the cables move freely in the shifter; no need for friction as there's no return spring, just the counter rotating two cables. i can't really envision a single cable system that would work in this scenario. conceivably a strong return spring at the hub, but you'd have to defeat the indexing at the hub & move it to the shifter (which would have to be custom built for the correct indexing, etc). it'd be a bonkers bit of engineering to pull off. i recall aaron (lahar) talking about building a dual paddle shifter for the rohlof - i.e., up on one side, down on the other. could work, i suppose. perhaps with a (non-indexing) fine ratchet mechanism. not sure how you'd balance the opposing cable pull on the passive lever when shifting with the other though.
though realy, the gripshifter works just fine. i was opposed to them until i actually lived with it for a while. a non-issue in practise.
though realy, the gripshifter works just fine. i was opposed to them until i actually lived with it for a while. a non-issue in practise.