
Full body/up onto neck tattoos: Too scumbag?


Jan 15, 2007
More detailed pic please. Cause from that pic it looks as if a 3rd grader scribbled on you (could just be from the lack of detail I can see in the pic)......
Atleast its not some gay armband, or is he just not showing us that one?


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
yeah i have big plans going to do my entire side with alot of ivy fill and some other design...it's coming along...i wouldnt put it on my neck though :banghead:


Jan 15, 2007
yeah i have big plans going to do my entire side with alot of ivy fill and some other design...it's coming along...i wouldnt put it on my neck though :banghead:
Wouldnt look right on your neck, not enough area :brows: You will think of something good for your neck one day, when you stop caring what others think. :D
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Jun 21, 2006
Charlotte, NC
yeah i have big plans going to do my entire side with alot of ivy fill and some other design...it's coming along...i wouldnt put it on my neck though :banghead:
Right on, to each his own. Neck tattoos definitely arent for everyone.

Here's the only good pic I can find of anything on me. Noh Mask when my right arm was first started:

Done by Chris Stuart @ Ace Custom Tattoo in Charlotte.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
JeffKill is my brother. I dont know if our grandma has seen all his ink. And again I didnt say that it doesnt happen, again, look through this thread, its happening right in front of my eyes, kinda why I am giving my 2 cents, are you not reading all my post, c'mon, man. Oh and what the fvck is goth type??? Whatever it is, its not what he has on his throat.
so your grandmother's never seen yr brother since he got his neck tattoo?

look, i don't give a damn what you do to yrself, it's your body so go nuts...stick a chainlink fence post through yr nostril for all i care. but to think that people don't draw first impressions is incredibly naive.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Why is this thread still alive?

Seriously - other than being a rock star or in the tattoo industry, you're limiting your employment opportunities.

I (and probably 90% of the country) will not hire anyone that can not cover their ink with a button down and dress pants; unless my company is looking for a new janitor/mailroom guy.

And both my wife and I have ink... and we're both plannng on more.
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Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Why is this thread still alive?

Seriously - other than being a rock star or in the tattoo industry, you're limiting your employment opportunities.

I (and probably 90% of the country) will not hire anyone that can not cover their ink with a button down and dress pants; unless my company is looking for a new janitor/mailroom guy.

And both my wife and I have ink... and we're both plannng on more.

Well, if you notice the only two people really arguing against this are the tatoo brothers.

My wife has alot of ink. All hidden by clothes. If she had visible tats she would not have her current job.

I look around my place of employment and I don't see ANYONE with visible tats other than the occasional arm tattoo... but def no neck tats on our employees. :clue:


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Good god, I just had to look again didnt I. Its not scumbaggish to have neck Tats. Just dont be suprized when you get judged at first site as one, or as someone who doesnt give a ****, or as someone who thinks there better than others, or ETC ETC ETC.

Yes, you are limiting your employement possibilities with visable tats, I will hire someone for changing oil for me with Tats you cant cover. But I will NOT hire sales guys with visable tats. I have ink, I love my Ink, I want more, I would have mroe If I could stop spending on my bikes.

Like I said before, My rule is simple, pants and a shirt to cover and its allgood. If I cannot cover them with pants and a shirt, them I am not getting them. Guy I have been workign with for four years now had no idea I had ink till about three months ago.

You want a Tat on the neck go for it, I am not going to look down upon you for doing so, I can jsut tell you your not able to be a salesman for me.


Jun 21, 2006
Charlotte, NC

Well, if you notice the only two people really arguing against this are the tatoo brothers.

My wife has alot of ink. All hidden by clothes. If she had visible tats she would not have her current job.

I look around my place of employment and I don't see ANYONE with visible tats other than the occasional arm tattoo... but def no neck tats on our employees. :clue:
Well if YOU notice, I myself wasnt arguing with anybody. The only thing I stated was that I MYSELF havent had any issues with jobs or otherwise. I completely agree that it can probably limit your career choices, and also affect how certain people may look at you. I also clearly stated that no, neck tattoos arent for everybody.

