so has the cab service there gotten better or worse? 7/11s?BurlyShirley said:They're all moving to nashville now. Seriously. We have the largest Kurd population in the states here.
so has the cab service there gotten better or worse? 7/11s?BurlyShirley said:They're all moving to nashville now. Seriously. We have the largest Kurd population in the states here.
Bullsh!t. They don't care. I know US advisors to the AU and they say almost universally from the top down anything they do get is stolen or sold for personal gain and that peacekeeping is the last thing on their mind.DaveW said:Oh they care... They just don't have the bankroll to do much.
military peacekeeping is an ubelivably expensive undertaking, most countrys in africa are dirt poor and don't have the 10's of millions spare to pay for the job to be done.
As the comander of the african union mission to the Sudan said, give us the tools and we can do the job.
Unfortuately no one has done so.
The only difference is that there were apparently more of fodder than I orginially anticipated. Oh what's a few million dead amongest friends....Do nothing. Let them kill each other all they want. Apparently they want to so let them. Think of the millions of dollars of aid that could be diverted to people who aren't killing each other. Money won't be as spread out. HIV/AIDS certainly will quit being an issue in one place in Africa. Shoot how long can they keep up the 10000 a month killing spree? Another 12 months or so..... Well either they are going to get too hungry to fight, run out of ammo (killing with machetes just isn't as efficient but it would make it safer for "peacekeepers), or just simply run out of victims.
But that's not really an alternative is it? Its actually what's happening now. Well except for the part about diverting aid. That aid is just being dumped into a big black hole feeding and providing medical treatment to people that are going to be killed anyway in the next couple of months. But even that is starting to stop as aid organizations are simply finding it too dangerous to operate there anymore because they aren't providing any protection. (that's a pretty smart way to get them to stop feeding folks)
The fact of the matter is that the UN had (and I emphasize HAD) the opportunity to really stick it to the US and Bush by doing something. But they didn't. Now they just sit there looking as ineffective as ever proving Bush and the neo-cons right.
I know my modern middle east history, don't even start.kinghami3 said:You need to buck up on your modern middle east history...
No actually you don't.TheMontashu said:I know my modern middle east history, don't even start.
Apparently, you don't. :teacher:TheMontashu said:I know my modern middle east history, don't even start.
Seriosly you are one of the most anoying people EVER, go away, I know middle east history and alot about history in general for that matter.Transcend said:Apparently, you don't. :teacher:
So Israel's attempts to wipe out the Palestinian homeland doesn't mean anything to you? Please, give me a break. Yes, the Jewish population has suffered greatly, but right now many Israelis would love nothing more than to never have to deal with that bothersome Arab population again. Only now have they declared a boarder, and I don't think anyone is betting on that line staying and the settlements not going back in.TheMontashu said:I know my modern middle east history, don't even start.
Lets also not forget that Israel has created palistine, it never existed, a palistinian did not exist till isreal gave the gaza strip its independance. Lets not also forget that the israeli deligation accepted the partition plan that the U.N. created, while the arabe rejected it swearing to the "palistinians" that israel would never exist. Lets not also forget that israels war of independance was an arab invasion. What about the many atempts to give eqypt the gaza stip. What about israels atemps aof giving the arabs all th land they asked for less jeruselem (by the why jeruselem is not once mentioned in the koran, it was made holy to give muslems something to fight for when to crusades came, instead of having no reason to fight and jest leaving) and lets also not forget the muslem religion preaching the forced converion of non muslems.kinghami3 said:So Israel's attempts to wipe out the Palestinian homeland doesn't mean anything to you? Please, give me a break. Yes, the Jewish population has suffered greatly, but right now many Israelis would love nothing more than to never have to deal with that bothersome Arab population again. Only now have they declared a boarder, and I don't think anyone is betting on that line staying and the settlements going back in.
