
gmt wednesday GMT

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
on a lighter note, leaving the southern neandertals behind. The appraisal finally came in on the house we are trying to buy. The house was valued at our offer and the bank fully funded the loan. So...today we removed all contingencies and we should close the escrow within a week or so.... happy dance


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
on a lighter note, leaving the southern neandertals behind. The appraisal finally came in on the house we are trying to buy. The house was valued at our offer and the bank fully funded the loan. So...today we removed all contingencies and we should close the escrow within a week or so.... happy dance
Nice. What part of Livermore are you moving into?


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Yikes, this does not sound like fun changes.
Mostly its eating habits, not so much what I am eating but when and how often..... Basically I need to break it down into six meals, never skip meals, continue to raise protein levels while dropping simple sugars all together, no white foods so a lot of my favorites are out like rice, pasta, potatoes, alfredo sauces...... Still needing to check sugars levels a coupl etimes a day and a standing order now for a fasting blood test every two months pretty much forever. I have been eating better for some time now, just need to break it up into smaller meals more often, keep working out and hopefully i will stop dropping weight soon...... I am now down 17 pounds over the last two and a half weeks.....

And the big one for me..... cafeene has to be very limited, so there goes my morning cup of strong ass coffee, and my midday cup as well. Decaf will be ok but its decaf.. What do i want that for.. Also cannot drink alcohol anymore


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
Ok. I love my job, it's great, chicks suposedly dig it, and it pays well for a student but right now I have max 15 days to read around 5000-6000 pages of scripts. I'm happy but I suspect my brain will explode after the whole thing


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
ok, gonna summarize my thoughts here a bit:

if you're against gay marriage, that's your right as an american to hold that belief. and it's my right as an american to hold the belief that if gays want to get married, they should be able to. While it may be your right as an american to hold that belief, just because you are part of the majority religion does NOT give you the right to enforce your religious beliefs through government legislature - be it federal, state, or regional. It instantly places one religion's beliefs over that of another, and completely undermines the notion of freedom of religion - which many of the first settlers to America from Europe came here seeking (regardless of how preposterous others may have viewed their practices).

Also, for some people, whether you agree with it or not, freedom OF religion means freedom FROM religion. If you are against gay marriage, that's fine. But don't tell your congressperson, tell your priest, pastor, or rabbi (or whomever your religious leader is). It's not the governments job to ensure people who don't follow your religious creed abide it's rules. The second we use the government to start enforcing one set of religious beliefs upon people who do not follow it, democracy dies and theocracy begins.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Mostly its eating habits, not so much what I am eating but when and how often..... Basically I need to break it down into six meals, never skip meals, continue to raise protein levels while dropping simple sugars all together, no white foods so a lot of my favorites are out like rice, pasta, potatoes, alfredo sauces...... Still needing to check sugars levels a coupl etimes a day and a standing order now for a fasting blood test every two months pretty much forever. I have been eating better for some time now, just need to break it up into smaller meals more often, keep working out and hopefully i will stop dropping weight soon...... I am now down 17 pounds over the last two and a half weeks.....

And the big one for me..... cafeene has to be very limited, so there goes my morning cup of strong ass coffee, and my midday cup as well. Decaf will be ok but its decaf.. What do i want that for.. Also cannot drink alcohol anymore


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
No, that was ruled out, I forgot what they called it but my pancreas is dumping massive amounts of insulin into my blood stream, causing my blood sugar to crash, it wasn't hypoglycemia described at much worse. It will become diabetes one day, and hopefully it can be held off for quite a bit of time....... Bottom line I am tired of waking up after a crash and not knowing how the **** I got there...... Glad the guys at the shop know whats going on when it happens and they feed some glucose into me..... happened about six times in the last couple months now, one time bad enough for them to call an ambulance


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Mostly its eating habits, not so much what I am eating but when and how often..... Basically I need to break it down into six meals, never skip meals, continue to raise protein levels while dropping simple sugars all together, no white foods so a lot of my favorites are out like rice, pasta, potatoes, alfredo sauces...... Still needing to check sugars levels a coupl etimes a day and a standing order now for a fasting blood test every two months pretty much forever. I have been eating better for some time now, just need to break it up into smaller meals more often, keep working out and hopefully i will stop dropping weight soon...... I am now down 17 pounds over the last two and a half weeks.....

And the big one for me..... cafeene has to be very limited, so there goes my morning cup of strong ass coffee, and my midday cup as well. Decaf will be ok but its decaf.. What do i want that for.. Also cannot drink alcohol anymore
No, that was ruled out, I forgot what they called it but my pancreas is dumping massive amounts of insulin into my blood stream, causing my blood sugar to crash, it wasn't hypoglycemia described at much worse. It will become diabetes one day, and hopefully it can be held off for quite a bit of time....... Bottom line I am tired of waking up after a crash and not knowing how the **** I got there...... Glad the guys at the shop know whats going on when it happens and they feed some glucose into me..... happened about six times in the last couple months now, one time bad enough for them to call an ambulance
Both my parents are diabetic and my mom has hers under control and no longer needs medicine to manage it because of making the changes above. My dad still likes his vodka, so he still has to take his. This is also basically the diet I follow, and I feel a million times better in general (I was healthy to begin with) by making the changes. Good luck, it's hard at first, but you get used to spreading out your meals and all that :)

Your reading comprehension is lacking.
You are right.