


Sep 14, 2003
South Lake, WA
Gohuckyourself.com made a strong showing at the first annual Gorge Games Freeride event. The drive was not as long as I thought and we seemed to get there in no time. When we arrived at post canyon, we met up with Jake Felt, the man who does a lot of the elevated ladders and such. He was working on a new section of the course for the race and at first we thought "what the ****, are we going to ride this ****!". It was pretty intimidating at first, the section was about 8-9' up and 5-6" wide at the skinniest running about 75' long with turns and a nice 4-5' drop at the end. The rest of the course was pretty tame after that with some more low skinnies and a few jumps that were fun to hit. We practiced on Sat. to get a feel for the course, for most of us it was our first time there and we wanted to see what we were up against. There was a nice road gap little ways up so we sessioned that for a while and took some pics and video, then we rode down another trail Blue Car that was a smokin' fast DH style course.

On Sun. the day of the event, more people showed up and we practiced the cousre a little more. We were not sure that we liked the length of the couse, it was only 1:15 if you cleaned everything and smoked it, but after the 3 run format we felt that it was more than enough. The riders that competed for GHY were Lars, Adam, Matt, Cory, Nick, with AJ and his girl manning the video and camera. There was a lot of spectator support with numbers of about 400 people watching 25 riders. It was a great feeling riding along skinnies and doing big jumps with that many people watching.

After it was all said and done, our own Lars Sternberg stepped up and stole the crown from the local boys with a time of 1:05 beating Antoine Chauson(sp) a Post Canyon local by 1 sec. Adam Greene was in the top 5 after a flawless first run but got bumped out after the next 2 rounds. The rest of us didn't make it in the top 10 but we had a great time and will definitly be going to this event next year.

Practice your skinnies and jumps and come out next year, it should be even longer and sicker from what we heard the builders talking about. Thanks for all the work to the guys from GFRA. We should have some pics and video up at gohuckyourself.com in the near future. PEACE