
Funny work stories: General public interactions.


Feb 12, 2006
As the thread title suggests.... let's hear them!

I'll start it off.

I work for a internet electronics dealer and field support and sales calls. We have different phone names here and my name is "Malcolm".

I just got a call from an older gentleman who was a little hard of hearing. When I answered the phone and said my name was "Malcolm" he proceeded to start calling me Bob. He was a nice enough guy and we proceeded to talk about some equipment he needed help with. After helping him out, he asked if he could call me back next week. I told him I would actually be back as early as Monday and that I'd be glad to give him my direct line. I started off by giving my name again since he didn't catch it earlier on. Here is roughly how the conversation went.

Me- "Let me give you my direct line mr. so and so. Again, my name is Malcolm"

Him- "could you spell that please"

Me- "Certainly, M... A...L...C...O...L...M"


Me-"No Sir, Malcolm..M... A...L...C...O...L...M"

Him- "Ooooh, okay, F....A....L...D....O...F"

I go on to spell it 2 more times for him and he still doesn't get it. I then say....

Me-"No sir, My name is Malcolm, like Malcolm X"

Him-"Ohhhhh..... FALCON!"

At this point I gave up.....

Me-"Yes, my name is Falcon. Pending I catch enough field mice over the weekend to sustain life, I'll be back on Monday."

Him-"Thank you so much Falcon, I'll talk to you Monday"

I had to send a company wide e-mail out to let people know that I'm "Falcon" in case this guy calls back :rofl:


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
We used to prank call a local Radio Shack, asking for 36mm film for our digital camera. It was awesome, especially when the hungover frat boy would answer.


Feb 12, 2006
reflux said:
We used to prank call a local Radio Shack, asking for 36mm film for our digital camera. It was awesome, especially when the hungover frat boy would answer.
haha, do you remember any of the responses?


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
My best prank call was to Frye's, I used to ask for a "Box of IRQs". More often than not, the poor bastard that answered the phone would be gone for 10-15 minutes looking to see if they had them in stock.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
I just had a conference call with a newspaper client, myself and the person who placed the garage sale ad (I'm a cartographer trying to plot her fuggin yard sale on a map)
The newspaper client is an effeminate male
The garage saler is a ditzy chick with no grasp on geography, even of her own neighborhood.
The location isn't in any of my sources because the whole neighborhood is so new.
I was holding onto the last frayed ends of sanity during that call. I'd name streets that she'd never heard of. She'd name streets I can't find on my sources:mumble:
So in the end I get a scanned page out of freakin phone book map for my source:rofl:


Feb 12, 2006
Well, if this is going to turn into a prank call thread, I've got a good bike related one.

I use to call our local bike shops when I was a kid and tell them I bought a bike from them and got a speeding ticket for 35 in a 45 and wanted them to pay for it. I was surprisingly good at sounding like an old black man being I was raised on a lot of old blues musicians and used to listen to interviews with them for hours on end. The shop's would always think it was completely serious. I use to also use the same voice and call the home shopping network to ask for the "miracle mop 5000". The operators scoured their inventories and just couldn't find one to sell to me.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 10, 2005
Med. to Well-Done in Phx
I have to provide support to law firms on a regular basis and there is one secretary at one particular firm who is everyone's worst nightmare. She does what ever it is she is calling about at least 20 times a day (if you are such an expert why are you calling me?) and if she can't do whatever it is she is trying to accomplish, then it is personally my fault she can't. Except for one day...

Her: I can't post to my case, it has disappeared.

Me: Are you sure you have the correct case number?

Her: Well of course, I've looked it up at least 20 times today.

Me: What is the case number and I'll see if I can determine what the problem is.

Her: It's XXXX.

Me: I can't find that number, are you sure it's an Arizona case?

Her: YES I"M SURE! I have a printed copy right here and it says Cali..Sh*t! Never mind. click. :D


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
mud'n'sweat said:
haha, do you remember any of the responses?

Hehe, that was the funny part. A friend in our group also worked Saturday mornings, and he told us that the same hungover frat boy worked every Saturday morning too. We must've made the call at 9am every Saturday for about a month and a half before he "realized' it was happening every week. Apparently he wreaked of vodka whenever he arrived for that shift, so it was no real surprise.

Now that I think about it, I've never used the 36mm digital film elsewhere. Maybe I'll bust it out during the next rainy day...