
Go Get Em Tuesday GMT


Sep 8, 2009

One of the coffee makers is busted at work this morning. It's only a matter of time until a riot ensues. :panic:


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning! Had surgery on my bad vein (the one with the blood clot) yesterday. I think it went well. I'm a little sore today and have a check-up to make sure there aren't any more clots forming. If all goes well, I shouldn't have any more issues with this leg :)

Tomorrow we're taking the girls to NYC for a mini vacation. We're going to hit the Intrepid museum, Natural History museum and the Bronx Zoo. Sydney is also excited to hit the American Girl Doll Store (weird as she doesn't really play with dolls all that much, but she is hell-bent on getting one). It should be a nice little trip.

Coffee is brewed and delicious here IceBall585!


Molester of monkeys
Jun 8, 2007
Tied up in the basement
So, to continue the catmonkey theme: Both of my cats have been missing since late last week. Around 10pm last night, I heard my neighbor calling for her cats, so I went outside and asked her if she'd had any trouble finding her cats. She said one had gone missing last week as well. While we were out there talking, we heard a couple coyotes attack something and tear it to pieces, just off the perimeter of our yard!!!!! Holy carp!!! I know there are a couple packs roaming around, because I hear them howling and yipping at night, but it's always off in the distance. I didn't think they were bold enough to come INTO our yard!! I stayed out there with her while she kept searching for the other cat, that she finally found, luckily! But the outlook is not too promising for the other three kitties. And, it's really unnerving, because the cats have been roaming around just fine for a couple years, and now all the sudden, three gone in a week?
So, to continue the catmonkey theme: Both of my cats have been missing since late last week. Around 10pm last night, I heard my neighbor calling for her cats, so I went outside and asked her if she'd had any trouble finding her cats. She said one had gone missing last week as well. While we were out there talking, we heard a couple coyotes attack something and tear it to pieces, just off the perimeter of our yard!!!!! Holy carp!!! I know there are a couple packs roaming around, because I hear them howling and yipping at night, but it's always off in the distance. I didn't think they were bold enough to come INTO our yard!! I stayed out there with her while she kept searching for the other cat, that she finally found, luckily! But the outlook is not too promising for the other three kitties. And, it's really unnerving, because the cats have been roaming around just fine for a couple years, and now all the sudden, three gone in a week?
We have had similar disappearances - coyotes, fisher cats, foxes and bobcats are all possibilities here. My reaction is mixed - I love our cats, but watching them savage other critters tells me that they all have karmic debt and it balances somehow...


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
If it makes you feel any better, we have a pack of coyotes in our back yard 12 miles from boston. They howl back whenever a police siren goes by. Plenty of missing cat posters around here...ours is kept indoors.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are

Working is awesome.
The only thing more awesome than working is the leftover grilled pork I made into a sammich. And maybe a bike ride after work. That. Yes.

mudgirl: I hope your pets show up soon.

treesaw: glad your surgery went well !
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Turbo Monkey
Aug 20, 2008
Beech Mtn Definitely NOT Boulder
Morning all!

No coyotes here lately, but I did almost get hit in the head by a humming bird when I walked out on the deck this morning.

No plans for the day so far but I'll probably go ride Rocky Knob later.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Apparently our house and property is a wasp spa. We've got four ground nests in close proximity to the house, a nest in a tree, a nest under a gutter, and a nest in the wall of the house above a window. I paid an exterminator $200 yesterday to eradicate them. Good deal. Die, yellow jackets.


triple nubby
Jan 7, 2011
hopkinton ma
morning its been a while since ive checked into the monkey, been working and riding down hills on my bike alot. other then that im sitting at work watching the owner of the store next to me sit out front with his dog waiting for the bank to come and take everything away.


Molester of monkeys
Jun 8, 2007
Tied up in the basement
I love our cats, but watching them savage other critters tells me that they all have karmic debt and it balances somehow...
That's one way to look at it. I've certainly seen them torture their fair share of mice and birds. I try not to get overly broken up about pet deaths. The circle of life and all that. I've had pets since I was about 5, so I've gone through a good number of them, especially in the past couple years. I think I might take a break from pets for a while. Right now all I have left is a 17yo chinchilla.