
Funny RM handles...

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Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
There used to be this dude who posted on here named "The Spackler" that **** cracked me up every time I read it.

Anyone else seen any really funny ones?

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
i've been banned from forums for using

Andrea Yates


Andrea Yates children

but the one thats caused the most grief was

" The Trail Nazi "

man they got pissed!!!


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
why would you use the pic of andrea yates' kids as an avatar? what statement or parallel are you trying to make, or is it just to provoke a response?

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
narlus said:
why would you use the pic of andrea yates' kids as an avatar? what statement or parallel are you trying to make, or is it just to provoke a response?
why not?

why must every avatar have some "meaning" to it?

why not...neanderthal man?

or pink floyd?

what does hello kitty really stand for?

heck if i know....


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
who is that in the "trail nazi"

i think hello kitty stands for your axe murding pedaphile subconsiouse fruedian mindset...:think:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello Kitty said:
why not?

why must every avatar have some "meaning" to it?
posting something or using it as your avatar just for shock value is crass.

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
mack said:
who is that in the "trail nazi"
Heinrich Himmler

Heinrich Himmler was born near Munich, Germany, on 7th October, 1900. The son of a Catholic schoolmaster, he was educated at the Landshut High School. During the First World War Himmler joined the 11th Bavarian Regiment and by the end of the conflict he had become an officer cadet in the German Army.

After the war Himmler was active in the Freikorps. He also joined the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) and in 1923 took part in the Munich Putsch.

In 1928 Himmler married and became a poultry farmer. He also joined the Sturm Abteilung (SA) and was a devout follower of Adolf Hitler. Himmler believed Hitler was the Messiah that was destined to lead Germany to greatness. Hitler, who was always vulnerable to flattery, decided in January, 1929, that Himmler should become the new leader of his personal bodyguard, the Schutzstaffel (SS).

By the time of his appointment the SS had only 280 members. They wore the same uniform as the SA except for a black cap with a silver death's head badge and a black tie. It was only after 1932 that they wore an all-black uniform.

With the agreement of Adolf Hitler, Himmler expanded the size of the SS. Himmler personally vetted all applicants to make sure that all were good 'Aryan' types. By the time the Nazi Party gained power in 1933 Himmler's SS had grown to a strength of 52,000. He was also made head of all German political police outside Prussia, where Hermann Goering was the minister of the interior.

Himmler agreed with Goering that the Sturm Abteilung (SA) posed a threat to the German Army and in June 1934, along with his loyal assistants, Reinhard Heydrich, Kurt Daluege and Walter Schellenberg, he arranged what became known as the Night of the Long Knives.

As a result of this purge the Schutzstaffel (SS) was now the principal instrument of internal rule in Germany. In 1936 the Gestapo also came under Himmler's control. Himmler was also able to put SS men in all the key posts in Nazi Germany.

In December, 1940 Himmler established the Waffen SS. This new army grew rapidly and within six months grew to over 150,000 men.

During the Second World War the SS Death's Head Units were put in charge of Germany's Concentration Camps. The SS also followed the German Army into the Soviet Union where they had the responsibility of murdering Jews, gypsies, communists and partisans. By June 1944 the SS had over 800,000 members: Hitler's Body Guard (200,000) Waffen (594,000) and Death Head Units (24,000).

There was great competition between the SD (Sicherheitsdienst) and the German military intelligence organization, Abwehr. In June, 1944 Himmler took over Abwehr and after the July Plot the organization was absorbed into the SD.

In 1944 Himmler was put in charge of the German Army facing the advancing United States Army. In January, 1945, he was switched to face the Red Army in the east. Unable to halt the decline in fortunes of the German forces, Himmler became convinced that Germany needed to seek peace with Britain and the United States. When Adolf Hitler discovered on 28th April that Himmler had been attempting to make contacting with the Allies, he ordered his arrest.

Himmler now took the name and documents of a dead village policeman. Although in heavy disguise, Himmler was arrested by a British army officer in Bremen on 22nd May. Before he could he interrogated, Himmler committed suicide by swallowing a cyanide capsule.


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
Hello Kitty said:
Heinrich Himmler

Heinrich Himmler was born near Munich, Germany, on 7th October, 1900. The son of a Catholic schoolmaster, he was educated at the Landshut High School. During the First World War Himmler joined the 11th Bavarian Regiment and by the end of the conflict he had become an officer cadet in the German Army.

After the war Himmler was active in the Freikorps. He also joined the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) and in 1923 took part in the Munich Putsch.

In 1928 Himmler married and became a poultry farmer. He also joined the Sturm Abteilung (SA) and was a devout follower of Adolf Hitler. Himmler believed Hitler was the Messiah that was destined to lead Germany to greatness. Hitler, who was always vulnerable to flattery, decided in January, 1929, that Himmler should become the new leader of his personal bodyguard, the Schutzstaffel (SS).

By the time of his appointment the SS had only 280 members. They wore the same uniform as the SA except for a black cap with a silver death's head badge and a black tie. It was only after 1932 that they wore an all-black uniform.

With the agreement of Adolf Hitler, Himmler expanded the size of the SS. Himmler personally vetted all applicants to make sure that all were good 'Aryan' types. By the time the Nazi Party gained power in 1933 Himmler's SS had grown to a strength of 52,000. He was also made head of all German political police outside Prussia, where Hermann Goering was the minister of the interior.

