
getting by w/o a vehicle...have you done it?


Jun 10, 2002
so, i'm debating whether I want to sell off my truck, and become a full-time commuter for a few months while i save up some money and pay off some bills. girlfriend's got a car, and i have the key for the shop van, so in times of need, i'd have something to drive.

have you done something like this? if so, how long?


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
nope, I'm a pvssy and still drive/own my truck.....its not a bad idea with gas prices going up, best of luck


Turbo Monkey
Aug 23, 2002
Roanoke, VA
I've done it for months at a time in the past out of choice. The car sat in the driveway, I just didn't want to pay the insurance on it.
The worst part about it for me was limiting where I could mountainbike. I started stashing bikes at the houses of friends so that I could ride a road bike over, and then ride XC or dirtjumps.

Things like hauling large items, like furniture/raw materials wasn't a problem either. I'd just borrow a trailer or two from my local Bike-based moving and hauling service, www.pedalpeople.com

Currently I drive 2 days a week or so. I moved closer to the shop (about 3 blocks). And Easthampton/Northampton/Holyoke are all within 15minutes of easy pedaling from each other.
It means I only have to drive to races, and to my powdercoater (they are only 5 miles away, but I can't figure out how to strap 6 frames to my back, or trailer them and keep them pristine).

I have been jonesing to build an electric-assist cargo trike for trips to powdercoat and the laser cutter, but I sure don't have the time.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Yes. I did it for about 2 years and mostly do it now. I had a car, just didn't drive it. I rode to and from work, the gym, bars, friends, to the trails...you get the picture. You can always get rides to further trails with friends.


Oct 17, 2002
If you use your g/f's car cuz you got rid of yours, she'll eventually wonder why she's covering the whole expense. Address the finances before you get rid of your truck.

Also, keep it and try NOT using it at all for a month.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
They've got a really cool setup. They actually have the contract with the town for all of the downtown trash and recycling pickups.
Thats awesome! I bet they were able to bid low since they don't have the huge expensive trucks


free wieners
i do it all the time. since i am traveling all over right now i have learned to have a good mix of public trans and cycling where i need it.

been with out wheels up here in sea-tac for a few weeks now and have nailed down the spots where i cant ride and have to take the public trans.

shopping is a bit more difficult but you just have to llearn to buy what fits in your messenger bag or backpack.

safeway delivers groceries online so you donbt have to worry about food shopping

thew only part that really bugs me is foul weather riding.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I didn't get my license until I was 21. There were times in the rain that were miserable, but otherwise I liked it.

The next time was during the beginning of the Iraqi War. I went 3 weeks without driving. This time my commute distances were much longer, 15 miles to work, 10-20 to my friends homes. Then biking became a huge chore.

But if your g/f has a car, plus you have access to a vehicle, the short trips are a breeze and you have a bailout for the tough comutes.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
My truck is paid off so it just sits but I can usually make a tank of gas last about a month. It would be longer but I do errands for people with my truck when needed so that takes away a bit. We take my girls car everywhere seeing how it gets retarded good milage


Jun 10, 2002
If you use your g/f's car cuz you got rid of yours, she'll eventually wonder why she's covering the whole expense. Address the finances before you get rid of your truck.

Also, keep it and try NOT using it at all for a month.
girlfriend works 50 - 60hrs a week. I can't rely on the use of her car, except to maybe pick me up from work once a week.