

Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Sad day for the Arts in the US. It's absolutely sickening that our So-Called President's lavish lifestyle is probably going to cost more during his term than the NEA's annual budget. Fuck him !

As someone who won a grant in part from the NEA, I can tell you that programs like this are vital to growth and development in the arts. It certainly helped me achieve a goal that otherwise might not have happened as early in my professional career.

And it's not just for individual artists as there are many local community based arts programs across the country that benefit as well.

Also the NEA is a catalyst for jobs in the arts. But I guess Cheeto Jesus and his cowed yes men think artists can just go get jobs like everybody else. The only difference between the coal industry and the arts losing their funding is there will be no Republicans lamenting the loss of jobs in the arts nor pledging to bring those jobs back.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
While most of the cabinet picks are poised to be able to eff things up, this is one which really worries me.

Pruitt the new head of the EPA has been shown to be colluding with oil and gas firms for years...

The whole Trump administration in in the back pocket of the oil companies.
Sad day for the Arts in the US. It's absolutely sickening that our So-Called President's lavish lifestyle is probably going to cost more during his term than the NEA's annual budget. Fuck him !

As someone who won a grant in part from the NEA, I can tell you that programs like this are vital to growth and development in the arts. It certainly helped me achieve a goal that otherwise might not have happened as early in my professional career.

And it's not just for individual artists as there are many local community based arts programs across the country that benefit as well.

Also the NEA is a catalyst for jobs in the arts. But I guess Cheeto Jesus and his cowed yes men think artists can just go get jobs like everybody else. The only difference between the coal industry and the arts losing their funding is there will be no Republicans lamenting the loss of jobs in the arts nor pledging to bring those jobs back.
Those art fags should have chosen a profession that contributes to society. Like a career in finance or cronyism. Or they could just own a bunch of petro stock. Trump would have given them billions in government money.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
It truly is a sad day if eliminating backing for the arts is what it has come down to. Art, in its many forms, whether it be painting, music, sculpture, architecture, or any of the other myriad of disciplines, is one of the only enduring, timeless contributions to humanity. As critical as balancing of the budget and reduction of the national debt are, it should not come at the expense of our artistic brethren. I'd hate to see what the world would look like if we didn't have those who saw things differently from the rest of us.

Sad to say but one of my biggest regrets in this life will be that the only thing I have to contribute to the arts is money. I possess little to no natural talent.
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butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Of all the things Trump has done cutting funding to the NEA is amongst the least of my concerns.

/me is a musician, but does it as a hobby since I did the math and saw the long-term job prospects for what they are


Turbo Monkey
The thing i dont understand is how people fail to see how a large part of the population being poor means you have to live in a soceity with great social problems.
Poverty results in all kinds of problems that I personally dont want to deal with, even if that means paying more taxes.

I prefer walking out the door without being scared to be robbed. I dont want my kids going out and having to be worried about my son being beat up or my daughter being raped by some asshole with mental problems.
I dont want to sleep with a loaded fucking gun under my pillow because im worried that some poor asshole who doesnt have enough money to feed his family is gonna steal my 65" ULTRA HD Curved Samsung tv and my PS4...

The fact that these dumb fucking selfish assholes vote for any right wing party proves again that these people are so stupid they dont even realise that by paying taxes they make the world a better place for themselves to live in.
And because of that they have to get concealed carry licences because they think at the end of the day a gun is gonna save their asses.

i just read in another thread about tourists staying away from the US since cheeto became president, and my gf has been wanting to go to NY for a while now.
I think ill go snowboarding in the Alps in stead...


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
If you look at Toshi's posting history it's pretty par for the trumpian golf course.
Way to think big picture and about what benefits everyone. "It doesn't effect me, so IDGAF..."

Come on dude, you're better than that, arent you?
Meh. I play with a group that gets tax money through the SCFD. Is it nice? Sure. Would we still perform even if our audiences were smaller due to higher ticket prices to make up for that shortfall? Yes.

I get that it's a hypocritical action on the part of the Republicans to cut the NEA/PBS/etc. while wasting untold billions of dollars elsewhere (oil company subsidies, defense) but I also see their point in that this doesn't ultimately seem a core function of the Federal government.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Cutting funding for the arts is like selling a bike...seems like a good idea at the time, you can take the pittance you get and apply it elsewhere, but later on you will miss it.

Is it a core function and is it absolutely necessary for government to subsidize the arts? No. But I would rather we buy into the arts and entertainment world than subsidize rich assholes to the point where they can buy and keep all the cool stuff for themselves and not allow us plebs to partake. Or buy another missile or 7 and further subsidize the military industrial complex whos only purpose (Other than making obscene amounts of $$ based on illogical fears of foolish people...) is to destroy the planet eleventymillion times over.

