while this is true, it's also a sad commentary of just how jaded people have become, myself included.
no, as they're damn funny, which is their only goal. caught a TAL segment on NPR about the onion contributors. jon gets a bit tired when you can read the transcript and confuse it for olbermann (who's a damn good sports commentator by trade). all-anti-bush-all-the-time is just as tired as 3 hrs of hannity/rush and their breathless anti-lib tirades. i stopped watching the daily show when it became rote & all the frat boys lofted him as this beacon of truth, yet saying "it's just comedy". it's too bad tough crowd got canned after only 2 seasons; they ripped on everyone.
while there is an undeniable cringiness about bush's finger wagging @ putin's soul, what about when members of congress (who voted for initial & ongoing mil action in either iraq or afgh.) do likewise? just sayin.
Any comedian (or staff) worth their salt in political arenas will no doubt poke fun at whoever is in power. Most have a severe problem with authority...much like me I suppose...
Go listen to some Louis Black from the Clinton admin. Then listen to his Bush/Cheney tirades. Same sh*t, different day. Once Hillary/Obama/McCain is in office it will continue, uninterrupted. Bank it.
If the Daily Show goes black and doesn't go back, that'll really surprise me.
John Stewart begged America to "Make my job hard!" when referring to the 2004 election. My guess is he will do something similar this time around.
You are right, any of the good political comedians (Dennis Miller no longer counts because he is on the Fox payroll) poke fun at whoever is in Washington.
But most (if not all) have admitted that the last 8 years have been somewhat easy as the administration practically writes the jokes for them. You could do an hour routine on Bush's abuse of the English language alone!
Has the US Secretary of State got her cassette stuck? For a week now she has been reiterating the same phrase Russian forces must leave Georgia now and for a week now the world has been informed of Georgian war crimes against Russians in Ossetia. The war crimes happened, the Russians call the shots now, Ms. Rice. Like it or lump it.
Georgia declares war on South Ossetia
Explosions continue to terrorize Russia's Black Sea coast
Prons and cons of vegetarianism
Prodigies of nature: Angora rabbits
Is Condoleeza Rice stupid? OK her boss is, we all know that and thats why nobody pays any attention to what he says or if they do, it is to have a good laugh at how such an imbecile could supposedly rule the roost in Washington (when everyone knows it is Cheney and his energy and arms lobbies). So Bush gets a discount, like the uncle that farts at family dinners, like the retarded nephew who belches swearwords after his third litre of Coke, like the simpleton that sits outside the church on Sundays begging for money informing everyone that he is an astronaut on Thursday afternoons.
Is Condoleeza Rice stupid? She claims to be a Russian expert but her command of the language was recently exposed as being basic/elementary level on a Russian radio programme, just as her grasp of what is going on in Russia today seems beneath the informed blogger level.
Is Condoleeza Rice stupid? How can this female purport to broker events between an evil regime in Tblisi supported by her own evil regime in Washington, and Russia, while not mentioning one single time the war crimes committed by Georgia against Russian peacekeepers and civilians?
So we come to the conclusion that she is either stupid, or incompetent, or downright evil. If she didnt know about Georgias war crimes, when everyone else did, she is incompetent (as she proved as National Security Advisor during 9/11). If she knows about the war crimes and fails to mention them, as Secretary of State, she is plain stupid and if she purposefully covers them up, maybe because her own armed forces were involved, then she is one evil piece of work, as many of us suspected all along.
Is Condoleeza Rice stupid? Or incompetent? Or just plain evil?
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