Himmler agreed with Goering that the Sturm Abteilung (SA) posed a threat to the German Army and in June 1934, along with his loyal assistants, Reinhard Heydrich, Kurt Daluege and Walter Schellenberg, he arranged what became known as the Night of the Long Knives.

As a result of this purge the Schutzstaffel (SS) was now the principal instrument of internal rule in Germany. In 1936 the Gestapo also came under Himmler's control. Himmler was also able to put SS men in all the key posts in Nazi Germany.

In December, 1940 Himmler established the Waffen SS. This new army grew rapidly and within six months grew to over 150,000 men.

During the Second World War the SS Death's Head Units were put in charge of Germany's Concentration Camps. The SS also followed the German Army into the Soviet Union where they had the responsibility of murdering Jews, gypsies, communists and partisans. By June 1944 the SS had over 800,000 members: Hitler's Body Guard (200,000) Waffen (594,000) and Death Head Units (24,000).

There was great competition between the SD (Sicherheitsdienst) and the German military intelligence organization, Abwehr. In June, 1944 Himmler took over Abwehr and after the July Plot the organization was absorbed into the SD.

In 1944 Himmler was put in charge of the German Army facing the advancing United States Army. In January, 1945, he was switched to face the Red Army in the east. Unable to halt the decline in fortunes of the German forces, Himmler became convinced that Germany needed to seek peace with Britain and the United States. When Adolf Hitler discovered on 28th April that Himmler had been attempting to make contacting with the Allies, he ordered his arrest.

Himmler now took the name and documents of a dead village policeman. Although in heavy disguise, Himmler was arrested by a British army officer in Bremen on 22nd May. Before he could he interrogated, Himmler committed suicide by swallowing a cyanide capsule.
thanks for the history lecture on that note hitler bannad guns so the police would be "more effeceant"


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Toshi said:
posting something or using it as your avatar just for shock value is crass.
Yeah this guys is obviously has some sort of grown man/attention whore syndrome and his days are numbered around here.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
narlus said:
why would you use the pic of andrea yates' kids as an avatar? what statement or parallel are you trying to make, or is it just to provoke a response?
I think everything this guy posts is done just to provoke a response.

Ridemonkey said:
Yeah this guys is obviously has some sort of grown man/attention whore syndrome and his days are numbered around here.
I don't know why, but for some reason I get this feeling that Hello Kitty's 1st ammendment rights are about to be violated.

The trail nazi one is kinda funny though.

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
Ciaran said:
The trail nazi one is kinda funny though.
its all funny...jeez i've never run into such a humorless intolerant and biased bunch of folks ever if you don't agree with the moderators narrow point of view you get threaten to be censored.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello Kitty said:
its all funny...jeez i've never run into such a humorless intolerant and biased bunch of folks ever if you don't agree with the moderators narrow point of view you get threaten to be censored.
there's a difference between humor and simply pulling peoples' strings. you apparently fail to grasp that difference.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Toshi said:
there's a difference between humor and simply pulling peoples' strings. you apparently fail to grasp that difference.
Thanks for the history lesson HK, sounds like Hitler's right hand man was the one that was really responsible for Hitlers grip on Germany, I knew Hitler looked like too much of an ass to have figured out all that by himself.


narlus said:
i like bill hicks as much as the next guy (probably more), but please tell me what is funny about the yates kids? where's the humor?
It's not regional, bro. I don't think it is funny. I plan to do the dwight mixes this weekend if at all possible. They may be late Christmas gifts. :D

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
narlus said:
what is funny about the yates kids? where's the humor?
There is nothing funny about some nut job that drowns her five kids…the reason that I used the Yates children was to point out the hypocrisy of the bleeding hearts on a forum discussion that were wringing their hands and blaming everybody but Andrea Yates for the death of her five children. Everybody else was at fault and no one wanted to hold Andrea accountable for her actions. With the simple post under the handle of Andrea Yates Children and just saying…“Mommy Loves Us”…caused a sh*t storm of epic proportions therefore debunking all the pro-Andrea supporters. Actually it was a very good thread till all the bleeding heart liberals started in with the threats and name-calling. Therefore finally getting the thread locked due to the heated discussions on the death penalty. But Ohhhh it was an Epic thread!! even Mr.Bojangles chimed in a few times to keep the flames going.



Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
that's all well and good, and i didn't understand the context in which it was used.

still, your answer:

Hello Kitty said:
That depends on your perception of humor doesn’t it ?
about toshi's assertion:

Toshi said:
there's a difference between humor and simply pulling peoples' strings. you apparently fail to grasp that difference.
doesn't hold up, does it?


Using something like the Andrea Yates thing to ever try for humor is one of the most heartless and stupid things ever. You ask why I say you are a dickhead and why I bash you. That is just one of the reasons, Bill. I really do hope to meet you someday. Mostly because I can't believe, with all of your insults and dull witted humor, that you could be a half a sh*t's worth a person. Like I said, I hope that is wrong. I just don't get it. You were even doing ok here, but your lunacy, or whatever it is, prevents you from trying to be a decent person, even if it is just your "Internet" persona. :confused:


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
loco, i don't really have a problem w/ him pushing buttons. people (including myself) do it all the time. i just wanted to poke holes in his stated reason as to his motive.


narlus said:
loco, i don't really have a problem w/ him pushing buttons. people (including myself) do it all the time. i just wanted to poke holes in his stated reason as to his motive.
I understand the button pushing thing. It is the way he chooses to go about it that pisses me off.
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