
gobble gobble day


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
early supper at the country club. buffet style. food is good and plentiful. no cleanup. I'll gladly swipe the credit card for the luxury. I also tipped generously on top of the included gratuity for a party of 16.

tomato pie and buffalo chicken dip to snack on the rest of the day. deck beers at the moment.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Wow our American neighbor cooked an amazing thanksgiving meal for us. I did my pre dinner ride which has been a tradition since I live in Florida in 1999 so came hungry. Now on the couch digesting.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Since we don’t do indigenous genocide, sorry I mean ‘Thanksgiving’ day over here, I’m relying on you good people to regale me with stories of familial disfunction, drunkenness and other excess-based debauchery. :D


Turbo Monkey
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana
Ate good food at my in-laws. They are fully functional and pretty normal. All the little ones had a blast playing. Me, thinking my ride this morning was a terrible idea, slept on the couch. Thankfully my father in law didn’t draw on my face.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Wife and I do not do Thanksgiving with my family in Utah or hers local here in NC. we went for a proper ride instead and had curry chicken I made after.
Pretty similar here, I'm not Murican so it has no tradition for me. Her family is 1200 miles away and neither of us wanted to deal with travel.

So a 3 1/2 hour mostly road loop then some salmon wraps for dinner.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
My Mother-In -Law is still horribly, vacuously inane and insane. To the point of cliche and stereotype of an East Coast snobby rich-ish Jewish Lady. Her spiritual center is her dish and Tupperware collection. And the Tan Macan.
Im ready for the down to earth, salt of the land people of Wilson again.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Finished! Did a bit of a cockpit tweak too, as I had a good look at the geometry delta. Luckily YT now ship the same frame with a ‘22 38 so the hard work was done.

It’s a little uncanny how small a change it is though, the axle to the race is 52mm longer on this 170mm fork than the 160mm 36, which seems like a lot, but actually the stack difference is small, 625 -> 629mm.
Reach drops 435 to 429 hence a small roll of the bars forwards to compensate a bit. I can’t tell the difference from an up and down the road shakedown. Head angle gets 0.5° slacker; 65° now and the BB height goes from 347 to 352mm. Both of those are slightly noticeable and Desirable Improvements IMO.
I also get 13mm extra wheelbase, 1200 -> 1213mm. This is all in the ‘high’ flipchip setting, which I was running before and think I’ll keep for now. Set the sag 3/4s of the way to ‘plush’ (32mm), one volume spacer for now and 90psi, 2psi lower than I used to run the 36. Also thought that might be more different than it is.

Anyway, all done, very happy. Time for a beer I think.



Hey @binary visions the photo uploading seems super slow today??
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Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
My Mother-In -Law is still horribly, vacuously inane and insane. To the point of cliche and stereotype of an East Coast snobby rich-ish Jewish Lady. Her spiritual center is her dish and Tupperware collection. And the Tan Macan.
Im ready for the down to earth, salt of the land people of Wilson again.
Tell us an awful thanksgiving story! :D


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
I could eat a Peking Turkey.
Making Peking duck from scratch is a long process. (From memory…) Takes all day; blanch, seperate skin, rub butter between skin and duck, baste with Peking mix, there might be a quick cook then, or at the end I forget, but anyway the cooking is at three temps, but the main bit is you have to hang it in a cool breeze for hours, and rebaste with the mix every couple of hours. It goes all thick and yummy.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
My brother got a Hog. So, we ate that. Kids hated it. I had to butcher most of it. I was able to cleanly cut up the ribs and loins. I fucked up the hinds and shoulder meat. But did manage to neatly trim the jowls, belly, tongue, trotters to my brother's satisfaction.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Making Peking duck from scratch is a long process. (From memory…) Takes all day; blanch, seperate skin, rub butter between skin and duck, baste with Peking mix, there might be a quick cook then, or at the end I forget, but anyway the cooking is at three temps, but the main bit is you have to hang it in a cool breeze for hours, and rebaste with the mix every couple of hours. It goes all thick and yummy.
Yup, that’s why they are like $40.00 - $100.00. here.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Mmm... cured pork jowls. :drool:
I like them also. His Hog. He has kids and they don't like some cuts. He makes them into sausage. He has a guy. Curing them yourself is a lot of work. Too easy to fuck up. We have plenty of butchers around here that sell homemade cured meats better than any I could make. None of its cheap. We have traditions.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
if you can get my brother to make you pork ribs. They will be the best you ever had. He is an extraordinary cook, baker, and photographer. Grilling champion too.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Went to a friends house where his wife's idiot family was over. They managed to get their 90 year old father/grandfather high as fuck and he was freaking out a bit. I wish it was as funny as it sounds but I felt bad for the dude, no one else seemed to.