There are other, more sensible places to cut $$ from the budget that will make a bigger dent in the deficit.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
The other thing that twists my panties is the promises to cut taxes on people whilst simultaneously cutting/eliminating corporate taxes. Gubmint needs $$ to run you dumbfucks...where do you think it will come from? What essential services are you willing to give up on in order to clear another $50 per month? Gotta pay for them bombers somehow...


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
The other thing that twists my panties is the promises to cut taxes on people whilst simultaneously cutting/eliminating corporate taxes. Gubmint needs $$ to run you dumbfucks...where do you think it will come from? What essential services are you willing to give up on in order to clear another $50 per month? Gotta pay for them bombers somehow...
He saved ! Billion $$$ in a single hour of negotiation on Aire Farce Juan. It's all in his book, "The Art of the Deal" available on Amazon.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Is it a core function and is it absolutely necessary for government to subsidize the arts? No. But I would rather we buy into the arts and entertainment world than subsidize rich assholes to the point where they can buy and keep all the cool stuff for themselves and not allow us plebs to partake. Or buy another missile or 7 and further subsidize the military industrial complex whos only purpose (Other than making obscene amounts of $$ based on illogical fears of foolish people...) is to destroy the planet eleventymillion times over.

There are other, more sensible places to cut $$ from the budget that will make a bigger dent in the deficit.
But Twittler and the Deplorables don't care what you want. And they are in charge now.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
I've mentioned it before. This will at least start a west coast secession movement. Cascadia vs Trumpistan.
Makes me proud to have signed the petition and later the ballot measure in my state. Increases the chance of us becoming part of Canada or something.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 27, 2010
Italy/south Tyrol
Trump voter will be certainly happy that finally all these "hipster art-farter" have to get a real job.

"President Trump is really helping to make our coutry great again. They finally cut these useless costs for art. Nobody needs that sh!t.
We will vote for him in 2020 again!"

Trump might not know much, but he knows how to impress the stupid white man.
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Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
It would be ironic if this was the issue that sinks the federal ship. :D
I've quoted him before, but I'll quote him again. Mr. Stephen Colbert:

"And then you write, they're just re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. First of all, that's a terrible metaphor. This administration isn't sinking, this administration is soaring. If anything they are re-arranging the deck chairs on the Hindenberg!"


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
The thing i dont understand is how people fail to see how a large part of the population being poor means you have to live in a soceity with great social problems.
Poverty results in all kinds of problems that I personally dont want to deal with, even if that means paying more taxes.

I prefer walking out the door without being scared to be robbed. I dont want my kids going out and having to be worried about my son being beat up or my daughter being raped by some asshole with mental problems.
I dont want to sleep with a loaded fucking gun under my pillow because im worried that some poor asshole who doesnt have enough money to feed his family is gonna steal my 65" ULTRA HD Curved Samsung tv and my PS4...

The fact that these dumb fucking selfish assholes vote for any right wing party proves again that these people are so stupid they dont even realise that by paying taxes they make the world a better place for themselves to live in.
And because of that they have to get concealed carry licences because they think at the end of the day a gun is gonna save their asses.

i just read in another thread about tourists staying away from the US since cheeto became president, and my gf has been wanting to go to NY for a while now.
I think ill go snowboarding in the Alps in stead...

why do you hate freedom?


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
The thing i dont understand is how people fail to see how a large part of the population being poor means you have to live in a soceity with great social problems.
Poverty results in all kinds of problems that I personally dont want to deal with, even if that means paying more taxes.
Right? I mean if we could just round them all up in camps or something....


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Still not sure how nuclear winter will make Murica great again...


And then what?

Because it is better to spend billions of taxpayer $$s on a product that you hope is never used, whos use would render a large part of the world uninhabitable and useless...then on education, healthcare and infrastructure. You know, things that would benefit Joe Taxpayerdude and his kids...


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR

And then what?

Because it is better to spend billions of taxpayer $$s on a product that you hope is never used, whos use would render a large part of the world uninhabitable and useless...then on education, healthcare and infrastructure. You know, things that would benefit Joe Taxpayerdude and his kids...
What part of "America First" escapes you? He didn't say "John Q Public First", so take your ass to the back of the line where you belong.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
What about baby seal foreskin? Is that totally en vogue these days?

I'm asking for a friend, of course.
The wife of a prominent doctor went to the local leather worker to have a custom item made to celebrate his retirement. He had over the course of his career saved all the forskins he had removed during circumcision procedures. The wife handed the container to the craftsman and told him to make whatever he could out of them.

Upon returning to the shop the leather worker handed her a wallet. She was a bit taken back and was surprised that all of those foreskins only amounted to one small item. He then told her to rub the wallet a few times and it would turn into a matching set of luggage.