
Funny thread by Carlos on mojo...



no link, but here's the first post. hahahaha :rofl:

ever since i got my cell phone i get about 1 wrong number a week or more........

usually i just hassle them with bull**** or waste time talking about...whatever....

about 6:28 p.m. (a few minutes ago) the phone rings and i pick up.....

me: yup.....

caller (some kid): coach!

me: yup?

caller: it's me.

me: heeeeyyyy cindy!!

caller: noooo! it's jason! (ops!)

me: oooh yeah! what's up foo'!

caller: uh....(somewhat confused at the response)...what time is practice?

me: uh....6:30 (i didn't specify morning or evening so i'm covered either way)

caller: well....it's 6:30 right now and we're here at MacAlister and there's no one here.....

me: uh....(damn...should have looked at the clock first).....can i be straight with you?

caller: ok...

me: look man, i just found out Jesus was black! but don't tell you mom that! just tell your mom i'm going to take a little "time out" with my mistress....ok? hey Jimmy! you there?!?!

caller: uh....it's Jason, coach! (i could hear the mom saying "let me talk to him")

me: right....hey...did you guys ever find that Golden Fleece?

caller: what?!?! what are you talking about??? (mom again, "what's going on?")

me: ok so....just run some laps and and call it a day, ok?

caller: uhh...ok....my mom wants to talk to y...

me: ok! got to go! you know, the mistress and all! see ya!

i hang up.

i'm still waiting for a call back from the mom....nothing yet.....


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
when we get a call from telemarketers, we yell into the phone:

"Quit Calling Me, Al Quaeda!!!!!"

So if the NSA is listening in, they start messing with telemarketers.


in March...someone lady high up in some campaign office (during the elections) called looking for some so and so.....

caller: where is so and so (we'll say henry)....who is this?

me: this is james from G.N.C. henry went to the movies.

caller: the movies??? (she already getting pissed...almost as if to say, what the ****??? this guy has very important work to do...and he went to the movies??????)

me: yeah...he went to see Ultraviolet. did you see Ultraviolet?

caller: no...why didn't he take his phone???

me: dude, it's AWESOME! that chick is sabrosita!

caller: are you listening to me?!?!

me: her clothes actually change colors!

caller: hey!

me: what?

caller: what theater did he go to?!?!

me: the one downtown 'cause it was a date.

caller: (got very quiet like maybe they had a thing going) a date?

me: yeeeah (my best Rainman impression for this line).....downtown....

caller: (very calmly) can i ask you something?

me: yeeeah (Rainman again but she didn't get it)

caller: (still calmed down) who was she?

me: i don't know....some lady....he said they were going to meet at the Emily Morgan for drinks and then they'd see a movie....so he'd be out for a few hours....

caller: (under her breath) i can't believe this! (and she shouldn't have)......um.....has he seen her before?

me: of course! they meet every first Wednesday of the month for drinks and a movie.....but that's why he leaves his phone here....'cause it's rude...ya know?

caller: damnit! ok...listen...just tell him to call me as SOON as he gets back....

me: ok.....

caller: ok. (sign of fustration)

she hangs up


hahhahaha -

Anita Handle said:
coincidence, my sister is pissed off at my nephew, jason's, soccer coach for flaking out on them and telling him some story about a mistress. HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT A MISTRESS IS! :mad: