
Genocide in sudan


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
blue said:
He started rambling about how Israel was on a crusade to stomp out genocide worldwide. :nopity:
No, I said that now that jews as a people have a homeland we now have a duty to prevent genocide were ever possable.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
TheMontashu said:
No, I said that now that jews as a people have a homeland we now have a duty to prevent genocide were ever possable.
The Lebanon would have been a been a good place to start, pity they failed to take up the opportunity when it was presented to them.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
DRB said:
Bullsh!t. They don't care. I know US advisors to the AU and they say almost universally from the top down anything they do get is stolen or sold for personal gain and that peacekeeping is the last thing on their mind.

And since the US could careless, Again I ask where are the world's protectors.... China? Russia? France? Germany? Iran? Bueller? Bueller?

But, and its absolutely sad, is that the world community is simply implementing the plan i laid out here....


The only difference is that there were apparently more of fodder than I orginially anticipated. Oh what's a few million dead amongest friends....
I'm not sure that this thread started as an attack on the US, so much as pointing out that the world is ignoring the problem. You seem very sensitive to the issues however.

The thing is that the US (and other nations of the world) are not doing nothing, someone is supplying the arms used to inflict the genocide.

Here is another example, Somalia:


It appears that this could be another example of a war by proxy. Perhaps the world would be better off it we did just allow nature to take its course, but then we rarely like the outcome so we just stir it up again...


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
fluff said:
I'm not sure that this thread started as an attack on the US, so much as pointing out that the world is ignoring the problem. You seem very sensitive to the issues however.

The thing is that the US (and other nations of the world) are not doing nothing, someone is supplying the arms used to inflict the genocide.

Here is another example, Somalia:


It appears that this could be another example of a war by proxy. Perhaps the world would be better off it we did just allow nature to take its course, but then we rarely like the outcome so we just stir it up again...
And who said anything about it being an attack on the US? Well except for your shot about Somalia which regardless of your use of "we" is in fact a criticism of US policy.

But if anything it makes my point further, the US can't be trusted to do the right thing in Darfur (you know the western region of Sudan where the worst of this is occurring right now, which is what I thought the point of this thread was). The benevolent and wise governments of the EU, Russia, China and Iran should be jumping all over this as an opportunity to show the world how they are better able to handle these situations. Even the UN could make a transformation of its image if it stepped up to the plate.

I'm pretty sure the US doesn't hate black people (or Muslims) enough to get in the way of the rest of the world from doing something. But hey maybe the rest of the world gets lucky and the US does stop them because of its extreme hatred of black people (and Muslims because we do pretty much hate them) and it gives them one more check mark against the US. What they are doing with those check marks is of great mystery to me but they are obviously smarter than me when it comes to such things.

As for being sensitive about all of this, your f'ing right I am. Its one more time when the world sits on its hands and does nothing.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
DRB said:
And who said anything about it being an attack on the US? Well except for your shot about Somalia which regardless of your use of "we" is in fact a criticism of US policy.

But if anything it makes my point further, the US can't be trusted to do the right thing in Darfur (you know the western region of Sudan where the worst of this is occurring right now, which is what I thought the point of this thread was). The benevolent and wise governments of the EU, Russia, China and Iran should be jumping all over this as an opportunity to show the world how they are better able to handle these situations. Even the UN could make a transformation of its image if it stepped up to the plate.

I'm pretty sure the US doesn't hate black people (or Muslims) enough to get in the way of the rest of the world from doing something. But hey maybe the rest of the world gets lucky and the US does stop them because of its extreme hatred of black people (and Muslims because we do pretty much hate them) and it gives them one more check mark against the US. What they are doing with those check marks is of great mystery to me but they are obviously smarter than me when it comes to such things.

As for being sensitive about all of this, your f'ing right I am. Its one more time when the world sits on its hands and does nothing.
Well, I wish I had a government that would allow me to be smug but I don't; I certainly see the US as no worse than pretty much any advanced democracy (with the possible exceptions of some Scandinavan nations). The US does have a much larger impact than anyone else though.

I mentioned the sensitivity solely because you seem to be jumping on any thread that implies criticism of the US even if it is also criticising all other nations.

I assumed a degree of heavy sarcasm but that doesn't necessarily do your views justice.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
fluff said:
Well, I wish I had a government that would allow me to be smug but I don't; I certainly see the US as no worse than pretty much any advanced democracy (with the possible exceptions of some Scandinavan nations). The US does have a much larger impact than anyone else though.

I mentioned the sensitivity solely because you seem to be jumping on any thread that implies criticism of the US even if it is also criticising all other nations.

I assumed a degree of heavy sarcasm but that doesn't necessarily do your views justice.
Yeah that one was dripping pretty good with the sarcasm.

In the end, my concern is that the US in no longer capable of leading the pack on issues such as this (but that assumes that they ever did) and no one else seems to want to step up except to step up to the head of the criticism line.


Oct 17, 2002
TheMontashu said:
No, I said that now that jews as a people have a homeland we now have a duty to prevent genocide were ever possable.

All right thinking people with resources should participate in making the planet better.


Oct 17, 2002
noname said:
The problem is we can't all agree on what will make the planet better.
In some very basic ways, sure we can.

Like not killing off an entire group of people is a good place to start. Or sending millions of mosquito nets to Africa so people can sleep in peace.


Feb 19, 2006
outer limits
LordOpie said:
In some very basic ways, sure we can.

Like not killing off an entire group of people is a good place to start. Or sending millions of mosquito nets to Africa so people can sleep in peace.
or maybe some DDT to kill the malaria carrying mosquitos.........

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
LordOpie said:
Like not killing off an entire group of people is a good place to start. Or sending millions of mosquito nets to Africa so people can sleep in peace.
Actually, malaria induced death causes quite a peaceful sleep (post death of course.)


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
fluff said:
And this in a nut shell defines the whole thing

However, the UN says it will not deploy peacekeepers without Sudan's approval, but reiterated that it must act to stop the killings.
When the bunch doing the killing gets to determine whether a force will be put in place to stop them you know things are going to turn out just peachy.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
DRB said:
And this in a nut shell defines the whole thing

When the bunch doing the killing gets to determine whether a force will be put in place to stop them you know things are going to turn out just peachy.
Aye, it's like asking a child permission to discipline it. I think we should split Sudan up. It's way too big.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
The next phase of the UN endorsed DRB plan for Darfur will start up next week. I think that sufficient time as passed that most folks have forgotten about it. (I might have to deal with the Clooney fellow getting on TV reminding folks about it)

In case you were wondering phase II is getting the African peacekeepers to leave. All but the most hardcore aid organizations will beat feet at the sametime.... that way the folks can get back to the killing. But if "they" are smart all they have to do is stir up enough trouble to keep the aid organizations out. With approximately 3 million people relying on those organizations for even the most basic necessities it shouldn't take long for a big chunk of those to just get dead with minimal effort. Then "they" can focus their energies on the ones that are a little tougher. Shoot maybe they can just integrate the leftovers into "they" and take their roadshow to the next African nation on the list.

I really should be getting some royalities from the savings in aid because of my plan.

edit: and for god's sake would a mod please remove the word genocide from the thread title, its far too inflammatory. Its called "civillian repression".


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Dunno where this hits on the redudnancy metre (Too lazy to scan the whole post), but you want to stop the fighting in Sudan? Discover oil, then GW and his pals will fall all over themselves to cure it of its ails...


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Dunno where this hits on the redudnancy metre (Too lazy to scan the whole post), but you want to stop the fighting in Sudan? Discover oil, then GW and his pals will fall all over themselves to cure it of its ails...
Your attitude falls right into my plan. I figure that folks get so blinded in their hate of US foreign policy and the president that they really don't care about this type of humanitarian disaster. As long as Bush and co keeps calling it genocide, I'm sure it won't be long before the UN is calling it a block party.

Who doesn't love a block party?


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
It really is sickening. Didn't take the Sudanese government long at all to figure out that the UN doesn't do **** and they could go straight back to mass murder.

Sorry, DRB, but how can you get this issue tangled with current US foreign policy? All of our resources (and attention) are tied up freeing people. What can we do but leave this one to the UN?


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.