As far as the whole "scumbag" issue goes, I think it has alot more to do with how you present yourself than where you have tattoos. It also has alot to do with the quality of your work IMO.
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Jun 21, 2006
Charlotte, NC
Good god, I just had to look again didnt I. Its not scumbaggish to have neck Tats. Just dont be suprized when you get judged at first site as one, or as someone who doesnt give a ****, or as someone who thinks there better than others, or ETC ETC ETC.
WTF are you talking about there?? I agree with everything else in your post, but cause I have visible tattoos I think Im better than others???


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
WOw, how have I missed this thread???? Damn it there could of been a lot of comedy in here...

It has never once had any kind of negative impact on me.
What about that one time, when I wanted a hug, then looked at your tat and thought twice. Wasn't that negative??


Jun 21, 2006
Charlotte, NC
Either way, teh overall point was, If you get the Neck/arm/hand tats, dont be suprized when you get judged at first site. And dont get mad if you dont like how your judged
Never have been surprised by that, and never will be. As far as people judging me, oh well. I really couldnt care less.


Jun 21, 2006
Charlotte, NC
It's kind of useless even "discussing" it if we don't know what the OP had in mind with regards to WHAT it is "too scumbag" for... :think:
I really dont think things have gone all that far off topic. This is a public forum, lots of people read it. So people should expect other related conversations to come out of it.

Honestly, if you're that bored with the thread/subject, you do realize that you have the option of not looking right? :banghead:


Jan 15, 2007
WOw, how have I missed this thread???? Damn it there could of been a lot of comedy in here...

What about that one time, when I wanted a hug, then looked at your tat and thought twice. Wasn't that negative??
I want a hug.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Evidently it is the cool thing to be scumbag-y right now. Stupid trend followers.
I always joke with my brother about opening a shop next to his and specializing in stupid tattoo removal. I am guessing it will be a growing field in the next 5 years.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
This thread inspired me to get some fresh ink, something that really puts my passion out there for all the world to see. Judge me if you must, I don't give a !@#$ what you think!



<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I guess since I am the OP I should clarify...

With my current job I go into my office across the country once a month, and three months a year I am in some other country, or so my contract tells me. This would allow me to tattoo anything I want, my current employer has accepted that I am not quite the cookie cutter, button down type.

However, I used to be a lawyer. Mind you a lot of my clients were from tattoo shops, my friends and biker groups. It was fun while it lasted, but the pay vs. education ratio was way askew. I tried the whole corporate lawyer thing, tried working in a more lucrative field, and I found it soul crushing. The whole thing wasn't what I signed up for, but every day I was a little deeper into the suck.

So I quit. Got another job that doesn't pay me but a third of what I made as an attorney. However, I am happier and it gives me the ability to work where ever my wife is stationed at the time, and when she's under way I can go where I want. This will work great, for now...

But somewhere down the road, god forbid, my wife might want to have kids, and god willing, she will leave the Navy. The downside of all of that is that I am going to need to be generating more cash-e-money to do my part of supporting my family.

Where this post was born from was the idea that if I did a neck tattoo as I have wanted to for a long time, I don't think I could go back to making the money in the soul suck I once did. People, employers especially in the law field, are not too happy with me being mostly tattooed except for my shins and calves and my hands/face/neck. I've been called a scum bag, biker, fat bastard, etc by several people in my old job set. I didn't care, but I think that in the long run it would damage my long term ability to earn.

Just something I was pondering the other night sitting in my friend's ex-husband's tattoo shop.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I guess since I am the OP I should clarify...

= I've been called a scum bag, biker, fat bastard, etc by several people on Ridemonkey. I didn't care, but I think that in the long run it would damage my long term ability to earn.

Just something I was pondering the other night sitting in my friend's ex-husband's tattoo shop.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
Dude. Why has nobody asked how the hell JeffKill fit Vengeance on his freaking neck?!?

Do you just have a huge neck, or when people see you, do they just read "ngean"?


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
= I've been called a scum bag, biker, fat bastard, etc by several people on Ridemonkey. I didn't care, but I think that in the long run it would damage my long term ability to earn.

Just something I was pondering the other night sitting in my friend's ex-husband's tattoo shop.


Dick! True, but you're still a dick!