


May 20, 2003
Manassas Va
Boycott fsa!
Like the thread says, boycott FSA. A little background on why I am so pissed off at FSA. First of all I have already gone round and round with FSA to try and get my situation resolved to no avail. They do not care! Here is the situation.

2 Months ago I sent in Two sets of cranks for warranty. One was a set of Gravity MOTO X cranks, that were bent/twisted..right arm..(I ride right foot forward) that I though I had a long shot in having warrantied, not because of how they bent but rather that they are not under warranty anymore (over a year old) And a set of Gravity Light's that were bent in the "exact" same way. Fast forward almost 2 months, I come to find out that they will NOT warranty the gravity light crankset but will warranty the MOTO X's. Keep in mind the gravity's are maybe 6-7months old. I ask the shop that I was warrantying them through why the moto's and not the lights? He was told that the Lights are for lighter riders and not meant for abuse! WTF? Seriously? So I told the shop whatever try and work something...no avail so I told them ok send the Moto X's along with my Bent Lights and I will ride them bent....still somewhat rideable just annoying. Shop says ok. I go by the shop today to pick up my cranks and to my surprise only the Moto's showed up...no lights. I ask the shop whats the deal, he said the original person he was talking to was fired and that Brian was the new guy, however he didnt know why they didnt send back my lights. So i walk outside and call up...(yes I know interbike is going on) surprisingly someone answers the phone, I ask for Brian in warranty/service....guess what hes not there...no not at interbike he has been let go! Awesome so now in the course of two months 2 diff. warrantee/service guys have been fired. I have the new FNG pull up my info to find out why my the lights were not warrantied and why they were not sent back. The only info he can find says not warranty-able. That is all it says...remember both cranks were bent the exact same way. I said alright whatever, why havent my old cranks been sent back.....the response I got was as follow's.....WE DESTROYED THEM!, what what do you mean you destroyed them....WE CUT ALL NON WARRANTY CRANKS IN HALF TO MAKE THEM UNUSEABLE! What the hell do you do that for...the cranks were bent but still able to be ridden....to this response and subsequent hanging up on me....SORRY THAT IS JUST THE RULE FROM FSA SORRY I COULDNT BE OF MORE HELP...click.

So like I said F FSA.....wish I could say I am sorry for the rant but I am not..this is complete BS at no time did anyone inform me that by trying to have my cranks warrantied that the old ones regardless of the outcome would be destoyed. Moral of the story...dont buy FSA/Gravity and if you do happen to have to warranty something make sure it is Facked beyond all recognition!


sportin' the CROCS
Nov 30, 2007
A) I don't think this belongs in the bad sellers/ scams department, sounds to me like you were dealing with someone before who was willing to be a bit of a bro and send back something to you against a company policy, the new guy that you dealt with was simply going by the book because I'm sure he didn't want to end up in the same boat as previous dude.
B) This is mountain biking, things break and they are not always replaced for free. Its just a part of the game. As I said in your lounge post you also have to realize that this is the most lawsuit happy country in the entire world, people will sue for anything and everything and lawyers happily take cases where corporations are involved and there is an obvious potential for them to make a buck or 100,000.


May 20, 2003
Manassas Va
I think you may have misunderstood. With the Moto X cranks there was no intentional hook up, they didnt ask when I bought them. And maybe you are right I did get a set of cranks warrantied that I didnt think would be and was just pissed that the ones that should have been warrantied were not. Thanks


Turbo Monkey
Jan 7, 2005
Neither pair of your cranks should have been warrantied as neither pair had a manufacturers defect. You bent them plain and simple. Next time don't buy bottom of the barrel parts (motos) or super light parts.

Take some responsibility (I know it is not the Americal way, but you can do it if you try)....


May 20, 2003
Manassas Va
You should delte this thread, like you did in the Lounge.

What they cut up were no longer YOUR cranks. You gave up the rights to them.
Explain to me how me asking a manufacture to give me an estimate as to whether something was broken do to defect or not was giving up my rights to them?

When you bring your car in for a problem that you think would be covered under warranty but they dont see it that way, you think they have the right to keep said part and leave you with an undriveable car? Doesnt make much sense to me...And I will delete this thread as well seeing as you guys do not value customer service as much as I do. FSA knows there is a problem with those cranks and that they are weak but do nothing to fix the problem! That is weak!


