
Global Warming to enter the White House.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Obama picks global warming expert as science adviser


WASHINGTON — President-elect Barack Obama's choice of John P. Holdren as his science adviser sends a strong signal that Obama sees global warming as an urgent problem and wants bold suggestions for action.

The Harvard University environmental policy professor has argued that the world already is experiencing dangerous climate change as a result of fossil fuel combustion. He's said there's still time to avert catastrophe, but only with a strong and rapid global effort.
It's a good thing it's a myth.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
looks like he may in for some ojt: THEMIS Project Discovers Breach In Earth's Magnetic Field
NASA's five THEMIS spacecraft have discovered a breach in Earth's magnetic field ten times larger than anything previously thought to exist. Solar wind can flow in through the opening to "load up" the magnetosphere for powerful geomagnetic storms. But the breach itself is not the biggest surprise. Researchers are even more amazed at the strange and unexpected way it forms, overturning long-held ideas of space physics.

"At first I didn't believe it," says THEMIS project scientist David Sibeck of the Goddard Space Flight Center. "This finding fundamentally alters our understanding of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction."
as long as this cat's not a fundamentalist, he should do rather well @ the helm

i'm even re-thinking previous assertions i had made on the sun's direct influence on our climate (beyond simple proximity - i'm talking about solar events such as above)