
Globe Death Match 3000


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
A few monkeys headed out to Globe, AZ for a bit of riding with some MTBRers...

Doobi praying his rack will hold 4 big bikes. JapZero shows some skin.

The staging area. Note the love seat on the trailer. A few of us chose poorly and rode up the mountain back there...

And we're off.

The scenery was awesome. Too bad this photo sucks.

The man left standing seems less than pleased with his accomodations.

Tragedy strikes! The last few miles of road to the top were iced.

The Prerunner was having a hard time and started sliding towards the edge. Not good. We managed to drag the Toyota to safety.

How the %$@# do I turn around!

Everyone gears up and half of the group chooses to press on to the top.

Marksee and I choose to roll the fire road, let our fingers thaw and wait for reinforcements.

Did someone say burnt cow? We found an alternative trail head and a ranger informed us that a dead cow on the trail had to be disposed of somehow... Doobi attempted to jump the animal and ended up with cow all over his chest. :twitch: The stench was only bested by JapZero's insides not agreeing with the questionable Mexican lunch we had on the ride back to Phoenix...


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2006
Good to meet you guys, even if it was only a short ride.

(I was on the tan RMX)

Hopefully next time we can actually ride the whole trail.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 10, 2005
Med. to Well-Done in Phx
Great write up. Haven't been up in the Pinals since I have been riding a non-motorized bike. Had a friend that used to live further down Six Shooter Canyon so I'm familiar with the area.

Looks like quite the outing, pretty cold! But then any day riding is better than a day not riding.

Sorry to hear about questionable lunch, the Globe/Miami area is renowned for having some of the best Mexican food in the state.