
Get well BMXman.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
BMXman said:
finally get to start physical therapy....these four walls are starting to get to me...D
Call if you have any questions! If you have any questions she;d be glad to help answer them. But like she said, don't over do it! it could be very detrimental to your recovery.

prayers and good vibes your way. :thumb:


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
sirknight6 said:
Call if you have any questions! If you have any questions she;d be glad to help answer them. But like she said, don't over do it! it could be very detrimental to your recovery.

prayers and good vibes your way. :thumb:
thanks...yeah I keep wanting to push it further but my doc found out I was applying weight and he gave me a stern warning. He says my injury is kind of touch and go because I broke a bone, dislocated another and tore some tendons...I'm a pretty patient person but this take patience to a whole new level for me...D


BMXman said:
thanks...yeah I keep wanting to push it further but my doc found out I was applying weight and he gave me a stern warning. He says my injury is kind of touch and go because I broke a bone, dislocated another and tore some tendons...I'm a pretty patient person but this take patience to a whole new level for me...D
Just be smart, bro. I want to see you back in form soon. I have had a cold, and wouldn't take a break, and have been sick for a month now. Your injury will result in much worse pain, if you don't do it right. Good luck though.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
BMXman said:
thanks...yeah I keep wanting to push it further but my doc found out I was applying weight and he gave me a stern warning. He says my injury is kind of touch and go because I broke a bone, dislocated another and tore some tendons...I'm a pretty patient person but this take patience to a whole new level for me...D
That's the toughest part of the healing part...It's gonna heal, regardless, how it heals is entirely up to you! :thumb:

I know I suck when it come to injuries like that. I went crazy with my damn ribs...no therapy there but beer...Slow and steady wins the race.

Real important to follow the directions of the therapist! :thumb:
Jan 5, 2006
London, UK
Dear BMXman - sending you good vibrations for a speedy recovery from London, UK. I haven't read the entire thread but your scar pics and injuries sound similar to mine. Schoolboy error on a rain-lashed, rock stretch of XC trail in Wales at end of July (too fast, tyres too pressured) and I came off, putting whole weight through my ankle... managed to break the fibia and tibia in four places and dislocate the ankle. Two plates, many pins and a coupla screws later and then I was in plaster for six weeks.

It's really encouraging to see that so many other folk have been through bad injuries here and bounced back cos it has been a long slog. I made the mistake of not looking at the web sooner as I thought there would be so many different suggestions it'd screw my head up but reading this I wonder if I could have hastened my recovery. Five months on and I still have to use one crutch to walk more than 500m although my freeform unsupported shuffle is a thing of wonder and grace. Am on the exercise bike and doing 75 mins of physio every day and it seems to be helping but the sod is still pretty swollen. Anyone got any tips on supplements for recovery now or against the osteo-arthritis I'm warned about in the future? Also, I've been told to have the metal out in six months. Any thoughts? (I've got one screwhead raising the skin by 4mm - lame).

Anyway, nice one folks, great forum - I look forward to checking it properly when I'm back in the saddle again... Peace


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Thanks for sharing. I hope your injury is improving as I type this. I have been taking Calcium tablets fortified with vitamin D as well as a few Amino Acid supplements. You may not have to take the Amino's but I'm living a mostly Vegan lifestyle so I can use the extra help.

My doc says all my metal will stay in unless it gets to be painful for me....I would think something needs to be done about that screw though....D
A couple of comments:

BMXman said:
that's what everyone keeps saying but is this factual? Will that area be stronger then it was before??...D
No, in fact it's more prone to fracture at the ends of the plates - creates a stress concentration point.

Sensitivity around the plate must vary with individual. The one I got in my arm in June just doesn't bug me. A couple of weeks ago I went OTB and planted my forearm square across a tree right on the plate - didn't feel any worse than it would have prior to its installation.

At this point the arm is occasionally cranky (slightly achy) when the weather changes or after I work it a lot, but it works and works well. I hope you have the same luck.



Turbo Monkey
Dec 10, 2004
San Diego area, California USA
OK....i'm feeling really guilty! sorry donnie..i have to do this....

BMXman was FAKING IT ALL!!!! All he had was a hangnail off his big toe! The gnarly pictures were all photoshopped! He's just been hanging around the house in his boxxers & a wife beater.... watching MTB videos & claiming his unemployment checks!!


Damn, you really are sucking up all the pity aren't ya! hahaha

just kidding. Glad you're mending up fairly quickly bro! It seemed like just yesterday when i was sitting next to you in the hospital...as you kept passing out...& waking up to see me & asking me every 5 minutes "HEY MAN....WHAT'S UP?? UHHH..WHY DOES MY ANKLE HURT???? OOOOOH YA...THE ROOM'S SPINNING....BLAH"
hahahahahaha good times! lol

Romic tech

Jan 15, 2002
Hey D glad you are feeling better. Are you going to make it to fontana next weekend? It will be my first race in vet pro and i was looking forward to racing with you. I guess you wont be racing for a while but it would be cool if you could come and hang out at the trailer.

Roger @ Romic
Jan 5, 2006
London, UK
Thanks for the advice D - will get me some of those calcium pills asap. Had a good session with the physio today and feel like I'm making real progress... OK to start riding again on tarmac soon.

Keep the faith, bro', and remember the hardest part of the healing process is staying positive - so indulge in lots of whatever your bag is :-)

BMXman said:
Thanks for sharing. I hope your injury is improving as I type this. I have been taking Calcium tablets fortified with vitamin D as well as a few Amino Acid supplements. You may not have to take the Amino's but I'm living a mostly Vegan lifestyle so I can use the extra help.