Boy am I glad the world was created in 1948!TheMontashu said:Lets also not forget that Israel has created palistine, it never existed, a palistinian did not exist till isreal gave the gaza strip its independance. Lets not also forget that the israeli deligation accepted the partition plan that the U.N. created, while the arabe rejected it swearing to the "palistinians" that israel would never exist. Lets not also forget that israels war of independance was an arab invasion. What about the many atempts to give eqypt the gaza stip. What about israels atemps aof giving the arabs all th land they asked for less jeruselem (by the why jeruselem is not once mentioned in the koran, it was made holy to give muslems something to fight for when to crusades came, instead of having no reason to fight and jest leaving) and lets also not forget the muslem religion preaching the forced converion of non muslems.
Then you should know that arguing about a Israeli "homeland" is absurd. It was created in 1948, end of story. There was plenty of people there a LONG time before the jews, and they have every right to be pissed off that their land was taken away simply to placate others.TheMontashu said:Seriosly you are one of the most anoying people EVER, go away, I know middle east history and alot about history in general for that matter.
Arabs land??? Last I checked the british had the land. And the partition plan was created as such to give the areas that had more jews to the jews and the area with more arabs to the arabs, as well most of the jews land was in the desert in the south wich I.M.O. is hot as hell and has little to no natural recorces.kinghami3 said:Boy am I glad the world was created in 1948!
edit: Your whole argument is based on the premise that the Jewish people have been there the whole time. The fact is, they signed the partition-plan because it gave them a safe-haven, and the Arabs rejected it because that safe-haven was on their land. The Arab-Israeli war(s) were defensive from the Arab perspective.
You are right israel was created in 1948, shortly after that Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt envaded. Some how they lost, israel still existed. Palistine on the other hand at this time did not, The gaza strip was controled by egypt and the west bank by jordan (still palistinians do not have any land)Transcend said:Then you should know that arguing about a Israeli "homeland" is absurd. It was created in 1948, end of story. There was plenty of people there a LONG time before the jews, and they have every right to be pissed off that their land was taken away simply to placate others.
Israel is as much to blame for the violence in the middle east as anyone else, possibly more. They aren't exactly some innocent bystandard being picked on by the great Arab bully.
Also, it must really annoy you that the rest of us know what we are talking about, and that you just sound like a moron high school kid. Oh wait....
edit: also, way to cock up a thread about Sudan with more israeli nonsense.
Last thing I checked the British lived in England.TheMontashu said:Arabs land??? Last I checked the british had the land. And the partition plan was created as such to give the areas that had more jews to the jews and the area with more arabs to the arabs, as well most of the jews land was in the desert in the south wich I.M.O. is hot as hell and has little to no natural recorces.
Get over yourself, they are both equally to blame. Until the bias on both sides dissappears, the violence will continue. People taking sides need to realize this.TheMontashu said:edit, from what it looks like it is the arabs responsable for causing much of the violence, not the israelis. But I donnot trancend I am a dumb highschool kid, feel free to ignore history, you are right.
The British had this think called an empire.kinghami3 said:Last thing I checked the British lived in England.
The israelis to retaliate to attacks in a very extream way. My point for suporting israel is quite simple, time and tim again the arab world has called for the death of isreal. Isreal wants a country, nothing more nothing less. The jews do not want the rest of the middle east. Jews need israel for self preservation, they have been persicuted time and time again and literaly millions killed. Starting with the babalonians and ending with hitler jews have been murdured for simply being jewish, with a homeland the jewish people can prevent this from hapening again. The arab world as a whole jest wants more land and want to kill the jews (do not deny that, iran has talked about it more than once)Transcend said:Get over yourself, they are both equally to blame. Until the bias on both sides dissappears, the violence will continue. People taking sides need to realize this.
Someone blows up a bus, so the other side attacks a village with attack helicopters. 2 wrongs do not make a right. The fact that the ISraelis want to be seen as the "stable" side makes it even more ridiculous when they retaliate with armour and attack helicopters.
The only history you care to understand is the revisionist Israeli side of things. Others believe the Arab side. The truth lies somewhere in between.
