


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Beers have been stashed somewhere here in this picture. Now just need to remember which tree it was....

Pretty sure I already forgot. :rofl:

And off to the trailhead.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Kitten herding commencing. Little one keeps getting smaller. We're having trouble getting him to eat. Yesterday vet said that kittens won't eat if they're cold, so last night we kept him upstairs where it's warmer. We putting a heating pad in the crate to help keep him warm, which seems to have helped. But now that we're all waking up and he's off of it, he's barely eating and needs to be wrapped in a blanket. The other two have almost doubled in size while this little guy is losing weight. I got to have the conversation with the Haley that he's struggling and might not make it. That's wasn't fun.

Working on kart today.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Beers have been stashed somewhere here in this picture. Now just need to remember which tree it was....

Pretty sure I already forgot. :rofl:

And off to the trailhead.
Damn squirrel. Will they grow beer now?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Kitten herding commencing. Little one keeps getting smaller. We're having trouble getting him to eat. Yesterday vet said that kittens won't eat if they're cold, so last night we kept him upstairs where it's warmer. We putting a heating pad in the crate to help keep him warm, which seems to have helped. But now that we're all waking up and he's off of it, he's barely eating and needs to be wrapped in a blanket. The other two have almost doubled in size while this little guy is losing weight. I got to have the conversation with the Haley that he's struggling and might not make it. That's wasn't fun.

Working on kart today.
does he still purr or no?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
both kids sick, daughter still has lingering rsv, and her fever is back. COVID test was negative at least. son has croup, primary care Dr didn't have any appointments so wife took him to pediatric urgent care. anniversary dinner plans cancelled. gonna work on cleaning the garage then cleaning up some leaves in the yard.

Poops McDougal

moving to australia
May 30, 2007
Central California
both kids sick, daughter still has lingering rsv, and her fever is back. COVID test was negative at least. son has croup, primary care Dr didn't have any appointments so wife took him to pediatric urgent care. anniversary dinner plans cancelled. gonna work on cleaning the garage then cleaning up some leaves in the yard.
Similar boat over here re: kids being sick. I'd like to go for a ride today, but not sure that's in the cards. May wind up doing yard work instead. Also need to drop off my ballot at some point.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
Coffee on the back deck. Will take off for the races in a bit.

Another week without a ride. Need to work on that.


free wieners
How's the Montezuma castle project going?
Found 3 of 6 sites yesterday from the 1900's hand-drawn map. One was some old native ruins, not very difficult to get to but has the promise of some cool stuff, the other two were hard rock mines in an area with some crazy bedrock. seems they dug the shafts in between two layers of bedrock. They have promise to come back with the metal detector and inspect it for a full day. Still have 3 more sites to find before I start exploring the ones with the most promise.

Waiting for my new 4 gas detector to show up before I start exploring some of these old mines. Not a fan of bad air environments


I am standing on one layer of bedrock that is around 5 feet thick then around 8 feet of pay gravel then another layer of bedrock under that. Very bizarre geological area. Should make for some interesting detecting.
Last edited:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Not much though. Mostly crying at this point. We have one of the vet assts from the rescue coming by today to hook up an IV for fluids and nutrients.
sounds a little similar to what happened to one of our cats, but not quite the same. wasn't losing weight, just wasn't gaining. and purring a lot. turned out he had FIP.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
both kids sick, daughter still has lingering rsv, and her fever is back. COVID test was negative at least. son has croup, primary care Dr didn't have any appointments so wife took him to pediatric urgent care. anniversary dinner plans cancelled. gonna work on cleaning the garage then cleaning up some leaves in the yard.
but wait! there's more! my son tested positive for flu. which means that's probably what my daughter has too. at least it's mild since they both had their flu shots.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I have a 13lb dog that thinks nothing of getting in the face of a 400lb bear. If we hadn't trained him on voice commands I'm pretty sure he'd be dead right now.

Fuck, I haven't had that much adrenaline hit me that fast in years. So glad the bears here are pussies....


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
I have a 13lb dog that thinks nothing of getting in the face of a 400lb bear. If we hadn't trained him on voice commands I'm pretty sure he'd be dead right now.

Fuck, I haven't had that much adrenaline hit me that fast in years. So glad the bears here are pussies....
Looks like at least one works at your local candy shop. No wonder they're so fat.



Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Grandpa is in the hospital; had a heart attack. Mom is going back to England tomorrow. This is probably the end for my grandpa. He's 93y/o (iirc) and have instructions to just keep him comfortable. No more surgeries, no resuscitation.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
I have a 13lb dog that thinks nothing of getting in the face of a 400lb bear. If we hadn't trained him on voice commands I'm pretty sure he'd be dead right now.

Fuck, I haven't had that much adrenaline hit me that fast in years. So glad the bears here are pussies....
Ours is a little bigger at 50lb's. But always wants to fight the elk/deer/bears etc that wander through. But then in other ways is a complete chicken...


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
damn, sorry to hear @stoney .

rode this morning while kids were at xc-ski club practice. older kid did 2h45mins of hill climbs and sprint starts. he was gassed when I picked him up!

my ride was good. rode with another ski club dad. he's fitter than I am, but I'm quicker down, and I showed him some new trails, so a good trade-off I think. it's freakishly warm and dry here now (72°F and sunny) - this was day 3 in a row of riding. gotta make hay when the sun is shining!

on another note, I'm heading to visit family in Scottsdale next week with one of my boys. Anyone know of good activities to do in the area with a 9 year old? I don't want to burden them with entertaining us the whole time... I was thinking of going for a hike somewhere (been to McDowell preserve before, and that seems cool), maybe see about renting bikes to ride (but it needs to be beginner - friendly). other than that, I'm not familiar with what the Phoenix area has to offer... is the zoo any good?


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Wasted a beauty day on raking leaves because wife needs to pretend we're good neighbors. Other neighbors just enjoyed the day outdoors, apparently. Le fuck. :banghead:


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Ours is a little bigger at 50lb's. But always wants to fight the elk/deer/bears etc that wander through. But then in other ways is a complete chicken...
The idea of my little buddy getting a full clawed bear swipe scares the living shit out of me. I was actually shaking this morning after that. Fucker just goes nose to nose and barks his head off.