
gas grillers... input needed!


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
am grilling a pretty thick ribeye right now for lunch... but i think its not gonna come out good.

i´ve been having this problem lately. my grill does not get hot enough to seal . with the lid down, it seems it just wont get over 400ºF, no matter what.
i put the meat on, but it kinda bakes the meat, instead of grilling it. it seems i cant get a "charbroiled outside, raw inside" steak anymore. now i´m getting a thougholy cooked meat.

my grill could easily do that, but not now. its not that old (probably like 6 months old, although i used it like twice a week or more).
it used to get hot enough and seal meat pretty good, but not anymore. any sugggestions?

how i raise the temperature at the grill? more rocks?
i´ve checked it out, and all the fire pilots light, there is a uniform fire under the rocks.. is there an issue there?



unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
am grilling a pretty thick ribeye right now for lunch... but i think its not gonna come out good.

i´ve been having this problem lately. my grill does not get hot enough to seal . with the lid down, it seems it just wont get over 400ºF, no matter what.
i put the meat on, but it kinda bakes the meat, instead of grilling it. it seems i cant get a "charbroiled outside, raw inside" steak anymore. now i´m getting a thougholy cooked meat.

my grill could easily do that, but not now. its not that old (probably like 6 months old, although i used it like twice a week or more).
it used to get hot enough and seal meat pretty good, but not anymore. any sugggestions?

how i raise the temperature at the grill? more rocks?
i´ve checked it out, and all the fire pilots light, there is a uniform fire under the rocks.. is there an issue there?

I'm guessing that your tank is getting close to empty.


Oct 17, 2002
I'm hoping someone suggests that the colder temperature of winter is hindering your grill.

You have rocks in your gas grill? We don't. What kind of rocks? Maybe they 'expired'?


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
if the grill could do it in the past, but not now, i would pull the burner manifold and make sure all the small gas vents are clear of debris; sounds like you aren't getting the full BTU output from the unit


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
I'm hoping someone suggests that the colder temperature of winter is hindering your grill.

You have rocks in your gas grill? We don't. What kind of rocks? Maybe they 'expired'?
summer is starting here. austral seasons.

i´ve been getting similar results this week. so i thought about replacing the rocks. i put fresh ones. lava rocks. do the amount of lava rocks changes the temperature with the lid down? and more importantly the heat transfer at the grill, so i can seal my meat?


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Yeah like narlus said make sure all the little flame ports are clear, they get clogged over time. Use a wire brush or something. Also, be sure to let it pre-heat.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
i think the lava rocks just help even out the distribution and keep a more uniform temp profile.

ditch that one and get a Ducane. :D
lava rocks put some flavor on the meat. kinda balances out the lack of wood or charcoal. its good actually.
i´d charcoal-grill all my steaks, but it just takes too much time. and then i end up smelling like charcoal.