
frozen snowshoe trails are awesome!


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
The snow was too crappy to go for an xc ski on last night; no fresh snow and a thaw-freeze cycle turned the snow to cement. So my buddies and I decided to break out our bikes and ride one of our favourite trails that is used as a snowshoe trail in the winter. The snowshoers have packed in down and the recent cold has made it nice and hard. It was awesome. A little more work on the up caus' of of extra rolling resistance from the snow (kinda like riding in really hard sand), but soooo sweet on the down. It was kinda like a mini A-line type of feel. Fast, smooth and groomed. Only thing is, you don't want to go off the packed down snowshoe trail caus' that spells instant endo! Can't wait to do it again!


Jul 24, 2009
Sounds a lot like when i ride snowmobile tracks, its just super fun riding in snow drifting around and when you bin it it dosent hurt a bit.