
Global Warming Goofballs nuttier than PETA

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
"There are people and institutions knowingly disseminating falsehoods and distortions about global warming. They deserve to be held publicly accountable.

As to what shape that accountability would take, my analogy to the Nuremberg trials was woefully inappropriate -- nay, stupid. I retract it wholeheartedly. More -- much more -- later."
Hyperbole aside, he's right in one respect. The people and institutions that are lying to us deserve to be held publicly accountable. So, what should we do about those who disseminate falsehoods, especially if GW turns out to be as bad as some suspect it might? We could be in a situation where we reach (or have already reached) a tipping point that could have been prevented had we taken action. So, the actions of the liars would have led to actual deaths.

(Note: N8, before another one of your incisive smiley face rebuttals, note that this is a hypothetical question. Those that deny climate change like Inhofe are certainly lying to us and should be held accountable, but this question is dealing with future potentials.)