
Gifts for the needy kids turned down...

How much of a loser prick do you have to be to turn down gifts for the less fortunate people in the projects? This strip club brought gifts for the kids and the idiots told them to not give them out because they work for a strip club. Who cares where they work, its for the kids. Here's yet another reason why it sucks to live in the south



Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Yet at the same time, everyone is more than happy to take all of the money Philip Morris (or whatever the name is right now) is dishing out. Or, what about the commercials where it shows Miller (?) providing clean water to victims of natural disasters? I'd love to see the victims refuse the water on grounds that its provider supports the degradation of American family values. Seriously, all they wanted to do was give something (toys) back to the community, is that so wrong? F'n hypocrits...

dh girlie

reflux said:
Yet at the same time, everyone is more than happy to take all of the money Philip Morris (or whatever the name is right now) is dishing out. Or, what about the commercials where it shows Miller (?) providing clean water to victims of natural disasters? I'd love to see the victims refuse the water on grounds that its provider supports the degradation of American family values. Seriously, all they wanted to do was give something (toys) back to the community, is that so wrong? F'n hypocrits...
Holier than though bastards...what's funny is...those strippers and the people that run that club probably have more integrity in their pinky finger than those a holes who refused the gifts...


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
id hit it, both of them. but the one on the right first. i like brunettes. they 0wn bl0nd3s. they are usually better in bed to.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
this is very disturbing however, i mean the slumlord is doggin on the strippers. thats stateville for ya. place is a big time speed trap on I-40 anyway.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
dh girlie said:
Holier than though bastards...what's funny is...those strippers and the people that run that club probably have more integrity in their pinky finger than those a holes who refused the gifts...
yeah, if there's one thing strippers are known for, its integrity.

...If Im religious, I dont think Id be accepting toys from strip clubs though, because then its "Well you didnt seem to have a problem with us when we gave you gifts" ... and If I were steadfast against that in my community, that'd be the wrong call. I think not accepting the gifts sent the proper message.

dh girlie

biggins said:
id hit it, both of them. but the one on the right first. i like brunettes. they 0wn bl0nd3s. they are usually better in bed to.

Judging by a lot of your posts since you first joined RM...I have a sneaky suspicion you'd hit just about anything...blond, brunette, bald, whatever...

The pool of brunettes is a larger pool...I read this article in a medical magazine in my dermatologists office that said that most people in the western hemisphere are brunette...only 20% are natural blond...isn't that weird?

dh girlie

BurlyShirley said:
yeah, if there's one thing strippers are known for, its integrity.

...If Im religious, I dont think Id be accepting toys from strip clubs though, because then its "Well you didnt seem to have a problem with us when we gave you gifts" ... and If I were steadfast against that in my community, that'd be the wrong call. I think not accepting the gifts sent the proper message.

Hmmm...that's true...I forget that we're a little more liberal here in the Bay Area...


dh girlie said:
Hmmm...that's true...I forget that we're a little more liberal here in the Bay Area...
Or they are a little too closed minded out there. :think:


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
dh girlie said:
Judging by a lot of your posts since you first joined RM...I have a sneaky suspicion you'd hit just about anything...blond, brunette, bald, whatever...

The pool of brunettes is a larger pool...I read this article in a medical magazine in my dermatologists office that said that most people in the western hemisphere are brunette...only 20% are natural blond...isn't that weird?

well thats because natural blondes are being out-evolutionized by the brunettes.