
Fun with Cars!

Clark Kent

Oct 1, 2001
Here is what hapens to a Volvo at a dead stop when a minivan piles into it going 50 mph.....Cars backed up for a mile and some stupid frikin driver cant keep their eyes on the road long enough to not slam into a NON moving mass of cars..... Also, a good illustration of why your bike belongs on the roof, and not on the bumper!

What a giant pain in the a$$



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Clark Kent said:
Here is what hapens to a Volvo at a dead stop when a minivan piles into it going 50 mph.....Cars backed up for a mile and some stupid frikin driver cant keep their eyes on the road long enough to not slam into a NON moving mass of cars..... Also, a good illustration of why your bike belongs on the roof, and not on the bumper!

What a giant pain in the a$$
Damn, they made those old Volvos well................ look how the passenger compartment is barely deformed. Nice. You Ok?


Clark Kent

Oct 1, 2001
My girlfriend was in the damn thing when it hapened...She's o.k. badly bruised by the seat belt and seat, but no 'lash or broken bones. The entire rear end is smashed up to the back window but the entire passenger compartment was untouched ( besides the radio that ejected from the dashboard and ended up in the back seat) . The gas tank had just been filled up too. Not even a broken window. The car ahead of heidi that she got pushed into fared worse than the vulva...volvo, sorry. Aint no cars safer methinks. They helped develop or developed on their own most of the safety equipment that is standard these days. Just glad the G.F. got out unharmed! The poor lil bone holster! :)