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Explain to me how me asking a manufacture to give me an estimate as to whether something was broken do to defect or not was giving up my rights to them?

When you bring your car in for a problem that you think would be covered under warranty but they dont see it that way, you think they have the right to keep said part and leave you with an undriveable car? Doesnt make much sense to me...And I will delete this thread as well seeing as you guys do not value customer service as much as I do. FSA knows there is a problem with those cranks and that they are weak but do nothing to fix the problem! That is weak!
Not our fault you don't get "how it works"


May 20, 2003
Manassas Va
and out of curiosity, in your opinion, how long should FSA hang onto scrap parts, just in case the user changes their mind?
They shouldnt....although if they had disclosed the fact that they destroyed them upon going through a warranty process then I would have only sent in the Moto X cranks and not the Gravitys which I need more. That is my real gripe. If they had told me when I got the RA number that this was a possiblity then these threads would have never been started. That is the problem.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 7, 2005
... FSA knows there is a problem with those cranks and that they are weak but do nothing to fix the problem! That is weak!
Please show me where FSA or anyone else makes claims about the strength or durability of their cranks. You bought one pair el' cheapo cranks, and one pair of the lightest 83mm bb cranks (XC weight) on the market. YOU mis-used or misunderstood the intended use of a product. That is YOUR fault.

Would you but XTR cranks for a DJ? How about a $250 comfort bike to DH on? Who's fault would it be if those products did not work as YOU mistakenly thought they should?

If your car scenario involved a potential danger, they would make you sign your life away 6 times before they released the vehicle back to you.

This is not an issue where the paint wore off, or you lost a bolt, you clearly were using the product beyond it's intended use. Returning the cranks to you so you could continue to abuse them and cause a catastrophic failure would be irresposible and most likely liable (in this country).

I would expect this kind or arguement from someone in their early teens...
Last edited:


May 20, 2003
Manassas Va
Please show me where FSA or anyone else makes claims about the strength or durability of their cranks. You bought one pair el' cheapo cranks, and one pair of the lightest 83mm bb cranks (XC weight) on the market. YOU mis-used or misunderstood the intended use of a product. That is YOUR fault.

Would you but XTR cranks for a DJ? How about a $250 comfort bike to DH on? Who's fault would it be if those products did not work as YOU mistakenly thought they should?

I would expect this kind or arguement from someone in their early teens...
First of all they were not 83mm cranks, secondly why would you market a crank as a DH crank (by making an 83mm spindle) if it is not intended for that purpose? I can see your logic being legit if it were a set of stylo's or something like that....but right on their website in clear english it states, Gravity- Freeride and Downhill bicycle components...pretty clear to me. We can just agree to disagree.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 7, 2005
First of all they were not 83mm cranks, secondly why would you market a crank as a DH crank (by making an 83mm spindle) if it is not intended for that purpose? I can see your logic being legit if it were a set of stylo's or something like that....but right on their website in clear english it states, Gravity- Freeride and Downhill bicycle components...pretty clear to me. We can just agree to disagree.

Not sure where you pulled that quote, but it is neither on the FSA site or Gravity site that I can find...maybe a magazine ad?

-They are the same weight class as Stylos
-There are quite a few enduro type frames that use an 83mm bb
-Both sets of your cranks were ordinary (weaker) 6000 series aluminum
-This is what it actually says about Gravity/FSA cranks: "We offer a range of Hollow Forged cranksets from road to XC to heavy-duty Gravity products"

If you were to read the catalog (dl on the gravity site), you would find that both of your cranks are designed for all mountain riding primarily. They also 'OK' them both for lighter weight alternatives (specifically NOT for hard riding) for DH racing 'weight weenies'.

Reading the Gravity site, you also find this....

Not covered under this warranty are the following:
· FSA products that have been used in competition, stunt riding, or for commercial use. This includes bending or breaking components due to the use and abuse of components used for dirt jumping, trials, street or park, downhill and free-riding.
· Damage from causes other than defects in materials and workmanship such as a user’s lack of skill, competence or experience.

NOt sure how many ways you need to hear (as painful as it may be) that YOU bought the wrong products for YOUR use.


