
Gitmo Detention Now Closed


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
i think they'd have an easier time proving allah exists than their innocence, legally speaking.

funny the things said when someone offers to put the shoe on the other foot.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2008
i think they'd have an easier time proving allah exists than their innocence, legally speaking.

funny the things said when someone offers to put the shoe on the other foot.
There's a lot of people in there that are most likely innocent, and it isn't an irrational request by the EU.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
One door closes another stays open.
More than 600 detainees are held at the US Bagram Theatre Internment Facility — known by campaigners as "the other Guantanamo". Not only are there no plans to close it, but it is being expanded to hold 1100 enemy combatants; prisoners who cannot see lawyers, have no trials and never see what evidence there may be against them.

I did not know this but it does not surprise me. Odds on it staying open for the next 4/8 years?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
There's a lot of people in there that are most likely innocent, and it isn't an irrational request by the EU.
innocent of what? they were in the wrong place @ the wrong time.

that's how we roll


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
Dug this up again since NBC news did a piece on the build up and expansion of Gitmo tonight. $700K new soccer area, 21 cable channels, life improvement classes...including financial planning, a library with 13,000 books and a per detainee cost of $800K per year. All this from a facility the President said would be closed within his first year. How many local elementary schools have 13,000 books? How many schools have cut programs due to funding? How many sports programs have been shut down due to lack of facilities?

And if Obama ignores all this, then it's not an actual issue then is it?

The days of prisoners, no matter where they are, living a better lifestyle than most of the general population need to come to an end.

Cable at Gitmo


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Dug this up again since NBC news did a piece on the build up and expansion of Gitmo tonight. $700K new soccer area, 21 cable channels, life improvement classes...including financial planning, a library with 13,000 books and a per detainee cost of $800K per year. All this from a facility the President said would be closed within his first year. How many local elementary schools have 13,000 books? How many schools have cut programs due to funding? How many sports programs have been shut down due to lack of facilities?

And if Obama ignores all this, then it's not an actual issue then is it?

The days of prisoners, no matter where they are, living a better lifestyle than most of the general population need to come to an end.

Cable at Gitmo
And, they arent being hunted by SEALS or SF anymore...no one is shooting at them there. All that so they can again plot against the rest of the free world upon release...


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
Most of the general population? That's a bold claim. Hyperbole even?
Yes. It was my rant, it pisses me off, so I reacted with a typical immature pissed off statement. Does not lessen the the fact that the money spent on Gitmo is ridiculous and a broken promise by our government. Let me rephrase my previous statement after a nights sleep....

The days of prisoners, no matter where they are, living in conditions that make it more desirable to remain incarcerated need to end.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
When this country can treat it's needy, veterans and senior citizens this well, then I'm all for trying it out on the prison population.

The Gitmo prisoners receive free health care (granted they don't have much of a choice since they can't go out shopping for their own) but yet health care cost for the average citizen is rising every year?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
When this country can treat it's needy, veterans and senior citizens this well, then I'm all for trying it out on the prison population.

The Gitmo prisoners receive free health care (granted they don't have much of a choice since they can't go out shopping for their own) but yet health care cost for the average citizen is rising every year?


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
They haven't closed Gitmo because Congress (not the executive branch) said NIMBY to moving them to facilities in the US. In reality the large private prison system who helps out many of these people in Congress is a much bigger threat/drain on society than having a few more criminals from Gitmo in the the US prison system.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
They haven't closed Gitmo because Congress (not the executive branch) said NIMBY to moving them to facilities in the US. In reality the large private prison system who helps out many of these people in Congress is a much bigger threat/drain on society than having a few more criminals from Gitmo in the the US prison system.
and obama knew this would be the response

he also knew his base wouldn't bother to find out, b/c it would put them in the uncomfortable position of holding 2 opposing ideas.

besides, what's a few more muslims in our prison industry? rounding error? ain't like we could make them any more pissed mainstreaming them into one of our finest hate factories

caution: bike related

A prisoner in the bicycle repair workshop