So did the Ottomans, at least until the end of WWI, when it was divided up. In fact, there was no significant Jewish population in Palestine (which, by the way, did exist) until 1881 when the first wave of Jewish immigration took place, fueled by Semitic sympathies. In other words, the British Empire didn't annex Palestine until after WWI. Even then, it was an Arab population that felt that their homeland was actively being taken over by the Jewish population.TheMontashu said:The British had this think called an empire.
I would fully agree with you, if it only meant that they didn't displace a population that had called that their home, and then actively make war on them like they had done nothing wrong.TheMontashu said:The israelis to retaliate to attacks in a very extream way. My point for suporting israel is quite simple, time and tim again the arab world has called for the death of isreal. Isreal wants a country, nothing more nothing less. The jews do not want the rest of the middle east. Jews need israel for self preservation, they have been persicuted time and time again and literaly millions killed. Starting with the babalonians and ending with hitler jews have been murdured for simply being jewish, with a homeland the jewish people can prevent this from hapening again. The arab world as a whole jest wants more land and want to kill the jews (do not deny that, iran has talked about it more than once)
Edit, while both sides might be responsable for violence it is the motives behind the violence that matters.
isreal has fought 3 majer wars sence 1948, 2 of wich were initiated by arab nations, and the other one was a premtive strike when the israelis found several tank divisions an there boarderkinghami3 said:I would fully agree with you, if it only meant that they didn't displace a population that had called that their home, and then actively make war on them like they had done nothing wrong.
No, it isn't. Perpetuating in the violence is what matters.TheMontashu said:Edit, while both sides might be responsable for violence it is the motives behind the violence that matters.
Palestine as an independant state has never existed, the term palistine comes from the biblical term pleeshteem wich was a group of polythiestic city states that controled modern day israel before moses lead the jews to the promise land (I am not saying this is fact but this is were the term palistinian came from) later when the crusades came the muslems were told they had ancient biblical ties to the land (simaler to what was done with jeruselem)kinghami3 said:So did the Ottomans, at least until the end of WWI, when it was divided up. In fact, there was no significant Jewish population in Palestine (which, by the way, did exist) until 1881 when the first wave of Jewish immigration took place, fueled by Semitic sympathies. In other words, the British Empire didn't annex Palestine until after WWI. Even then, it was an Arab population that felt that their homeland was actively being taken over by the Jewish population.
The point I'm trying to get across is that both sides consider their actions defensive. Israel was billed by the Western world as a safe place for the Jews, while the whole time the Arabs were warning that they wouldn't let this go without retaliation. It's Arabs vs. Jews, not Egypt and Syria vs. Israel. The Arabs are angry because the Jews took their land, and the Jews are angry because they were lead to that land believing it was theirs, recovered for them by the British. It does no good to think that neither side is at fault, or that either side is to blame.TheMontashu said:isreal has fought 3 majer wars sence 1948, 2 of wich were initiated by arab nations, and the other one was a premtive strike when the israelis found several tank divisions an there boarder
Idealy perpetuating violence is what matters, but you have to remember the arab world is very diferent from the west, and isreal is diferent thatn both of thoes. Extreamist muslems will conitnue to blow themselvs up untill israel does not exist, they do not think rationaly. They are like a drunk who you can't talk out of a fight, they live there life to the T out of a book that says to wage holy war, clearly by the actions of the palistinians the only thing they listen to is violence.Transcend said:No, it isn't. Perpetuating in the violence is what matters.
edit: Iran doesn't matter. They can thump their chests and posture all they want. Any military action from Iran would be struck down in about a week by the rest of the world. Iran is a non issue.