May 20, 2003
Manassas Va
Not sure where you pulled that quote, but it is neither on the FSA site or Gravity site that I can find...maybe a magazine ad?

Reading the Gravity site, you also find this....

Not covered under this warranty are the following:
· FSA products that have been used in competition, stunt riding, or for commercial use. This includes bending or breaking components due to the use and abuse of components used for dirt jumping, trials, street or park, downhill and free-riding.
· Damage from causes other than defects in materials and workmanship such as a user’s lack of skill, competence or experience.

NOt sure how many ways you need to hear (as painful as it may be) that YOU bought the wrong products for YOUR use.
Actaully regarding the Gravity slogan....thats just it...that is Gravity (the subcompany of FSA) that is their Slogan.....Gravity-Freeride and Downhill Bicycle Components.

As for their warranty rules...cant argue with that...I should have read that before I sent them it....I can admit when I am wrong and I am wrong...its all good lesson learned.


Feb 3, 2007
charlotte nc
you're a moron. i know a guy who can thank riding bent/cracked cranks for his newfound paralyzation. i too bent a set of moto-x's. although it didn't take much, it was completely my fault so i didn't even attempt a warranty. you get what you pay for.

as for cutting up the lites, they had full right to.....you really think they, from a liability standpoint, would ship out compromised cranks?


Jun 10, 2002
1) I do not like FSAs warranty department. By far the most difficult to deal with for me. SRAM and Shimano know how to do it. FSA is abysmal.

2) Before I send something in for warranty consideration, I make sure to have something coming from manufacturer. Otherwise, it doesn't get sent...only pictures.

Something happened between the shop and FSA. Neither of those cranks needed to be sent to FSA for the given issues. FSA should've been able to say yes or no over the phone w/ picutres. Regardless, I'd be pissed, too.

Kanye West

220# bag of hacktastic
Aug 31, 2006
I'll admit I'd be pretty damn fumed if they destroyed the part I sent in, safety issue or not, and was not offered something else in return for it (replacement cranks at some sort of discount). That's ALMOST theft.

I haven't dealt with them recently, but FSA has been very difficult in the past.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 6, 2003
In the hills around Seattle
What they cut up were no longer YOUR cranks. You gave up the rights to them.
While I don't agree with the whole "boycott this company" thing, I still don't understand how this works?
You bought them, you own them. In no way does sending them back for evaluation for warranty purposes mean you are giving up ownership of them?!?
Unless you sign something or at the minimum they tell you this is "how it works" then they owe you your parts. Plus return shipping if you would like them back.
I have seen this come up before with other companies and this argument was made but it still doesn't make sense.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
While I don't agree with the whole "boycott this company" thing, I still don't understand how this works?
You bought them, you own them. In no way does sending them back for evaluation for warranty purposes mean you are giving up ownership of them?!?
Unless you sign something or at the minimum they tell you this is "how it works" then they owe you your parts. Plus return shipping if you would like them back.
I have seen this come up before with other companies and this argument was made but it still doesn't make sense.
I dunno...it's always been my assumption ever since 2001....remember Pilgrim? The guy who bought 2001 Simon's Yeti (that Josh B painted grey and orange for them?)

Anyway, Pilgrim did something to the frame and he happened to be in CO for some reason. So he took the frame in for eval/crash replacement. They chopped it up right before his eyes. They do this so there is NO chance of it being mistaken for good parts.

Now maybe the shop/FSA should make it more clear than they apparently did, but like someone said earlier, there's a huge liability factor. If the cranks are indeed damaged, warranty or not, then they send them back out and they fail, they can be in a mess of trouble. They are the so called professionals and they released parts that they KNEW were damaged back to the poor unwitting consumer who is now crippled and will never play the violin again.

That would not look good in court.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
FSA had the cranks in their possession. If they were bent, they had every right to scrap them. If they sent them back after you sent in for warranty, they fail and you get hurt, it's a huge liability on their end.


Jan 26, 2009
Fact is, they didnt ask your permission to destroy them ,its criminal damage, meaning they have broken the law, regardless of what condition the cranks were in they destroyed them illeagaly.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Fact is, they didnt ask your permission to destroy them ,its criminal damage, meaning they have broken the law, regardless of what condition the cranks were in they destroyed them illeagaly.
Johnnie Cochran is rolling in his grave.