


Jul 17, 2003
east of Seattle
So- Who has ever ridden 3200 feet vert in one run? It was really really fun.

The new upper trails (all 3 of them) are really fun. one in particular. lots of techy and slick exposed roots. good stuff.

anyone else go up?


Aug 23, 2002
Bellingham, WA
I rode Garbanzo one time today. Its pretty technical stuff. Lots of roots, steeps, and exposed rock. And "the manager".....that thing looks like hell....I think i'll pass on it for the season.
May 9, 2003
Burien at Crappiss' House
It was badass, that's what it was.(The 'Manager') I loved the wallride the most, and I hope they continue to include those cool small to medium gappers as well as the excellent tech. feel of the new upper section. A Whistler day trip is too frikkin' hard on me though, eighteen hours doorstep to dpprstep, and we rode till 5. I'm licked, but it was awesome!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Didn't hit it but Kevin loved it. I didn't see him for hours until he came down sportin' the claw.

TGM: Maybe we'll see ya up there. We are heading back up the 4th thru the 8th next week.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
Well for me, Garbonzo did not disappoint. Some of the sections needed to be worked in a bit, but overall, those trails are a blast. The trails are soooo long. The terrain on "No Joke" has a nice variation to it. Start out in some techy wooded section, mix it up with some fast bermed turns and tables with some very nicely built stepups. Throw a highspeed fire road descent with a hugh wall ride. I'm not much of a wall ride kinda guy, but that thing is sticky and fun. It was nice to ride whistler on some new trails that you didn't know. Finding new hits and sessioning new sections is fun. Another nice feature to Garbonzo is the elevation. We were roasting in the lift line at the bottom. We were down right cold at the top. Very refreshing. :thumb:
I would have taken pictures, but my camera is too big for the camelback. You'll just have to discover the manager for yourself. :D


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
I can't remember how much the lift tickets were. I bought the seasons pass. Another nice addition this year is the extended play on friday and Saturday. We got there on Friday at about 6. We got 4 runs in plus a sweeper before they closed. Saturday we over did it and rode till about 6:30. Epic day. Sunday, I was hurtin so I only did three runs and sat in the sun and enjoyed the scenery.


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
Certified Drunk said:
Sorry, Nobody from Cali can come to Whistler anymore! :nuts:
that's cool with me...I'm just a Canadian that took a detour via California! PLUS, we're flying in Seattle...so we'll be coming from there ;)


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Acadian said:
that's cool with me...I'm just a Canadian that took a detour via California! PLUS, we're flying in Seattle...so we'll be coming from there ;)
Toi, tu n'est p'u canadien. J'ai notifié les gardes aux douanes et il vont "examiné" tes cavités... La seule facon que tu pourrais regangé ton statut comme vrai canadien serait de venir a Bromont....

Holy crap does my french suck now. I gotta get it in gear.....


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Hahaha...I got that statement :D...

I failed french 2x before finally passing grade 9 french in grade 11 (to everyone else you NEED to pass french to graduate in canada. I ended up going French basic (lowest level possible) just to get out of school). I could do written back in the day but any speak I failed MISERABLY...I just can't get the language. :)


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
buildyourown said:
I don't think they had it on Saturdays last year. Just Wed and Fri. Either way, I never got to take advantage of it until this weekend. Makes for a long day.

They did have it on saturdays last year. We would ride the late shift friday, ALL day saturday and 1/2 day sunday. With extended play you also got the food vouchers for GLC so you basically got 2 free meals also.....

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Currently in Whistler - been here for 6 days now and have 8 days left. The Garbanzo stuff is cool - much more what I'm use to in the UK.

My initial impression of Whistler trails were that I didn't really like them. I prefer fast sweeping DH runs where the emphasis is on going as fast as you can over mostly natural terrain. Whistler is obviously much more "freeride" than the DH I'm used to, but I've grown to it and like it more every day.

Have been up the 2nd lift (Garbanzo) 4 times now - rode No Joke once, didn't think much of that at all (though I did ride "The Manager"). Other runs have all been down Original Sin/Goat's Gully/In Deep and I love that stuff. Really steep and technical and with less emphasis on man-made stunts. Bigger and longer than UK stuff, but a similar style.

Start of the week I was having to stop all over the place due to my hands hurting - even A-l,ine required a couple of stops. Just 5 days in though and I can now do a full run from the top of Garbanzo all the way down Original Sin etc and into A-line.

As a bonus we bumped into Josh Bender near the top the other day, was cool to briefly ride with such a legend, and see him scope out and hit a new drop, though I must admit 2 or 3 other guys hit the drop before him (and cleaner too) while he was busy faffing around. Still cool to see him ride :)

So yeah, Whistler's cool, and if any of you see me on http://www.raceshoot.com/gtdhi2.jpg then give me a shout - here for another week.

Gotta shoot, time to go and ride some trails (had a morning off to rest my hands - Boxxer Races SUCK ASS!)

- seb

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
To answer the question as to what the manager is - it's a 2-stage rock roller. First part is 45deg and about a metre long, then there's 75cm of flat mud, then it rolls off into a vertical rock about 3 metres high with a wooden transition and run out.

Not hard, just looks scary. I found the rock roller on the National course scarier tbh.

Only thing I've bottled so far is the Clown Shoes drop, might go and hit that this afternoon...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
- seb said:
Start of the week I was having to stop all over the place due to my hands hurting - even A-l,ine required a couple of stops. Just 5 days in though and I can now do a full run from the top of Garbanzo all the way down Original Sin etc and into A-line.
Whistler Arthritis. Especially if you have a crap fork (I ride a jrT)...definately not fun if you go from top to bottom.

As a bonus we bumped into Josh Bender near the top the other day, was cool to briefly ride with such a legend, and see him scope out and hit a new drop, though I must admit 2 or 3 other guys hit the drop before him (and cleaner too) while he was busy faffing around. Still cool to see him ride :)
Keep an eye out. Sometimes you can find Wade or Richie. :)

So yeah, Whistler's cool, and if any of you see me on http://www.raceshoot.com/gtdhi2.jpg then give me a shout - here for another week.
Pretty rare. I did see one today. Wonder if that was you (I wasn't on a bike, just bored at work and watching)

Glad you are enjoying.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
- seb said:
To answer the question as to what the manager is - it's a 2-stage rock roller. First part is 45deg and about a metre long, then there's 75cm of flat mud, then it rolls off into a vertical rock about 3 metres high with a wooden transition and run out.

Not hard, just looks scary. I found the rock roller on the National course scarier tbh.

Only thing I've bottled so far is the Clown Shoes drop, might go and hit that this afternoon...
Almost everyone I know has issues with clown shoes drop the first couple of times (my one buddy stapped his frame in two) I don't hit it but it must be a strange drop for so many good riders to have issues :)

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Fast&Smooth said:
i hope to bring the world the first public helmet cam footage...well probably not the 1st but i havn't seen any yet.
Sam (360) and I are gonna hire a pair of them later next week, have one pointing forwards and one pointing backwards and get as much footage as we can.