
Gluten-free beer!


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
So my wife has Celiac's disease...no wheat/gluten for her, which means no beer, which means no Guiness, which makes her unhappy. (It manifested in her late 20s in a fairly mild form...she still has a birthday Guiness and a St. Patty's Guiness...)

But she went to BevMo's website and discovered our local store had 3 six-packs of different gluten free beers in stock! She actually ordered online and we walked over to get it. Tried all 3. One was a kosher honey beer, which tasted like a watery, vinegary mead-type stuff. Not the best. The next was Bard's Tale, out of San Jose just down the road...sorghum beer...tasted like a decent beer!!! The last was some A-Busch product, and it was crappy, too. But one good gluten-free beer is better than none, which we had before.

So rejoyce for the beer-deprived.


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I tried one of those sorghum beers; one of Jenn's coworkers brought one in for her to bring home. I can't remember what the name was.

I really wasn't a big fan of it, but it was mostly because I knew I had a selection of perfectly tasty IPAs in the 'fridge awaiting my consumption. If the alternative was no beer, I'm sure I would quickly develop a taste for it.

I did think it was pretty cool that such a product existed for those poor, beer-deprived souls!