Sudanese Janjaweed militia and Chadian rebels have attacked at least 10 villages in southeast Chad in the past two weeks, killing over 100 people and displacing more than 3,000, local and U.N. officials say.

The attacks are part of a spillover of violence from Sudan's western Darfur region, where violence has increased as seasonal riverbeds dry out after annual rains, becoming passable to rebel jeeps and Janjaweed on horses or camels.
Its working. Sudan ran out of people to kill so they now move to Chad. This is like spring training to shake off the rainy season rust. Once it dries out more and they are all warmed up I'm sure they'll head on over to Goz Amir and the 18000+ refugees there. Of course they will have to contend with the security forces (all 18 of them) before they can get into the swing of things.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
How the hell can you just murder people in their homes, much less women, children and babies? The ganjaweed needs to be destroyed...and this is the only context in which you'll hear those words from me.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
I've been informed that its not genocide or a block party but a totally made up creation by the American media servants of Dubya.
Good thing we'll get to cash in on the riches of Sudan at the end of this whole ordeal.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
rockwool appears to be right. CNN actually interviewed the "UN representative" (a very good actor I'm surprised I haven't seen him in more):

"The plight of the people in Darfur is the making of the Sudanese," Pronk told CNN Correspondent Jeff Koinange in an interview Wednesday. "The people have been forgotten, neglected, marginalized. The government is responsible for using the army and Arab militia, which kill and kill and do not abide by any rule, let alone human rights rules."
"More than 2 million people in camps. You can say that Darfur has been cleansed," Pronk said in the CNN interview. "The international community took action too little and too late."

He added: "For many people, it is too late. They cannot be salvaged anymore because they have been killed, they have raped, atrocities have taken place with impunity in this part of the country."
Don't worry folks its just made up by the Western media as that the US can oppress the Sudanese and take their resources. Its not really happening.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
rockwool appears to be right. CNN actually interviewed the "UN representative" (a very good actor I'm surprised I haven't seen him in more):

Don't worry folks its just made up by the Western media as that the US can oppress the Sudanese and take their resources. Its not really happening.
Show me where I've said that what is happening in Darfur is "made up by the Western media" and that "Its not really happening".

You can't. There is no way you're comprehending what you read in such a distorted way so it must mean that you're just being gay because I say:

"that the US /.../ oppress /.../ and take /.../ resources" from countries around the world, now and before, and that "Its /.../ really happening".

That goes totally against what you've been told all your life, and you're now your self watching it happen clearly in Iraq. You obviously have a hard time accepting the new truth that you are slowly realizing, and attack me as it does take some time to swollow, and you are not mature/strong enough to accept that new truth yet (I'm not talking about maturity in a pubic sence here).

Stop being GAY. I'm not the one ****ing you, It's the leaders of your beloved country. You have no obligation either as a citizen or as a human to stand behind the atrocities commited by your governments. Infact, you have a moral obligation as a human aswell as a citizen of a democratic country to stand up against that.

Otherwise the governments of a democratic society will never fear its people, when the law of them countries have failed to instill that fear before them. The US is for every year moving closer to a totalitarian fascist state.

The line when you cross into that will not be clear, and a fascist state evolves just like any other society. New meanings of the word come to move that line further forward, aswell as mankinds ability to get used to situations pushes the line even further.

In some cases you might even have crossed that line. Don't sit around and wait for your elected to tell you what, when and if that has happened, because they won't.

Get your ****in **** together because I am not your enemy. I am also affected by yours and other leaders wickedness. Don't let mankinds inner wanting to trust others belive the electeds self claimed goodness.

They have wantings of their own, like making their shares worth more. The media owners have their own wishes to, they also want to further their interests any which way they can. Do you really think that they do not aply any influence over the editors?

Hell, the buzz they get out of wielding that power is a reason of its self. Probably even the biggest of all reasons. Is your ability to read people and situations really that under developed that you don't see this in individuals and in your society?

Haven't you ever personaly come in contact with an assosiate that has been promoted and suddenly becomes ruthless, or at least worse than he was? Dammit even some meter maids are ruthless when they feel they've got you on your knees.

Accept your new found truths and move on as a human being.