
Gatewood DJ work

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Feb 18, 2007
Would the Builder of the DJs at Gatewood ride one of them? I spend a lot of time at Gatewood and I have never seen anyone actually ride one of these. Every once in a while some kids will stand around but no riders.
Dec 3, 2006
You're talking to one of the riders. I'm out there a couple of times a week. And I ain't no kid.
BTW, if you know who the waste of a zygote was who destroyed the first double in the main line, let 'em know that their Gatewood priviledges have been revoked and if I find out who it was it won't be pretty for me to catch him.


Feb 9, 2007
wow! you have the power to ban someone from riding here? when did you purchase gatewood? the neighborhood kids will build and destroy stuff at will, wich makes it a waste of your time to cry about it. silly rabbit, jumps are for kids.
Dec 3, 2006
rideyou, or is it someone I've talked to on the evma board (I know who you are), you are correct... I cannot ban anyone fom riding Gatewood. Thanks for pointing out the simplistic obvious. I think my point was made by my statement. That was that destroying anyone's work is intolerable.
It's interesting to see that your disdain for anything other than XC riding was too grand to be confined by the EVMA board alone. Thanks for spewing your hate and vitriol here as well.
Jumps are for kids huh? Because I ride trails as well, I can say that it takes more of a man to jump even the smallest jump than it does to don lycra and wish you were riding a road bike while putting down anything that's not XC. I don't see you jumping so obviously your biking skills as well as your ego are in want. Otherwise, since you're so great you'd be jumping too. Right?
As for the destruction of the jump... The BMXr's think an XC'r did it and I tend to agree with them. There was a guy who rode thru the other day while we were building and his hate for us was plainly evident. Perhaps you should encourage your compadres to practice a little courtesy when encountering other people out on the trail. I'd hate for a pissed off kid to start destroying bridges and the like. After all destruction of anyone's work is intolerable. Can't we all just get along?


Oct 23, 2005
tisk tisk. Jumps are for everyone.

XC is totally manly, riding 30 miles until your completley beat is intense. Its kinda debate of wether or not being in realy good shape and being able to ride forever. Dirt jumping is wether or not you can jump over a gap. Its totaly different riding. And there should be no debate.

Destroying peoples work is awful though.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 2, 2005
DC/Bluemont VA
the carcassas of jump destroyers will be burried beneath the landing ramps and their skulls will serve as a warning against future trespass.

but seriously, play nice.
Feb 18, 2007
I missed out on the BMX stuff so I was never exposed to DJ. I ride XC in WVA,PA and VA. I am curious about berm and North Shore construction. Maybe we could meet at Gatewood to discuss construction ideas. We all need to look out for eachothers assets a Gatewood.
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