Basket of deplorables was half right. Deplorably stupid was the missing half.

Desperate would be a much better description than stupid. Something really did have to happen to disturb the addiction of both major parties to oligarchical donors. With some luck and applied wisdom, we could come out of this to our mutual benefit.

Talking down those who voted for the incompetent and evil gets us nothing. Engaging them in constructive face to face conversation has potential.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Desperate would be a much better description than stupid. Something really did have to happen to disturb the addiction of both major parties to oligarchical donors. With some luck and applied wisdom, we could come out of this to our mutual benefit.

Talking down those who voted for the incompetent and evil gets us nothing. Engaging them in constructive face to face conversation has potential.
You are right, stupid was a poor choice of words. I can't disagree that something feels broken and there are no clear solutions on how to "fix" it. Desperation is indeed a powerful emotion capable of driving people to vote against their own self-interest, so perhaps it's not that surprising to find that the more vulnerable portions of our society could overlook his morally deplorable positions.

What I'm personally struggling with at the moment are how to have those constructive face to face dialogues. Of the Trump supporters I've spoken with, their arguments for things like The Wall and the Muslim ban are primarily emotional. I guess I haven't figured out yet how to effectively argue against emotions when the the facts and data by themselves are pretty telling.

Then again maybe that's why I'm an engineer and someone else talks to the customers so I don't have to.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I'm listening to Trump speak live ... EVERY statement he makes includes a knock of democrats and a big slice of self-aggrandizement. This could be a new drinking game.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Y'all are wrong. This train is running like a fine tuned machine.

“I turn on the TV, open the newspapers and I see stories of chaos, chaos,” Trump scalded reporters. “Yet it is the exact opposite. This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine, despite the fact that I can’t get my cabinet approved.”
You heard it here, folks. First the stock market, then the jobs report, what's next? A house for every American?


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
"The leaks are real. The leaks are absolutely real. The news is fake because so much of the news is fake,"

So let me get this straight...real leaks are leaking fake news to the crooked media who summarily publishes same.

Certainly a masterful stroke of counter propaganda designed to ferret out the leakers in your administration? Genius. Bigly.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
Not sure if funny or scared.
I'm laughing so hard I'm crying.
Either way I'm not going to make it 4 years...
I'll be dead 'cause either the fucker will blow up the world, or I will just expire from laughing at just how much of a fine tuned machine this train-wreck is... :rofl:


Turbo Monkey
Dec 27, 2010
Italy/south Tyrol

""Number 1: I am the least anti-semitic person that you've ever seen in your entire life. Number 2: Racism... the least racist person. In fact, we did very well, relatively, running against other people..." -Donald John Trump

Betanyahoo is amused for sure.
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The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Job creatin' in the USA.

The labor department’s posting stated that Trump Vineyard Estates, LLC, is looking to bring in 23 workers under the federal H-2 visa program that allows U.S. companies to employ foreign workers if there are not enough Americans workers who are able, willing, qualified, and available to do the temporary work.
And what happens when all his hotel cleaning staff get deported?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I wonder how many of his business's employees are immigrants. It would be a shame if all of them took part in a 'day without an immigrant' event.
From that article, it seems like a whole damn lot. Maybe that's where he thinks all these "new" jobs will come from. But he fails to understand Whitey doesn't like picking grapes. Nor is he any damn good at it. And he wants to be paid MOAR.