Injured ribs a couple weeks ago, starting to exercize again, after 2 weeks of nothing. RIBS SUCK. What do I need to do to get into tip top shape. I believe I was in fairly good shape prior to the rib incident. I'm 33 and weigh about 185 naked and about 19% BF last time I checked. I have a recumbant bike my wife and I bought? I have no idea about heart rate and what it should be at. It has like 6 training programs. I do the number 5 usually which is a progressive workout that lasts 1/2 hour and I maintain a heart rate of about 125 and 130. Someone told me that my heart rate target should be 170 at my age of 33. I was pedalling at 25 mph the whole time and couldn't get my heart rate above 130. I did about 10 miles in that 1/2 hour. My main question is this. I know time on the bike itself on the trail is better than anything, but is 1/2 hour enough per day to be in tip top shape. I need like a workout plan or something and have no time to go to the gym either. It's knuckles gym, or no gym. I usually do like 50 25lb curls per arm, 100 pushups, 1/2 hour on the recumbant, and 100 situps with the ab roller. I don't have a lot of time to ride the acual bike on the trial. I can handle much more than this, believe me, but find non-bike exercize extremely boring. Am I doing enough?