR/TrainerRoad set up a lot, as indoor biking goes. I like that with the KICKR, I don't have to target any speed or watts, since the device sets the power and I just need to pedal. I don't need the social aspect that Zwift provides...I just want to work out while having a movie or show on. I've doing a lot of hard workouts lately and have been suffering. Good stuff. All of that being said, most of my workouts are 60 minutes because that's about where my indoor cycling tolerance maxes out, although occasionally I'll do a 90 minute workout. A couple of times I've gone beyond that and it is mentally difficult for me.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Guys out West, thank you for the wind. Had to counter steer the entire way to work on the freeway this morning, that was fun.

Had my one on one end of year performance review meeting thing yesterday with the boss. Received an overall great score/review and he said that I have managerial qualities. I lol'd and said ok. I'm good with guiding our younger team members, but I already told our HR director a few years ago, that no I don't ever want to be considered for a "manager" role.

I also finally received the last Christmas gift for the lady friend. A custom printed blanket with our pets faces splattered across them. But they sent us the wrong persons blanket ugh, so now I have this blanket with someone's ugly dogs on them (they really aren't ugly). If I had facebook I would try and find this person, the printing company left a barcode tag on the blanket bag with their full name on it. I sent the company a support email, but of course got a canned auto reply of "sorry we're dealing with thousands of emails right now, we'll respond when we can". Okay....

Anyways, its Friday, lets get this work shit done and get on with the weekends and some good beers and bikes.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
the third one is the one where they took, shall we say, more "creative liberties" compared to the book.
I read the book once and it was so long ago that I honestly don't remember what happens. I did have fun last night reading a couple of articles on what the modern day cash value of Smaug's hoard would be worth.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
I use TrainerRoad just for the workouts but I don't follow any of their plans. I do the workouts my triathlon coach tells me to do (basically he is my training plan). I like the KICKR/TrainerRoad set up a lot, as indoor biking goes. I like that with the KICKR, I don't have to target any speed or watts, since the device sets the power and I just need to pedal. I don't need the social aspect that Zwift provides...I just want to work out while having a movie or show on. I've doing a lot of hard workouts lately and have been suffering. Good stuff. All of that being said, most of my workouts are 60 minutes because that's about where my indoor cycling tolerance maxes out, although occasionally I'll do a 90 minute workout. A couple of times I've gone beyond that and it is mentally difficult for me.
So do you pay for TrainerRoad, to basically not use any of their plans? Or does your tri coach basically figure out your plan, then use the workouts provided by TR to implement? I think I've read that there's a 'free' version of Training Peaks that will control your smart trainer, and use whatever workout you create or upload to do so. This is another option I am considering... getting a 'plan' from an actual human trainer person, then implementing it using a free or low cost app to control the trainer's resistance. That's what Golden Cheetah is supposed to do, but I think the OS on my computer might be too old to run it. Another question: do you keep an eye on a TR screen to know when resistance changes are coming up? Do you ever change gears on the bike?

EDIT: no judgement if you're paying for TR and not really using much of what they offer, and really just using it as a KICKR control device. I'm just trying to figure out how all this works. Seems like there should be some software that one can program a workout in, and then control the trainer with, so you don't have to dick around with changing resistance while pedaling.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Ugh, slept like crap, small brush fire across town combined with hot dry wind had my allergies all pissed off, woke up late and didn't have time for espresso. Have zoom meetings all day, merde.

On the up side, refi loan docs are officially signed, longest loan process ever, but it's done. Now, what to spend the monthly savings on...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
the third one is the one where they took, shall we say, more "creative liberties" compared to the book.
Yeah - turning what was a short-ish chapter in a short-ish book into an entire movie was... aggressive. That said, I'm pretty sure @I Are Baboon is entertained by action, and the 3rd movie does have that.

<snip> Now, what to spend the monthly savings on...
Paying off your mortgage. ;)

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
So do you pay for TrainerRoad, to basically not use any of their plans? Or does your tri coach basically figure out your plan, then use the workouts provided by TR to implement? I think I've read that there's a 'free' version of Training Peaks that will control your smart trainer, and use whatever workout you create or upload to do so. This is another option I am considering... getting a 'plan' from an actual human trainer person, then implementing it using a free or low cost app to control the trainer's resistance. That's what Golden Cheetah is supposed to do, but I think the OS on my computer might be too old to run it. Another question: do you keep an eye on a TR screen to know when resistance changes are coming up? Do you ever change gears on the bike?

EDIT: no judgement if you're paying for TR and not really using much of what they offer, and really just using it as a KICKR control device. I'm just trying to figure out how all this works. Seems like there should be some software that one can program a workout in, and then control the trainer with, so you don't have to dick around with changing resistance while pedaling.
I use TrainerRoad strictly for the workouts, although my coach assigns those workouts for me because that is the platform I use, plus my bike workouts need to be balanced with my running, which TrainerRoad won't do. He knows TrainerRoad well. It's cheap...$129/year. You're correct though that all I use it for are the workouts and controlling the smart trainer. I use the phone app, which I keep right next to me. I am constantly glancing at the screen to see what's coming up. I want to know when my effort is about to change.

I forgot to mention Training Peaks. I have a free account just for scheduling. I have my Garmin and TrainerRoad activities push out to Training Peaks when completed. I am not aware of Training Peaks being able to control the smart trainer, although admittedly I have not looked into that. I always assumed Training Peaks was more for scheduling and tracking your training.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Seems like there should be some software that one can program a workout in, and then control the trainer with, so you don't have to dick around with changing resistance while pedaling.
You should start a new thread somewhere :)

I've never tried it, but I think you can essentially achieve this with your Garmin computer via the Garmin Connect website.

Pick a training plan from the website and I think you can upload this to your Garmin, then your Garmin linked to the trainer will control the resistance etc.

What you won't have is something up the screen to watch.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
I keep thinking about getting serious about getting a training program, but all this nonsense just seems so freakin' complicated. Training peaks, Trainerroad, Garmin's workout programs, goldencheetah...yeesh.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Started an indoor trainer thread: