


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
The Fruita Family Weekend happened again this past weekend. Good time was had by all. Everybody drove out at various times on Friday and by midnight :dead: the last couple had arrived.

Saturday morning Morryjg, Ascentrek, Rob and myself shuttled The Ribbon in GJ. The Ribbon, as usual was great fun. And they've put up a bunch of those little yellow road things to mark the trail.

We grunted the bikes to the top of Ribbon Junction and then rode a short bit of Eagle's Wing before dropping to the Tabaguache Trail. A fast descent, including Widowmaker Hill brought us to the top of Holy Cross. Which was stellar. As usual. Got back to the truck at the bottom after the great singletrack and had a Titan IPA while waiting for the shuttle to be returned.

Sunday, after packing up, my family spent a couple hours by The River while I popped out to Loma to do a "quick" Horsethief Bench. Which was, again, fantastic. A bit rougher than I remember, but that might have been influenced by the *two* flats that I had. :mumble:

Picked up the fambly, drove home, and unpacked in the cold and rain.

No carnage this weekend......... although there was some near-carnage on Widowmaker Hill. :D


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
SkaredShtles said:
I'm fairly certain that no cameras were brought along, except the ones to take pictures of kids around the campground.

I've not gotten the guts to bring along my wife's D70 yet. :)
w/ the 350D as the primary camera now, i've gotten the OK to cart around the G2.

did you get that 50mm f/1.8 lens for the nikon yet? that thing's been my stalwart low-light lens for club shooting.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
narlus said:
w/ the 350D as the primary camera now, i've gotten the OK to cart around the G2.
I really should cart along my old Olympus, but it takes such crappy pictures. :)

did you get that 50mm f/1.8 lens for the nikon yet? that thing's been my stalwart low-light lens for club shooting.
Yep. Wife's been using it since she got it for our anniversary. I'm actually kind of thinking I should've gotten her the 35mm prime...... ah, well.


Oct 3, 2005
Fruita needs some help. I just got this IMBA alert and confirmed with Troy that the 18 Road parcels include many MTB trails...

"Dear Pete

We need your help to protect Fruita and Grand Junction Mountain bike trails.

A pending auction by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), scheduled for May 6, puts trails in jeopardy from oil and gas development. These trails are world-class and are enjoyed by riders from all 50 states and many other nations, as well as the local riding community.

Take action today. (Comments must be received by April 26.)

Your message will support the Colorado Plateau Mountain Bike Trail Association’s (COPMOBA) request to withdraw key parcels from BLM’s proposed May 6, 2006 lease auction.

By clicking on the link above, your message will be sent to Catherine Robertson, Field Manager, BLM Grand Junction, and Sally Wisely, Colorado BLM State Director.

Thanks for your support!"


Jul 17, 2003
Golden, CO
SkaredShtles said:
A bit rougher than I remember, but that might have been influenced by the *two* flats that I had. :mumble:

Picked up the fambly, drove home, and unpacked in the cold and rain.

No carnage this weekend......... although there was some near-carnage on Widowmaker Hill. :D
You had two more flats? You are the only one in the world that has pinch flats with 65lbs of pressure in the tire!

Regardless, the 'near carnage' was saved by his mad DH skiing skillz.
Almost out of control, I witness a sweet carving turn into nasty skree.... regardless, he pulls it out.... with an "ahhhhh man!"... "Pinch flat".

BTW, my body is still in shock with the 2 inches of snow on the ground :mumble:


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
You forgot to include the ride that Ascentrek, Mrs. Ascentrek and I pulled off Friday night. Mrs. Morry was nice enough to watch the kids while we did Horsethief Bench. It was late afternoon/early evening and perfect temperatures with no wind at all. Mrs. A had not ridden Horsethief before so we took our time and enjoyed the ride. We finished up the ride with a sprint down Mary's and then headed back to camp. We picked up my wife and the kids and headed over to FG's for some margaritas and a big plate of mexican food. :thumb:

Whoever laid out Horsethief is a trail genious. My eternal gratitude for opening up such a sweet trail!


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
Ascentrek said:
Does anyone have any pictures of the wind storm that kicked up in the campground?!
None here. I was too busy keeping the tent on the ground and trying to keep Hannah from eating rocks.