You're right, the Palestinian state never existed, but that doesn't mean that the Arab land of Palestine never existed. Just because their systems of government don't fit into our Western perspectives doesn't mean that they didn't consider the land their own. (I'm not going to bother discussing the theology behind the exodus right now.)TheMontashu said:Palestine as an independant state has never existed, the term palistine comes from the biblical term pleeshteem wich was a group of polythiestic city states that controled modern day israel before moses lead the jews to the promise land (I am not saying this is fact but this is were the term palistinian came from) later when the crusades came the muslems were told they had ancient biblical ties to the land (simaler to what was done with jeruselem)
No, the Jews displaced the Arabs, and this was actively happening during the wars.As well the Jews did no force arabs away in the early 1900s, jews moved in and kept to themselvs, did not start violence and live on their kibutzime and tried to make a life in the promise land. The jews wanted to live there lives, nothing more. By 1948 there were a half million jews in the area given to them by the U.N.
The Arabs don't want peace. They want the Jews gone from their homeland. It is the exact same from the Jewish perspective. Both of these people have legitimate ties to the land, and both call it their own. The only problem is that the Palestinians have rocks and suicide bombers to fight with, while Israel have tanks and attack helicopters given to them by the US to fight with, so we tend to see them as a more legitimate government.And if the arabs realy wanted peace and "there land" back they wouldnt be blowing themselfs up as israel tried to turn power over in the gaza strip, and shortly after that destroying all the EU offices (whome by the way provide a HUGE portion of international aid to the palistinian state)
I have heard people say that, there is no proof that that hapend, but it very well could have. The arabs say it hapend the jews say it didn't. Arabs did leave during the wars, some say it was the jews, while others say it was the invading arab countries telling the palistinians to leave and that they would get there land back when the war was over (that did happen in 48 but and not posative if it hapend again)kinghami3 said:No, the Jews displaced the Arabs, and this was actively happening during the wars.
The jews do not all want the arabs out of israel (some of the far right do) but the vast magority want piecfull coexistance.kinghami3 said:The Arabs don't want peace. They want the Jews gone from their homeland. It is the exact same from the Jewish perspective. Both of these people have legitimate ties to the land, and both call it their own. The only problem is that the Palestinians have rocks and suicide bombers to fight with, while Israel have tanks and attack helicopters given to them by the US to fight with, so we tend to see them as a more legitimate government.
TheMontashu said:As well the Jews did no force arabs away in the early 1900s, jews moved in and kept to themselvs, did not start violence and live on their kibutzime and tried to make a life in the promise land. The jews wanted to live there lives, nothing more. By 1948 there were a half million jews in the area given to them by the U.N.
not given purchased from if I'm not mistaken. We are greedy military industrial capitalist pigs aren't we?ink:kinghami3 said:The Arabs don't want peace. They want the Jews gone from their homeland. It is the exact same from the Jewish perspective. Both of these people have legitimate ties to the land, and both call it their own. The only problem is that the Palestinians have rocks and suicide bombers to fight with, while Israel have tanks and attack helicopters given to them by the US to fight with, so we tend to see them as a more legitimate government.
Your right there was violence against the british throughout the early 1900sDaveW said:Kept to themselves and did not start violence???
Never heard of the
Irgun or the Stern Gang then have you.... Jewish activists in british palestine in the 1920-1930's partly invented the modern terrorist organisation (though the IRA is the chief originator of modern guerrilla warfare)
Although the Stern gang were pretty fvcked up....And tried to buddy up with the Nazi's
Really insightful stuff, there.noname said:That being said, I say we turn it all into glass and make some beutiful stained glass window for the Vatican.
Your inability to grasp sarcasm never ceases to astound.......Transcend said:Really insightful stuff, there.
Clearly, but the world didn't do so great in Mogadishu either...or the Balkans for that matter. I guess they at least tried in the Balkans... Don't really count on 1st world nations to do much in the grand scheme of things to help others unless they are shamed into it or it directly affects them. It's sad, but incredibly true.LordOpie said:i didn't read this thread, but how'd it go from the horrible situation in the Sudan to israel-palestine?
The atrocities in Africa is disgusting and the primary nations of this planet should be ashamed of themselves for letting it happen.
He started rambling about how Israel was on a crusade to stomp out genocide worldwide.LordOpie said:jews should just keep their mouths shut.