
From the first Red Bull Burner to the Chile Challenge


Oct 18, 2007
Sorry to bring this up here, but I wanted people to know that this is the last chance to get prints of photos captured by southwest photographer James Rickman for the following races:

2008 Angel Fire Burner
2009 Road Apple Rally
2009 Red Bull Burner
2009 Valley of the Sun Stage Race
2009 Alien Run Mountain Bike Race (remember Travis Brown's beard? He had that Jim Morrison—LA Woman vibe going on)
2009 La Tierra Torture short track (remember the rains?)
2009 Twelve Hours of Mesa Verde
2009 Chile Challenge
2009 Frazer Mountain Madness hill climb (two world records smashed!)
2009 Pajarito Punishment (including shots from the event's inaugural downhill race)
2010 Valley of the Sun Stage Race
2010 Tour de Socorro Omnium
2010 Valles Caldera Double Cross Brevet
2010 La Tierra Torture cross country race (a blizzard at the starting line)
2010 Frazer Mountain Madness XC (was it wet enough for you?)

Check out the galleries here.

February 28 will be your last chance to get your hands on these images. Once the photos go into the archives, they won't be available again.

Someday you'll be older and grayer and wishing that you had a keepsake from your glory days, or someday you may want to prove to your kids that you weren't always so lame. Photos keep those glory days alive and give the kids something to laugh at. Memories fade, but photos don't.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and again please accept my apologies for breaking in on the forums—I simply realize that I've kicked myself for not getting photos myself when they were available.