My doc says all my metal will stay in unless it gets to be painful for me....I would think something needs to be done about that screw though....D


Aug 30, 2005
sorry to hear about your leg bmxman. frustrating and painful. i had a similar break back in august and can relate. its really hard to watch crash footage in the vids now. was on crutches till thanksgiving,just now walking somewhat normally-.wishing you patience and full recovery.
daddy stovepipe- i've got the pins-right-under-the-skin problem too. also alot of numbness. a good supplement for healing bones is plum flower brand 'the great mender' . its got kung fu dudes on the bottle.
two broken ankles in one year has me thinking of getting mx boots.
Jan 5, 2006
London, UK
Nice one, Haphazard - all tips gratefully received. The pin under skin is minging and feels the cold... just hoping it stays uninfected until next summer when I have all metal out - want to avoid two surgeries and two general anaesthetics if poss.

Re numbness, have you tried aromatherapy massage, say 30 mins, on affected leg? As long as they stay clear of the pins, massage stimulates all the tissues, metabolism, blood flow, etc, and seems to work a treat (I was cynical but it's really helped).


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Romic tech said:
Hey D glad you are feeling better. Are you going to make it to fontana next weekend? It will be my first race in vet pro and i was looking forward to racing with you. I guess you wont be racing for a while but it would be cool if you could come and hang out at the trailer.

Roger @ Romic

hmm.. I hadn't thought about it...but I will most likely make the 2nd Jan. race. I still get pretty tired very easily dragging this bum leg around...D
Jan 5, 2006
London, UK
So, although I'm not anywhere near ready yet, can I ask, did any of you who have recovered from breaks get the fear when you started riding again? Or was the pleasure of getting out there such that you didn't even think about it? It's prob just cos I've got so much time on my hands at the minute that I can't help wondering how much the broken ankle will play on my mind when I next hit the trails...


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Well I just started PT yesterday and I'm already thinking about when I get to ride my bikes again. I don't think the injury will cause any hesitation in my riding or fear. I think I will be to excited about riding again. Hell yesterday I was headed to the garage to see if i could get a few spins around the block but all my pedals had been removed...someone knows me too well :D


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
BMXman said:
Hell yesterday I was headed to the garage to see if i could get a few spins around the block but all my pedals had been removed...someone knows me too well :D
Dude, take it slow. Nothing worse than pushing to heal then doing long term damage.

I broke my hand then went on tour playing drums 10 days later. It hurt like hell for months, and I had high sensitivity in the nerves in my wrist for years after. It would have healed much better if I'd left it alone.

Glad to hear you're recovery is going well though!


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
It's been a while since I have posted in this thread. I'm getting a few PM and emails so instead of typing the same thing over an over I just directed everyone to this thread. First off thanks to all those who have been supportive and helpful during my recovery process. Heather, Jeremiah and SK6 to name a few.

I have been under-going physical therapy for a while now and it's going well. It's obviously not happening soon enough for me but I give it all I have when I'm there. I have been going 3 times a week and my job has been able to work around my PT schedule so they have been really supportive. Still haven't been on a real bike yet but I think I should be able to by next weekend.

Being laid up for so long has definitely changed my outlook on some things and it gave me a lot of time to think and reflect. In a lot of ways I think it was good that it happened to me. My life was pretty hectic juggling a teenage son, wife, job and riding. Now I feel like I'm more focused and I take more time out for some things I have since long forgotten. Anyway....thanks for reading...D


Glad things are going well, D. Anything in particular that it changed your perspective on???


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Hey D, Glad to here it moving forward. I know it sucks, because it NEVER progresses the way WE want, but trust me, it will progress, and if you do your PT the way the PT tells you, will be the best bet.

Sometimes, it takes a traumatic or serious event in our live to help us refocus, and reaquaint ourselves with this or persons we may have begun to take for granted. We only tend to take it for granted because we become accustomed to it or them in our lives.

Glad things are looking up bro!! careful with the bike, we need you to get well so we can get ya out here and introduce you to some east-coast mud!!!!

Be well, and travel with a light heart!


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
loco said:
Glad things are going well, D. Anything in particular that it changed your perspective on???

yeah I'm definitely going to increase my commitment to my family. When I was out of work I was able to spend a lot more time with my son. His grades improved and we talked a lot more. I was also able to spend more time with my wife. So I think now I will do everythig in my power to put them in front of all else including biking and work.

My wife has been really supportive with my racing and riding so it's never been an issue but I think there have been times where I have sacrificed both of their needs in order to meet my own so that will definitely change.

I roe my SS for the first time since the break and I'm soooo weak:angry:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
BMXman said:
yeah I'm definitely going to increase my commitment to my family. When I was out of work I was able to spend a lot more time with my son. His grades improved and we talked a lot more. I was also able to spend more time with my wife. So I think now I will do everythig in my power to put them in front of all else including biking and work.

My wife has been really supportive with my racing and riding so it's never been an issue but I think there have been times where I have sacrificed both of their needs in order to meet my own so that will definitely change.

I roe my SS for the first time since the break and I'm soooo weak:angry:
Aha just keep pluggin.:) Sounds like things are on the up and up for you and yours.

Instead of reiterating in cliche, i really just want to say it's good to see a positive come out of negative in a practical and balanced way.

A good freind i used to ride with alot hardly ever rides anymore since he has decided to coach his daughters softball team. i won't say i don't selfishly miss his company since in many ways he was a mentor, but totally outweighing that, i'm totally stoked he's doing the right thing.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
BMXman said:
So I think now I will do everythig in my power to put them in front of all else including biking and work.
And without me around to instigate...