
~*~gmt monday gmt~*~


triple nubby
Jan 7, 2011
hopkinton ma
top of the morning to you monkeys! i had alot of stuff plained for the weekend and did none of it since i slept all day. today i got school and i get to sleep all day again :rofl:. anyway be safe out there monkeys:thumb:


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
Morning kids! Got to meet up with some friends from Vermont in Ft Collins, CO while on their way to Cali. Now still drinking a New Belgium Super Grand Cru which is AMAZING! I'll go to bed later, wake up in the afternoon and do a 90 mile road training ride. Life is GOOD!!!

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
HELLO MONDAY!! Let's all attack this Monday morning with a positive attitude and smiles on our faces! HOORAY!

Had an all around awesome weekend. Bought a car Friday night, ran 13.2 miles in the RAIN on Saturday, and did a very hilly 65 mile charity road ride in rain SHOWERS yesterday with wife and five others. That could have been the wettest I have gotten on a road ride...the rain hurt when it hit my face and my hands were cold and uncooperative. But, at least the sun came out for the last 15 miles.

Not a single meeting on my work calendar this week. Glorious.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Jet lag Monday.... ok I'll let you know in a few hours. Was up at 3am this morning due to the 6hr time change. Wide awake alone at work right now since I got here so early.

Had an amazing trip to Italy, France, and Monaco. Also I would like to note the Euro Vs. American Dollar exchange rate SUCKS!
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Sep 8, 2009
All the crappy weather this weekend ruined my plans of riding on Saturday and Sunday. I've got a serious case of the Mondays.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
oy that 12:30 am tone out for a "warming Fire" really put the kabash on my sleep pattern. Anyhow we got the camper packed and I only have a 2 day work week before taking a 5 day trip...yipppie

must have coffee as I need to be on the road in an hour for the Ambulance gig.

added on edit

really must have coffee: I just put the filter in the grinder top and poured the whole beans into the Mellita filter holder ..DOH
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Molester of monkeys
Jun 8, 2007
Tied up in the basement
Sort of a cruddy weekend here in central NY: rainy and cold. I got out on the trails yesterday afternoon after the rain finally stopped. Although it muddies up the trails and makes a mess out of me and the bike, I actually like riding in the woods right after it rains. It intensifies all those organic, spicy, decaying matter smells, and I love listening to the water dripping off the leaves onto the ground. I stayed out for a couple hours, and the sun finally peeked through the clouds toward the end of the ride. My toes were pretty frozen by the time I got home,though.

We're finally hiring a new staff member in my office!! We lost 3 staff 2 years ago due to retirement, and they wouldn't let us replace them at the time due to budget cuts, so we've been spreading their duties amongst the rest of us. The work has been getting done, but not well, so it really sucked. I've been looking for a new job for the past year, but not really seeing anything that would be an improvement in terms of responsibilities or pay. Things should start looking up now, though. I am so relieved!!!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
friday: ate out with the future missus, drank booze. watched tv.
saturday: woke up late. ran errands. rode bike and got done just in time before the rain hit. went out to a birthday dinner for one of liz's co-workers birthday. Greek place, good lamb. Drank wine. Then to a bar and drank beer.
sunday: woke up late again. headed to stroudsburg pa. my sister was doing a half ironman so liz and i went to cheer her on. she finished in just over 6 hours, but that was without the swim (river was too high and rough due to recent flooding, so the event organizers cancelled that portion). hung out and ate with her and the bro-in law afterwards.

today: truck no worky. Trying to get service appt, working from home.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Happy Monday! I'm happy to rest in my desk chair after a big weekend of riding. Saturday was 32 miles with 3600 of climbing - we mountain biked all the way around Mt. Bachelor and there are some super loamy sections that suck you in. Most of the climbing was difficult primative like trails that were rocky and loose. Ooof. Yesterday I don't have mileage or elevation for but it hurt.

There is a rainbow out right now, how bad can the day be?


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
The forest service found our illegal dirt jumps. The guy didn't seem too upset, probably because he was there supervising the once-a-year moto race that tears everything to pieces for miles. Not to mention the damage from illegal jeeps and atvs. I moved my tools and we'll see how this goes.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 20, 2008
Beech Mtn Definitely NOT Boulder
Went climbing and rode bikes while the lady friend was out of town this weekend. We got some snow saturday morning, nothing stuck down in the valley but on top of the mountain they got a little over an inch. Slept great last night and had no trouble waking up this morning. Monday can suck it, I feel great!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
'morning monkeys.

Spent the weekend in Denver. Saw a few of the sights around the city and the surrounding area. Attended two sessions of the Great American Beer Festival, which was awesome if a little crowded. Had lunch with Pesqueeb, which Nick missed. Missed meeting N8 or RUFUS despite preliminary discussions because the family and friends plans kind of dominated everything else.

Holy crap did I drink a lot of beer this weekend.


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Sat on my butt and watched movies with the doggy patient on my lap and child by my side all weekend. Hubby was at Whistler, comes home tonight--yay!!

I need to go for a BIKE ride... like, a realllly long fun fast challenging one... Ok, I will. Maybe tomorrow after work. It's hubby's turn to sit with the kids!

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
Last week went on a first date with a girl that went really well. Fortune cookie I just had said "A new romance is in the near future."

A million underage slave laborers can't be wrong.:weee:


Apr 13, 2004
Denver, CO
Adam - OK, and how do you spell your last name?
Customer - Yeah it's P for pineapple, h for Hitler, a for America, n for NASA, a for America, s for, uh, Stalin, g for groundhog, a for America, o forrrrr ornery, n for NASA, k for Klingon, a for America, r for Rocket ship.
Adam - Man, and I was so close...

**** today. :drinking:
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