
%%%FUckig Shaturday %%%


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Brother flew in from the west coast. Arrived here at 4 eh ehm. :dead:

My youngest woke up at 6:30. So I'm now grabbing a coffee at a coffee shop so I don't wake everyone up with my espresso machine. Open concept homes can have limitations.

Thinking of buying a Cannondale Habit 4 for the eldest. Can't think of a reason not to, seems like a good package. Plus, he's the same size as me now, so it means I'll have a backup bike!

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Last night the weather guy said it'll be a dry morning and it wouldn't rain until noon. Well the rain started at 4:00 AM and hasn't stopped. Fuckers. So, it'll be three hours on the KICK for me today.

Also I got today's Wordle in two tries. So it's 8:00 AM Saturday morning and I've reached my peak for the weekend.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
I am supporting this thread on principle

my enteritis continues, a bit better now but not resolved.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
50 miles to race on the MTB alongside my wife, supposed to get into the 80's :/

GL @Jm_ I know you're here too in the fancy first wave of riders, while we're stuck at the back behind everyone in the last wave :p


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Off to San Diego today to see friends. One of my buds is part of a small circus that performs for free in public parks, so I’m gonna watch him clown around.

Another friend is performing at another event tonight, but kinda far north for me to make it after coming back from San Diego. Fortunately the event will stream.

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
Sandhill cranes were pitching woo on yesterday's float


Perfect breakfast beer

5 moose float, two cow calf pairs...



And it's "officially" spring. Derp!

Fresh tracks on top of our fresh tracks...


eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
the walkathon was a blast. They started in an oval of palm trees with 15 minutes of Dance Aerobics with good music blaring then off to do loops of the park they went. Water stations had music and cheerleaders. I did nothing but hang out. At the end of the event they did a group thing then asked me to come up and the whole group thanked me for being there (50-60 people) then they gave me a $50 Subway gift card ...nice



Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
I fluctuate between absolutely loving and hating coaching soccer.

Love- the game today we were not supposed to be "yelling" but rather quiet to let the girls do their thing. And they did great. My daughter scored a goal and we won another game. It was close and exciting.

Hate- my daughter is on the nosepicker team, and many of these girls are nosepickers. She's trying her best, but we literally have to pull one or two of the girls from picking flowers and have had to stop several games of pattycake DURING the game. Let alone practice, where kids will just shout or fuck off during drills. It's tough to improve when your teammates are throwing dirt in the goal rather than defending.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
First really warm day of the year. Trails were a zoo, everything is a zoo.

I often complain about Washington drivers being the worst. That isn't fair, Oregon drivers are just as bad and half of Oregon seems to be in Seattle today. Are you easily confused by GPS directions? Just stop in the middle of the road and take your time to get your bearings strait. The 100 people stuck behind you will just patiently wait so you don't have to be inconvenienced by a wrong turn. Is the big city a little too overwhelming? Just drive down the interstate at 15 mph, to show solidarity several people will pull along side you and go the same speed.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
First really warm day of the year. Trails were a zoo, everything is a zoo.

I often complain about Washington drivers being the worst. That isn't fair, Oregon drivers are just as bad and half of Oregon seems to be in Seattle today. Are you easily confused by GPS directions? Just stop in the middle of the road and take your time to get your bearings strait. The 100 people stuck behind you will just patiently wait so you don't have to be inconvenienced by a wrong turn. Is the big city a little too overwhelming? Just drive down the interstate at 15 mph, to show solidarity several people will pull along side you and go the same speed.
Love it when people just stop on the road because they can't figure their shit out. :thumb:


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
50 miles to race on the MTB alongside my wife, supposed to get into the 80's :/

GL @Jm_ I know you're here too in the fancy first wave of riders, while we're stuck at the back behind everyone in the last wave :p
@Jm_ If you finished that, props to you.

Wife got dizzy from the 103f heat on the 1800ft climb to the second aid station. We carried on, and I was feeling nuked from the heat too. So we cut onto the road early and finished out the course with 37 miles.
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sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
@Jm_ If you finished that, props to you.

Wife got dizzy from the 103f heat on the 1800ft climb to the second aid station. We carried on, and I was feeling nuked from the heat too. So we cut onto the road early and finished it the course with 37 miles.
I did. Its no joke. Every year im trying to better figure out hydration and keeping the cramps away. Got them once in the right leg and then later on it started happening again and I thought, F-you leg, ill just pedal with the left until either the right stops doing that or the left starts. Compared to last year it was better though (for cramps) and Im pretty happy with it overall considering all the PT and lack of training.

But that heat does a number on us Northern folk and its a pretty brutal race all around. Hottest part for me was out near Iron Springs road and the last aid station and all the miles back to the town-DH.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
@Jm_ If you finished that, props to you.

Wife got dizzy from the 103f heat on the 1800ft climb to the second aid station. We carried on, and I was feeling nuked from the heat too. So we cut onto the road early and finished it the course with 37 miles.
And im headed back down to the square now for the beer garden with my El Guapo shirt!


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Woke up.
Took cassette off wheel, to switch over to Shimano microspline driver.
Realized I didn't have the correct cone wrenches to do it.
Put cassette back on.
Drive to 3 different bike shops looking for some wrenches.
Finally find a pair.
Drive to trails to get a short ride in, but it starts dumping rain. F that right now.
Drive to buddies house and have a beer.
Drive back home and swap the hub over.

Kinda regret not just going out for a ride in the rain. Will go tomorrow, rain or shine.

Swapping the driver and axle on these Factor hubs is pretty easy. Undo the one the end cap and pull it all apart. There is even a nice beefy snap ring in there, holding all the pawls and springs from bouncing into the nearest bottomless crack in the floor.