
fs100 vs kiniption


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Boise, Idaho
well im sick of the big huge somewhat heavy old school maxxis miracle tire rip off that im running out back and need/ want something SMOOTH for street and park riding. I managed to hunt down a tabletop that some kid bought in town and wanted something bigger and loving it so far. So should i take the ass raping and order the fs100 from chain reaction (emailed tioga usa called them 2x no love) or get a kiniption from here in the states. ps this is in 24x2.1

also anyone know the weight diff between the two?


Turbo Monkey
Oct 27, 2001
Avondale (Phoenix)
FS100 is lighter but not by much it is also slightly narrower, IMO little difference between the two.. about the same rolling resistance both are flat resistant enough (as a front tire)...


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Boise, Idaho
im trying to hunt down his buddy for ya and beat him up to steal it. skid row should be here either friday/sat/monday. ill be sure to weight it out before mounting it too


Apr 13, 2007
one world...
yeah, let us know about that skidrow.

Both of my 24in FS100's came in at around an average of ~705g, slightly heavier than listed I believe (unlike the Schwalbe TT which is about 30g lighter than listed on the box it came in!!), but a couple ounces lighter than the rear kiniption I was running on my eastern (and also 1oz heavier than my CompIII 2.125).
I'd agree with Leethal, both feel about the same in rolling, (only comparing running them out back and riding street).
It's kind of ironic, I mean how much in demand this tire is in the states, but here in Japan the FS100 is found on just about every cheap 24" cruiser you see out in the streets, more like a bulk order oem tire. I still like mine though, lot's of confidence on my hack hang-ups on ledges, haha. Tread seems to be lasting a bit longer than my Kiniption did too.

just for comparison, the 24" FS100 2.1 inflated to ~70psi, has a tread width of 54.1mm according to the ol' calipers, and my front Schwalbe TableTop 2.25 inflated to ~70psi has a tread width of 56.2mm. Not much difference in overall width surprisingly, but I think they compliment eachother very very well as front and rear. Sorry, I no longer have my kiniption to measure for comparison, but I remember it being somewhat of a fatty, with it being a kenda measured 2.3 (they have a tendency to under measure sometimes, but that's usually with knobbies) and I ran a DMR Moto rt 2.4 up front and they were somewhat close in size (Dmr = heavy!). hope that bit o' info can help.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Boise, Idaho
well im glad i got one then, according to everything i have googled and ridestreet.uk'd they are identical to the fs100's but just a softer compound. im glad its not going to be a pig and that it is rather small. I dont like big fat tires on street bikes just too many negatives that dont outweight the positives for me. But then you can have too small like the 1.85 holly rollers/ 1.9 kendas/etc etc that just feel plain out sketchy with high air pressure. I was just rummaging through my tire collection and found the 2 26 fs100's i got 3 years ago as protos from tioga good stuff. one has a hole in the sidewall that very well could have been a pinch flat, or a screw driver from my crazy as **** roomate at the time. the other is golden... might have to toss it on the back of the secret agent for winter park sessions.