

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I keep thinking about getting serious about getting a training program, but all this nonsense just seems so freakin' complicated. Training peaks, Trainerroad, Garmin's workout programs, goldencheetah...yeesh.
Of course, you don't need all of that fancy mumbo jumbo. I started training for my first Ironman using a spin bike in the winter. "Pedal five minutes hard, two minutes easy, repeat, etc."


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Thanks for the comment, and I know if I train intelligently I'll get where I want regardless... I just feel like I'm missing out on a layer of intelligence by just doing random spin classes when I feel like it.

Granted, I suppose I'm doing this for fitness and health benefits rather than training for an ironman or something!


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Never read any of them and I was a prolific reader growing up as a kid. Somehow I don't think I'd even heard of them until the films came out.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
You've never read *any* of Tolkien's books? :confused:

I, like the ancient old fossil, have read them multiple times - I think I've gone through the LOTR series at least 5 times over the last 40 years...
Same, in two languages here. I still consider the Tolkien's work to be some of the most beautiful written English.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
You've never read *any* of Tolkien's books? :confused:

I, like the ancient old fossil, have read them multiple times - I think I've gone through the LOTR series at least 5 times over the last 40 years...

The other series was Narnia, I have gone through it a few times.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
You've never read *any* of Tolkien's books? :confused:

I, like the ancient old fossil, have read them multiple times - I think I've gone through the LOTR series at least 5 times over the last 40 years...

Loved them as a kid. As an adult I was really disappointed. The plot to every Tolkien story can be summarized with "A detailed development of character to the point where the protagonists find themselves in a real pickle where another character mysteriously shows up to save the day without any real explanation or plot development"
Last edited:


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Not so fun fact - LOTR was on a list of forbidden books during socialism because of Mordor == allegory of Soviet Union, according to the bolsheviks.

The daily newspaper "The Red Justice" printed this amazing review of LOTR in 1977:
TL&DR; Mordor == soviet block, Orcs == proletariat, Gandalf == chief propagandist of the evil West, Saruman == defender of the opressed. Welcome to socialism!
Jde o další útok proti socialistickému zřízení. Říše zla, z níž se valí popel a dým, je průhledně umístěna na východě, obrazem dělnické třídy, která jednotná v potu tváře buduje těžký průmysl, mají být odporní a zlí skřeti. Samozřejmě, že synáček z buržoazní rodiny nemůže vidět na těžké práci nic krásného a povznášejícího. Obyvatelé západu – zemí oplývajících mlékem a strdím – elfové (neboli aristokracie), lidé (buržoazie) a hobiti (statkáři) žijí naopak v blahobytu (aniž je vysvětleno, odkud jej získávají, a jediné, co je trápí, je „hrozba“ z východu. „Síly dobra“ zde představuje sbírka představitelů těchto reakčních kruhů, jejichž ruce se nikdy nedotkly pořádné práce. Jejich vůdcem je Gandalf, šiřitel zpátečnické ideologie, s jejíž pomocí udržuje obyvatelstvo v nevědomosti a strachu před pokrokem. (…)
Není pak divu, že Saruman, zastánce utlačovaných a přítel pokroku, je prohlášen za zrádce, a jeho sídlo je zničeno bojůvkou fanatických zpátečníků. Když pak šíří socialismus v Kraji, je chycen a bez soudu potrestán hobity, podporovanými a placenými kapitalistickou mocností Gondorem. (…)
Ale socialismus se naštěstí nedá zničit hozením jakékoli své relikvie, i té nejposvátnější, do ohně. Drž se Mordore, obklíčený nepřátelskými reakčními sousedy.”


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Not so fun fact - LOTR was on a list of forbidden books during socialism because of Mordor == allegory of Soviet Union, according to the bolsheviks.

The daily newspaper "The Red Justice" printed this amazing review of LOTR in 1977:
TL&DR; Mordor == soviet block, Orcs == proletariat, Gandalf == chief propagandist of the evil West, Saruman == defender of the opressed. Welcome to socialism!

That sure is something. But by definition that is not socialism. That is trying to control a population that was essentially under the control of an invasive force.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
That sure is something. But by definition that is not socialism. That is trying to control a population that was essentially under the control of an invasive force.
I am not quite sure I follow you as all my official documents from those times clearly say "Czechoslovak Socialistic Republic" but if you're suggesting that what is *sold* to people as socialism vs what gets actually *implemented* are two very different things, I could not agree more. :D

But of course, Murica is special so the outcomes will be different when it happens here. :rolleyes: