
Future of mountain bike technology?


Aug 10, 2001
Ottawa, Ontario
Hey everyone, I'm trying to help my girlfriend with reasearch for a project in one of her engineering courses. She is doing it on mountain bike technology. Right now I'm trying to help her with projections of where mountain bike technology is headed in the next 10 years.

Anyways, I remember seeing a small article in a magazine, probably last year, which had some really futuristic concepts from several leading companies. Does anyone remember this or know what I'm talking about?

If anyone has related aritcles or information, it'd be muchly appreciated :love:


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
Sounds like a tough topic. If I were writing a similar paper, I guess that I would start by explaining the evolution of front suspension, rear suspension, and disc brakes. A page for each of those would be easy. They are issues that have "calmed down" over the last few years. She could use gearboxes as a way to transition from past to present to future. Thats at least another page. xbx hit it when he said that they are the future.
It sounds like the conclusion is going to have to be ~100% speculation. Sounds like a fairly difficult topic, but I do not know what her Prof is after. I think that bikes are difficult to write about since so much of the new technology is more revolutionairy than evolutionairy, compared to cars which seem to follow a more gradual model of technoligical innovation.
But, the prof probably knows very little about bikes, so you chick might end up flooring him with the amount of tech that surrounds biking.